Sound Rhyme impression thread
Jul 16, 2023 at 8:36 AM Post #1,562 of 2,540
Interesting the fact that you are selling the SR8...What set for you is better used than the SR8?

Aure suits my taste in more forward vocals, instrumental timbre and DD bass. Alita tonality is better for jazz than SR8, in my opinion. If I had to keep only one set, it would be the SR8, but thankfully at the moment, I can afford to keep these two in active rotation.

Having said that, my IEMs don't get as much use as my earbuds, hence the sale. I prefer the open sound of earbuds and the comfort aspect.
Jul 16, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #1,564 of 2,540
I love my SR8, great resolution, and detailed smooth highs.
But having read about Aur Aure, I need something like it, more W shaped, more bass rumble, forward vocals yet with good resolution. It's a shame that Aure has been discontinued, is there something else tuned like it in the market?
Someone mentioned IT07.
Jul 16, 2023 at 9:43 AM Post #1,565 of 2,540
I love my SR8, great resolution, and detailed smooth highs.
But having read about Aur Aure, I need something like it, more W shaped, more bass rumble, forward vocals yet with good resolution. It's a shame that Aure has been discontinued, is there something else tuned like it in the market?
Someone mentioned IT07.
To me,
Est50 is everything you said. The bass just rumbles but i don't feel it drowns highs either. Not big on resolution tho but all in all, great sound. My favourite iem atm.
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Jul 18, 2023 at 5:56 PM Post #1,567 of 2,540
I love my SR8, great resolution, and detailed smooth highs.
But having read about Aur Aure, I need something like it, more W shaped, more bass rumble, forward vocals yet with good resolution. It's a shame that Aure has been discontinued, is there something else tuned like it in the market?
Someone mentioned IT07.
In a way the new ISN NEO 5 but more bass pressence, mids similar intimate and full sounding. Treble darker than Aure. Overall resolution a little below.
Aure was special and under-priced IMO. But NEO 5 can be a set to get similar taste also W shaped to a degree
Jul 19, 2023 at 12:07 AM Post #1,568 of 2,540
How does it compare to your other iems?
I know you didn't ask me, but if I may...

Been listening to the L8S, Epz530, & SR8. I can say unashamedly that SR8 is untouchable in this grouping and nearly any other.

Nothing sounds like SR8. The L8S could be considered a little half-brother to SR8 with half the drivers and magic. Epz530 is brighter and has a snappier treble bite. I tend to believe this is what Aür Neon Pro sounds like.

Without question SR8 is a standout in a very crowded iem landscape. It's pretty expensive but worth it 😎!
Jul 19, 2023 at 1:34 AM Post #1,569 of 2,540
I see a lot of people asking about the SR7 so I just wanna chime in with a bit of a dissenting opinion.

I personally wasn't that impressed with it. Its strong points are that it has really well articulated bass, fairly out of head soundstage, and natural timbre.

But tonally (to my ear and personal preference), it's too warm and isn't really anything special as far as detail/resolution are concerned (I'd put it on par with my T800 for technical ability). I also have major gripes with the fit. It's REALLY big.

Personally I think the Aful P8 is the more technical (dare I say better) IEM for the price if you're okay with a more intimate soundstage and less warm tonality. Also MUCH better fit.
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Jul 19, 2023 at 6:06 AM Post #1,570 of 2,540
It honestly took me a good month of daily casual listening to grasp how SR8 presented itself and magically produced music replay. SR8 sounds like nothing else; other iems aspire to sound like SR8 - it's that special.

Now Penon Audio's 10th Anniversary Edition (10th AE)... I had other pending iem orders, after hearing 10th, I cancelled them. 10th re-awakened in me the youthful joy in which I enjoyed my music collection. It gets it right, the first time, every time - it's that special (too 😊). BTW, your description of 10th is excellent!

If I could offer any advice to youngsters jumping into the hobby...
-Buy SR8 & 10th, the end 😎.

Oddly enough, after getting SR8 &10th AE my iem-wanderlust has finally waned
This very nicely sums up my conclusions around the SR8! Even after the honeymoon period, I would swap to other sets, get accustomed to them, and feel like they just didn't hold up as well anymore. Ended up selling three sets, simply because I felt the SR8 covered most of the ground. Perhaps not as good as the other, more specialized sets in their respective "best" frequency, but good enough to keep me extremely happy. Only way I can explain it is the sound is large and to me, there is a specialness to it that I love!

It's only nitpicks for me, is the last bit of sub-bass rumble and treble sparkle. And that's where I thought the Penon 10th with dual DD + ESTs would come in clutch.
  • SR8 as a musical allrounder set that plays everything well
  • Penon 10th for those guilty pleasure V-shape days
I have yet to receive the 10th since it has been stuck in customs (pray for me) for well over a week now, but I highly doubt I'll be wanting an expensive set for a long time now
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Jul 19, 2023 at 6:19 AM Post #1,571 of 2,540
I was going to buy the SR8 (already have the 10 AE) bu then bought the Aur Aurora. I was then thinking of still buying it, but Penon released the Turbo, so I got that instead. Every time I read comments from SR8 owners, I keep having that feeling of regret and wondering why I didn't just get it.
Jul 19, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #1,572 of 2,540
This very nicely sums up my conclusions around the SR8! Even after the honeymoon period, I would swap to other sets, get accustomed to them, and feel like they just didn't hold up as well anymore. Ended up selling three sets, simply because I felt the SR8 covered most of the ground. Perhaps not as good as the other, more specialized sets in their respective "best" frequency, but good enough to keep me extremely happy. Only way I can explain it is the sound is large and to me, there is a specialness to it that I love!

It's only nitpicks for me, is the last bit of sub-bass rumble and treble sparkle. And that's where I thought the Penon 10th with dual DD + ESTs would come in clutch.
  • SR8 as a musical allrounder set that plays everything well
  • Penon 10th for those guilty pleasure V-shape days
I have yet to receive the 10th since it has been stuck in customs (pray for me) for well over a week now, but I highly doubt I'll be wanting an expensive set for a long time now
Really the SR8 is a IEM killer, it just killed my softears RSV, Campfire Andromeda, Mjölnir THOR MK2, M&W Octopus (8ba), Leisurely L12p( 12ba).

And I had the opportunity to listen to Unique melody Mest mk2 and Sennheiser IE600. For my musical taste and playlist, the SR8 lay down and rolled on top of those described.

What impresses me most about it is the wide and clean soundstage, without being fatiguing. And of course the versatility with switches that actually work.
Jul 19, 2023 at 5:55 PM Post #1,573 of 2,540
How is sr8 compared to the big boys?
Well... when you say big boys 🤔😊?

Let's assume you're referring to SA6mk2, SoftEars Studio4, Moondrop S8, Symphonium Meteor, all BA sets [in all fairness the only set close to the above I have is SA6Ultra... wasn't exactly thrilled, just sayin]. Did pick up Leisurely Audio L8S and EPZ530... both truly are amazing & deserve enhanced attention for superb efforts.

SR8 definitely "trades blows" (shout-out to Akros!) with any of the top tier sets on the playing field. Being completely candid... SR8 is extraordinary & plays on a whole different level.

SR8 doesn't sound like any other iems; other iems want to sound like SR8, that's how magical it is.

SR8's replay will make you pause before you buy any other set... it's that exceptional. We haven't even discussed how the switches open up a whole new listening experience threshold. I typically use 1-2 (both up) setting.

When I first got the Tanchjim Oxygen, it actually made me excited to get more sets. SR8 is constantly whispering 'can that set be better?' Not sure if other sets can...

The first sentence above is why I haven't snatched up Penon Turbo... SR8 makes me actually put other purchases into perspective of what will they REALLY bring to the table (no shade to Turbo; Penon/ISN/Tansio Mirai sets ALWAYS grab my attention... & cash 💸 💰 🤑).
Jul 19, 2023 at 8:43 PM Post #1,574 of 2,540
I see a lot of people asking about the SR7 so I just wanna chime in with a bit of a dissenting opinion.

I personally wasn't that impressed with it. Its strong points are that it has really well articulated bass, fairly out of head soundstage, and natural timbre.

But tonally (to my ear and personal preference), it's too warm and isn't really anything special as far as detail/resolution are concerned (I'd put it on par with my T800 for technical ability). I also have major gripes with the fit. It's REALLY big.

Personally I think the Aful P8 is the more technical (dare I say better) IEM for the price if you're okay with a more intimate soundstage and less warm tonality. Also MUCH better fit.
Based on your feedback (highly appreciated BTW) seems like the switches don't offer much in the equation (changing sound closer to your preference)?

I was on the fence (still am) with these mostly because (1) I gotta ton of DD + #BA hybrids & (2) wasn't sure how well everything else (outside of the base) sounded on SR7. They are a very attractive looking set though...
Jul 19, 2023 at 9:11 PM Post #1,575 of 2,540
This very nicely sums up my conclusions around the SR8! Even after the honeymoon period, I would swap to other sets, get accustomed to them, and feel like they just didn't hold up as well anymore. Ended up selling three sets, simply because I felt the SR8 covered most of the ground. Perhaps not as good as the other, more specialized sets in their respective "best" frequency, but good enough to keep me extremely happy. Only way I can explain it is the sound is large and to me, there is a specialness to it that I love!

It's only nitpicks for me, is the last bit of sub-bass rumble and treble sparkle. And that's where I thought the Penon 10th with dual DD + ESTs would come in clutch.
  • SR8 as a musical allrounder set that plays everything well
  • Penon 10th for those guilty pleasure V-shape days
I have yet to receive the 10th since it has been stuck in customs (pray for me) for well over a week now, but I highly doubt I'll be wanting an expensive set for a long time now
Your explanation is spot-on for SR8; when you hear it, you can't un-hear it. Now the rest must be judged 😎!

I hope your 10thAE arrives soon.

10th AE is another set that forces you to question the true quality, credentials, & worth of other sets. Serial, Volt, Globe, EST50... (just to name a few) their spirit courses through the circuits of 10th. The magic here is not supernatural but superhuman in that it culminates in the finest Penon (& ISN) tuning offered over the course of a decade.

10th may have some sort of special incantation imprinted across the shell like Thor's hammer...
"For ears only deemed worthy may Penon's full acoustic strength flow these circuits to imbue 10th with total & unparalleled quality sonic experiences!"
<Lightening & thunder; smoke eerily clearing away to reveal the iems>
"Now Don the Penon 10th Anniversary Edition, thou art worthy!!"

[I know... too much, my bad 😂]

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