Sony MDR SA 5000 very initial thoughts: unfair comparision to MS-pro
Mar 7, 2005 at 10:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 53


500+ Head-Fier
Feb 24, 2004
Okay, the Sony SA5000 arrived today. Thanks to JJCha's (Jason's) efforts with his head-fi group purchase (double thanks actually), I am probably the first Aussie with these cans. Not that that matters... what does matter is the instant impressions which bear little significance to expert comments I know. But I thought I'd share that "first moment" that my headphones and I had when we first got aquainted.

You know when you first see each other there is some chemical attraction. Well, it hit me upon seeing the SA5000s, even before my SA5000s noticed me. They look stunning. And the headphone stand speaks "class". And after providing some electrical stimulation these baby's did respond... and how.

My initial feeling was... and I hate to admit it, "another headphone". Then without realising it the upper treble struck me. I turned the volume down and the first impression was "wow, the detail is still there". I turned the volume back up and "wow, the bass is not bad at all". I was playing Dire Straits, HDCD, and the sound was sweet.

Deciding I should leave some personal space after a favourable first encounter, I retreated to dinner with my number one baby (wife that is) and decided to sneak back after a couple of hours burn in. And did this set of cans wanna see me again... she was starting to really come on. First I decided some direct comparisions with my MS-pros would be in order. Sure these are early comparisions so take them with a grain of salt. Oh, I should also state that I thought the MS-pros were a dissappointment in the first hour of listening, now I would say they are a complete joy and worth every cent... fantastic all round sound and very hard cans to beat.

First up the Sonys. I changed the music to Julia Fordham, concrete love. A great album to test music with - deep low bass, great treble and a female voice to challenge the best cans. Hey, wait a minute... the MS-pros never had music quite as "separated". Is this soundstage, maybe... as a "grado fan" I'm not sure I've heard it before (except when auditioning Puzzle's DT880s and some sen HD650s). Impressive. Maybe something others take for granted but nice if you're not used to it.

Okay, time to switch back to MS-pros. Wow, these cans can hit the bass notes hard, really hard. But, hold the phone, where did the upper treble go??? Hmmm, without noticing it the Sony's were giving me something I now miss. Really miss. Maybe cannot live without?

Back to the Sony's - ahhh, its like a veil is lifted (no comparision with Sennheiser intended). A clarity is now present that was not as apparent with the MS-pros. I could get very used to this sound. Its very nice to hear such detail, resolution and transparency.

Real diffinitive impressions will have to wait till I've heard many, many more hours of music. Both burn in and musical variety need to be considered. But already I can say I am not dissappointed with the SA5000s.

First impressions I'd like to reflect on:

1. comfort: the high clamping pressure I first felt initially is not uncomfortable for me after over an hour. A signficant comment because at first I thought the pressure was excessive. Should I stretch the headband?
2. microphonics are present in the cable. Not huge but certainly the cloth/fibre sheathed cable is sensitive to movement.
3. treble extension is superb, or better. Clarity and resolution are obviously right up there too. Sonic characteristics at low volume are the best I have heard (well etymotics are also great but the Sony's have some soundstage and a more rounded and fuller sound to my ears).
4. bass is plentiful but I don't expect the same level of "slam" that the MS-pros are cabable of. This is both a good and a bad thing. I have been listening to music with the MS-pros where the bass slam had so much impact it almost hurt I know, turn down the volume but then the high treble become less present (or peceivable to me at least).
5. Now take this comment as a foolish first thought but... these cans make me feel I'm listening to live music more than anything else I've experienced. Fast, responsive, and clear. Okay, too early to really back this impression up, but its my first comparative feeling for what its worth.

These cans are looking like keepers...

I'll report further as I get educated.

And Jason, did I say "THANKS!!!!!!!"


Mar 7, 2005 at 11:00 AM Post #2 of 53
Daaaang.... I want one even more now. I'll wait until they release it here in the U.S.A.
Mar 7, 2005 at 11:15 AM Post #3 of 53
Wow, EMS appears to be doing a great job of delivering these phones quickly.

As for fit - yah, I find my new SA5k have a vice-grip of death worse than my original pair. It ought to loosen up over time, but don't be afraid to stretch them out.

As for the sound - I'm not a huge burn-in fanatic (at least not as much as lan appears to be!
) but I certainly noticed an improvement over time. Now whether that improvement was physical or psychological - I don't really know (or care), but if you like them now, I think you're in for a treat... BTW, I thought bass (as well as a sweetening of the highs) were one of the areas that definitely improved.


Mar 7, 2005 at 11:18 AM Post #4 of 53
Always wise to wait until any "hype" dies down... heck, I almost did wait!

But now that I have another hour of listening (currently Pink Floyd: DSOTM) I can say these cans are special. The lack of the grado mid bass hump adds a certain realism for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the MS-pros, but "real" is the word that the SA5000s evoke... emotive is the word for the MS-pros.

I've never heard DSOTM like this....

Mar 7, 2005 at 11:49 AM Post #5 of 53
For those in the UK... looking around in the web today I noticed that some UK web shops have just added the MDR-SA5000 in their lists as available for sale and in stock. The price is about £350. Interesting...

Still, there is one thing I don't understand. The frequency response range for these headphones (and other new sets from Sony) is supposed to be very high far beyond the limit of human hearing. What is the point of that ?
Mar 7, 2005 at 11:55 AM Post #6 of 53
Adding to my early reflections:

I find something interesting happening. Some music is "better". I always thought radiohead was good rocking music but the SA5000s make it better defined and clearer.... a criticism I had of Radiohead (forgive me) was the muddyness I heard. The Sonys have really changed that.

Oh, and I had some classical listening which pleasantly surprised me. Violin is definitely sweet. Way too early to generalise but so far so good.

And jjcha: I'll probably stretch that headband but three hours of listening and I'm still comfy.

I just ordered a Benchmark DAC1 and I must say I'm having second thoughts cause the old NAD 542i is sounding so good.

Mar 7, 2005 at 12:13 PM Post #7 of 53

Originally Posted by paspro
For those in the UK... looking around in the web today I noticed that some UK web shops have just added the MDR-SA5000 in their lists as available for sale and in stock. The price is about £350. Interesting...

Still, there is one thing I don't understand. The frequency response range for these headphones (and other new sets from Sony) is supposed to be very high far beyond the limit of human hearing. What is the point of that ?


Which UK web sites have you seen them on?
Mar 7, 2005 at 12:35 PM Post #8 of 53
Holy cow - I put these back on - the new pair are still burning-in (at about 40 hours) and yikes, they're bright. I've got them with my portable rig right now, and I really don't think they pair well with the SR-71 (a slightly forward amp, IMHO) and Overture (a very forward source).

I swapped the Coda (a very, um, dull, amp (sorry HeadRoom, it's the honest truth)) for the SR-71 and it's a lot better. But I really ought to let these burn-in (or get used to them again).

Burn them in and take care in system matching...


Mar 7, 2005 at 12:43 PM Post #9 of 53

Originally Posted by jjcha
Holy cow - I put these back on - the new pair are still burning-in (at about 40 hours) and yikes, they're bright. I've got them with my portable rig right now, and I really don't think they pair well with the SR-71 (a slightly forward amp, IMHO) and Overture (a very forward source).

I swapped the Coda (a very, um, dull, amp (sorry HeadRoom, it's the honest truth)) for the SR-71 and it's a lot better. But I really ought to let these burn-in (or get used to them again).

Burn them in and take care in system matching...



I really need to get my OPA227 SuperMacro over to you - it sounds like it would be a good match for the SA5k (which is why I bought it, actually) ...

Anyway, all these SA5k reviews are making me really jealous. I think I need these phones! And then I'll quit ...
Mar 7, 2005 at 1:31 PM Post #10 of 53
I hooked up my SA5000s to my MPX3, which seems to mellow their potential brightness a bit -- well, not brightness, but their unrelenting accuracy -- I mean, you can hear everything with these phones.

I was listening to some Ashkenazy Beethoven piano concertos and thought to myself, "Hmm, he's playing this like a Bach rehearsal, all technique and no emotion," and then later on during a more exciting passage, "Wow, this is incredible, he's really nailing it," and I could hear when his foot hit the pedal and the click of his heel on the floor. I had a hard time taking the headphones off and going to bed.
We need a new smiley for these phones!
Mar 7, 2005 at 2:24 PM Post #12 of 53

Originally Posted by jjcha
Holy cow - I put these back on - the new pair are still burning-in (at about 40 hours) and yikes, they're bright. I've got them with my portable rig right now, and I really don't think they pair well with the SR-71 (a slightly forward amp, IMHO) and Overture (a very forward source).

I swapped the Coda (a very, um, dull, amp (sorry HeadRoom, it's the honest truth)) for the SR-71 and it's a lot better. But I really ought to let these burn-in (or get used to them again).

I thought you didn't believe in burnin that much?

I find the SR-71 is a bit bass shy and has a treble hump somewhere so for using it with SA5000, it's a bit on the light side. The Coda on the other hand is more punch and has more bass so it works well. For me I prefer the Coda to the SR71. The SR71 is a better home amp (with the right other parts of system) to me where you can enjoy the nuances but it doesn't work for me as a portable amp. I need a more exciting amp for that.
Mar 7, 2005 at 2:35 PM Post #13 of 53
I received my set over the weekend as well. Another shout out to Jason on an exemplary group buy. We all owe you one.

My brief first impressions based on my brief experience with these cans:

1) they are not as large as I thought they would be
2) wish they used the CD3000-type case. what's with the cardboard box??
3) stand is awesome
4) build quality, despite the use of some plastic, is quite outstanding
5) bass is very tight
6) details, details, details
7) not as bright as I feared
8) they give you funny headphone head
Mar 7, 2005 at 2:40 PM Post #14 of 53

Originally Posted by lan
I find the SR-71 is a bit bass shy and has a treble hump somewhere so for using it with SA5000, it's a bit on the light side.

Wow. Given I come from a Senn HD600/Shure E5c/Sensaphonics 2X-S background, this explains why I like the SR-71 + these phones so much. Maybe I ought to give the Coda more of a chance, since its bass w/o the treble boost w/ the Sensas just make it sound dull to me.

Dang, now I'm really thinking about the UE-10 Pro.

As for burn-in. Well, just in case, gotta cover all the bases...


Mar 7, 2005 at 3:01 PM Post #15 of 53

Originally Posted by jjcha
Wow. Given I come from a Senn HD600/Shure E5c/Sensaphonics 2X-S background, this explains why I like the SR-71 + these phones so much. Maybe I ought to give the Coda more of a chance, since its bass w/o the treble boost w/ the Sensas just make it sound dull to me.

I'm going to borrow Jahn's SR71 today. It's normal gain. the one i have now is high gain.

"since it's bass w/o the treble boost"

hmmm... the bass is affected by treble... BOOST?

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