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Sep 7, 2016 at 8:47 AM Post #1,171 of 45,723
Has it be officially confirmed that the models sold in Europe will have the volume limiter?
We don't want that do we?
i have a zx2 and i never understand how a 15mw device needs a limiter...he allready have a AVLS Limiter , now every one talks about 85 dbs 100dbs etc, does sony knows what type of headphones we will be playing with? For exemple a iem with 32 or 16 ohms and +- 120 db sensitive the zx2 will measure the dbs and cut the volume more???of course this is pointless, big headphones with 15mw don't plays loud , with cap or uncaped
Sep 7, 2016 at 8:52 AM Post #1,172 of 45,723
For me what really matters is if the Dap plays well, and zx2 with the ie800 plays amazingly well, if the new models plays even better i will want to buy one , decaped or caped, of course i have a Lotoo paw gold and qp1r and ar-m2 , so for big cans i am served
Sep 7, 2016 at 8:55 AM Post #1,173 of 45,723
  Oh capped, then germany buying NEIN NEIN,
 will be getting then in amazon US or AJ

yes gerelmx it will be capped do not buy it from EU the only one that was not capped was the NWZ X1060 i still have it very loud ...i have just sold my ZX100 
 now i am looking to see what to get the 1A appeals to me so does the A30.
    The A30 plays DSD now so i am wondering if the same circuitry for the ZX100 is in it 
Sep 7, 2016 at 8:57 AM Post #1,174 of 45,723
  How do you know that is true? Did Sony publically disclose this information or is this just speculation? And no I didn't miss the fact that the ZX2 was woefully underpowered, I made that point many times in the ZX2 thread which I'm sure annoyed all the ZX2 owners there. That was the reason, the only reason I might add, that I never bought the ZX2 despite literally having it in a shopping cart on a few occasions.

The ZX1 also outputs 15mW+15mW, runs Android and has about half the battery time of the ZX2, but also uses a smaller battery due to the much slimmer chasis (Japanese users had calculated it to be under 1000mAH), while the ZX2 gets double the battery life with an industry person confirming that its battery capacity is double that of the ZX1 at 1880mAh - and it gets roughly double that of the running time of the ZX1.  So to get double the battery life such that the device meets the requirement of CEO Kaz's "must last a cross Atlantic flight on one charge", they put a bigger battery of double capacity in there and that's about it, is all pretty straight forward maths/engineering. Of course Sony's not going to tell you "well we didn't increase the power output of the headphone out to meet our CEO's request" because that would be extremely bad PR, but again if you look at the spec it's straight forward maths/engineering.
Now that we know the WM1A/Z outputs 4 times as much power on SE in a body that is roughly the same as the ZX2 - battery tech certainly hasn't improved that much since the release of the ZX2 and we are already able to see the internal of the WM1A/Z already from all the photos and they haven't hollowed out all the components to put in the biggest battery in there, so the reduced power drain must be attributed to the things that did change even in light of the massive increase of power output.  Which means it's either the removal of the WiFi radio (unlikely - test conditions almost never turns on WiFi for DAPs) or the OS (very likely, since you can't turn off the OS).  So by logical deduction it's going to be the OS, there's almost no other way to get around this conclusion. 
Plus it's no secret that Android is a battery hog in the IT world, and pretty much all the DAPs which runs on Android on the market now struggles with more than 10hrs playback time.  So it's pretty obvious what is to blame here.
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:05 AM Post #1,175 of 45,723
The ZX1 also outputs 15mW+15mW, runs Android and has about half the battery time of the ZX2, but also uses a smaller battery due to the much slimmer chasis (Japanese users had calculated it to be under 1000mAH), while the ZX2 gets double the battery life with an industry person confirming that its battery capacity is double that of the ZX1 at 1880mAh - and it gets roughly double that of the running time of the ZX1.  So to get double the battery life such that the device meets the requirement of CEO Kaz's "must last a cross Atlantic flight on one charge", they put a bigger battery of double capacity in there and that's about it, is all pretty straight forward maths/engineering. Of course Sony's not going to tell you "well we didn't increase the power output of the headphone out to meet our CEO's request" because that would be extremely bad PR, but again if you look at the spec it's straight forward maths/engineering.
Now that we know the WM1A/Z outputs 4 times as much power on SE in a body that is roughly the same as the ZX2 - battery tech certainly hasn't improved that much since the release of the ZX2 and we are already able to see the internal of the WM1A/Z already from all the photos and they haven't hollowed out all the components to put in the biggest battery in there, so the reduced power drain must be attributed to the things that did change even in light of the massive increase of power output.  Which means it's either the removal of the WiFi radio (unlikely - test conditions almost never turns on WiFi for DAPs) or the OS (very likely, since you can't turn off the OS).  So by logical deduction it's going to be the OS, there's almost no other way to get around this conclusion. 
Plus it's no secret that Android is a battery hog in the IT world, and pretty much all the DAPs which runs on Android on the market now struggles with more than 10hrs playback time.  So it's pretty obvious what is to blame here.

You put it so succinctly ...Android is a big time battery drainer 
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:10 AM Post #1,176 of 45,723
Some here posted a blog entry to a japanese blog, i read it google-translated and the last page of the megapost it says THERE IS CONIDERABL DIFFERENCE IN SQ BETWEEN THE TWO MACHINES (WM1A and WM1Z)
He says also WM1A sounds far superior than ZX2
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:11 AM Post #1,177 of 45,723
  You put it so succinctly ...Android is a big time battery drainer 

It is an operating system and devices consume power. Is the iOS much better in this respect? I'm asking as I don't use iOS. I do know that the newer Android versions are supposed to have much better battery management features so theoretically simply using a new Android version could have mitigated some of this.
My only point wasn't really to question that Android's battery hit couldn't be a reasonable explanation for the OS change, my point was that it was presented pretty much factually when there are still other explanations that only Sony can really know.
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:33 AM Post #1,179 of 45,723
If the Sony guy that hanes up there talked to is right about the WM1's SonyOS being a locked-down Android 5.0, then the battery situation gets a lot muddier...

I might be wrong but i doubt it is a locked down Android 5.0 , it just might be based on the elements of it ... I think  Sony have plenty of software employees to come up with something original..
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:39 AM Post #1,180 of 45,723
I might be wrong but i doubt it is a locked down Android 5.0 , it just might be based on the elements of it ... I think  Sony have plenty of software employees to come up with something original..

I agree what if the OS is Sony OS but originally and ceratively revamped icons and perhaps developed from scratch yet again to say so sony walman OS V2.0
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:50 AM Post #1,181 of 45,723
My Z5 finally arrived here, not yet in my house but in customs, being sniffed and inspected fro illegal stuff like drugs or (gay) hentai
 LOL LOL gotta love customs and make fun of them.
The other day i was reading hy it is illegal to mail porn in mexico (even fedex and co prohibiti it) and the most silly reason EVER  because it damages the morale (perhaps of the agent who sees it LOL)
Sep 7, 2016 at 10:09 AM Post #1,183 of 45,723
Battery of wm1 is about 1800 mAh. We can see it on photo from IFA

where? shw it please
, i thik ZX100 battery was even lower than that i think 800mAh dont really remember
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