Sony NW-HD3 (full review)
Jan 21, 2005 at 11:33 PM Post #316 of 860

Originally Posted by nimrodity
the hd1 is fully magnesium and the hd3 aluminium and a bit plastic

Sony said that my previous MZ-N1 was fully magnesium.
after spending over a year with it in my jeans pocket, the SILVER PAINT on the corners wore away leaving the beige plastic under it showing.

if it's going to be a metal, it's going to be aluminium...
never trust Sony with build materials...
Jan 21, 2005 at 11:40 PM Post #317 of 860

Originally Posted by nimrodity
i think about buying a Sony NW-HD Player but i dont know which model i should choose the HD1 or the HD3.I had bot in my hands and found the HD1 much better looking,he seemed much flatter und smaller altogether,also the weight was smaller.But on the other hand the HD3 has MP3 natively,which i prefer because all of my songs on my PC are MP3s.On the Sony Page i read the you could send your HD1 to them make it MP3 compatible for 20€.With this both model would cost me nearly the same.Has the HD1 any technical disadvantages compared to the HD3.I saw that there was an option more in the sound menu but i dont think it is something big.Does anybody know when the Upgrade-option starts in europe especially germany?,it is said it would be shown on the page at the middle of january,but we yet the 21.01.04.If this would be a easy way making the HD1 play mp3 i would take the HD1,instead of the HD3 because i find the HD1 way better in size and look,i was really suprised in the size and difference when i hold both in my hands.The HD3 looks much cheaper and bulkier in comparision to the HD1

JOIN THE CLUB! i'm thinking about it too, but...

i'd say ditch your MP3s. because: it's old and the compression is not really that great. ATRAC3 is soo much better. 132kbps ATRAC3 = 192kbps MP3.

ogg vorbis is by far the best codec, but eats up too much battery life. second comes RealAudio10, but nobody uses it so it doesn't count lol. 3rd comes ATRAC3plus for high compression, but doesn't have a mid-range kbps feature. 4th is the standard ATRAC3. then is WMA, then AAC, then right at the bottom of the ranks is MP3.

i have tested ALL of the codecs using 64kbps and 128kbps compression. i used my own ears for the testing. it took me a whole day. call me sad, but anything's worth finding my perfect player! feedback appreciaed

i'm thinking of the HD3 because the black one looks cooler than HD1.
Jan 21, 2005 at 11:40 PM Post #318 of 860
hi all, i've been monitoring entries for some time now and still cannot decide on HD1 or HD3....I thought originally that I preferred the most up to date option i.e. HD3 but I still think the look and overall package of the HD1 is more appealing especially the dock and weight difference ...due to lack of space on my computer hard drive any mp3 downloads so far I have burned to CD anyway then deleted so I take it these will convert ok from audio cd through this infamous sonic stage stuff...the volume aspect of things concerns me also as I do sometimes like to pump it up for short periods and would feel better having this option in reserve ( I've previously trusted reviews for sennheiser fm cordless headphones and when charged and tested at home I found volume level was rediculously low and returned to hi-fi corner in Glasgow for refund < good guys! > ) Anyway I will take the plunge soon and opt for one or the other hopefully after testing in store to avoid dissappointment.....I have around 400 cds between albums and singles but does anyone have any idea how long approx it would take to convert say 10 cds at a time to atrac then into HD1 or HD3..... ballpark?
Jan 22, 2005 at 8:44 AM Post #319 of 860

I have around 400 cds between albums and singles but does anyone have any idea how long approx it would take to convert say 10 cds at a time to atrac then into HD1 or HD3..... ballpark?

Bloody long! I have the NW-HD1 and have about 200 Cds on it (Atrac 3+, 256 Kbs) use the Smoothing facility which adds another 25% or so. A CD takes about 5 to 10 minutes to convert to Atrac, after that only 20 secs to copy to the player.
Sonic stage is a disaster, I do not like the firmware on the player vetry much but let me add this; I got the NW-HD1 for about three months now, use it about 2 hrs a day and I absolutely love it!
The batterylife is great, the thing is compact, a stylish cutie, completely reliable and I love the soundquality (typical Sony, not the last word in dynamics, but nice round bass and smooth treble, good resolution).
So once the Cd is on the player, and the player is in my pocket playing, all worries and annoyances are forgotten.
Jan 22, 2005 at 10:30 AM Post #320 of 860
after upgrading the HD1 to MP3 compability i dont know what else would be the reason tu buy a HD3.After the Upgrade both can do the same but the HD1 is superior in build quality,weight,size and look.For me there is no more question which one to buy
Jan 22, 2005 at 11:09 AM Post #321 of 860

Originally Posted by nimrodity
after upgrading the HD1 to MP3 compability i dont know what else would be the reason tu buy a HD3.After the Upgrade both can do the same but the HD1 is superior in build quality,weight,size and look.For me there is no more question which one to buy

The problem with the HD1 as I see it is the need to take the cradle with you (if you go away for a long time) in order to recharge it. Not very appealing. I assume the HD3 adaptor will work with the HD1, anyone know for sure? Also is it available separately, and if so, for how much?

Out of interest, does anyone have a photo of the HD3 AC power adaptor (next to the unit itself)? Is it rated at 110-240V?

Finally, does anyone have both an Archos AV420 and a HD1 or HD3 that they could take a photo of to give a size comparison? I am trying to work out whether the AV420 is just too big to take travelling.

Thanks - Max
Jan 23, 2005 at 7:50 PM Post #322 of 860

Originally Posted by heminder
Sony said that my previous MZ-N1 was fully magnesium.
after spending over a year with it in my jeans pocket, the SILVER PAINT on the corners wore away leaving the beige plastic under it showing.

if it's going to be a metal, it's going to be aluminium...
never trust Sony with build materials...

It is actually magnesium alloy used on the HD1 casing:

And it sure is purdy
Jan 23, 2005 at 11:33 PM Post #324 of 860

Originally Posted by Sphinx89
ah, thats ok then, i was worried that my HD3 might be a plastic cover, and that they conned us all

its all good

Yeah, Mg is really really light, when I got my MZ-E50 (the first magnesium unit) I was like O_O WHOA!!...I thought I was gonna destroy it, but it's held up quite nicely.
Jan 24, 2005 at 2:35 AM Post #325 of 860
For those of you considering HD1 vs HD3 keep in mind that the HD1 doesn't charge from USB so even if you get the small USB/AC adapter (from HD2 or HD3) to replace the dock when lugging it around, you'll still need to bring your power adapter.

I eventually settled for the HD3 as the HD1/HD2 would be pretty hopeless when I want to carry data between home and the office unless I got an extra power supply to keep in the office etc.

Jan 24, 2005 at 11:30 AM Post #326 of 860

Originally Posted by Seroka2
Search by group is not very useful, since the HD3 displays groups by when they were put on the player, not alphabetical order.

I found this really annoying too. However, I have since discovered ways around this:

1) You can drag a group around in Sonic Stage's view of the player and it will appear in that order on the player too. Unfortunately though, you can't drag more than one group at a time.
2) I wanted my groups to be ordered in terms of genre, so I re-initialised the player, selected the "Genre" view of My Library, selected all of the tracks (Ctrl+A), and then transferred them to the player. They then appeared in the same order on the player.
Jan 24, 2005 at 11:46 AM Post #327 of 860

Originally Posted by dura
Bloody long! I have the NW-HD1 and have about 200 Cds on it (Atrac 3+, 256 Kbs) use the Smoothing facility which adds another 25% or so. A CD takes about 5 to 10 minutes to convert to Atrac, after that only 20 secs to copy to the player.

I used Sonic Stage 2.3 to import CDs at various bit rates. I found that when converting to Atrac3plus 256k, it took no more than 2 minutes (often much less) to import an album. I did not use smoothing (no need to). Perhaps this is more of an issue with your computer's CD drive or the quality of the CDs that you are importing?
Jan 24, 2005 at 5:26 PM Post #328 of 860
relating to the way that the player stores entries in the order that they are transferred problem would be that I already have around 400 cds in alphabetical order which I would transfer in that way but at a later date if I want to transfer a cd by ,for example, ' the killers ' to the player would I be able to in some way insert this so that it would remain in alphabetical order ? would be very annoying having any newly transferred cds out of order after spending soooo lonnnggg getting it right to start with....just wonderin' !
Jan 24, 2005 at 5:35 PM Post #329 of 860
can anyone confirm if the RM-MC40ELK remote is backlit blue or green as it may sway decision to go for NW-HD3 black unit which is backlit blue or the silver version which I expect is backlit green to match remote which I would try to obtain.
Jan 24, 2005 at 6:05 PM Post #330 of 860
i'm deciding between the HD1 and HD3 too here...

i'm not too bothered about the connection, as long as it works as it should and doesn't scratch my player up.

my music is in ATRAC3 format already, so no problem about the HD1.
i think the HD3 looks alot cooler from pictures and photos in forums and on websites. is the backlight readable on either models??? i wanna be able to see what i'm selecting to play. i also heard that these players don't have scrolling text... is that really true?!?!?

if anyone finds the HD1 or HD3 cheaper than £200(HD1) and £220(HD3) plz tell me! ive found these prices at

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