Sony MDR SA 5000 very initial thoughts: unfair comparision to MS-pro
Mar 8, 2005 at 7:02 PM Post #31 of 53
You know, I thought the SA5K sounded pretty dark good out of the Earmax Pro from the NYC meet. It smoothed out those highs pretty well.

And personally I think it's unfair to compare the R10 to the SA5K directly. I think a fairer fight would be the CD3K versus the SA5K - baby R10 versus baby Qualia.
Mar 8, 2005 at 7:08 PM Post #32 of 53

Originally Posted by Jahn
Ayep, got the SR71 and Darth Beyers here for Lan to check out - if that combo is still playing "hide the bass" once he gets them home all I can say is...he needs my Solo then lol. Brought along the SR200/CPads for fun but they're going home with me

I'll let Lan speak more at length, but our 15 minute micromeet on Wall Street revealed the following -

C-Pads restrict the vertical swivelling of the Grado forks. Therefore if the seal isn't good on your head on the top or bottom (np with me, lan had a bottom seal gap) then the bass escapes, too bad. No "hide the highs" games here, the C-pads were up to snuff with Billie Jean - the ultimate High Freq test track, no joke. This is all out of lan's CDplayer analog line out...dont ask. I told you it was impromptu.

When he got home, reports are Lan found the bass through my normal gain SR71 - using the Darth Beyers of course lol. Unamped the DT770 probably wouldn't have shown you the bass, but the SR71 are fine for the job. I remember at the meet, the SA5k had no probs showing its bass with the SR71 either, odd that you all are experiencing it differently. Might be the Plainview juice, who knows.
Mar 8, 2005 at 7:28 PM Post #33 of 53

Originally Posted by Jahn
You know, I thought the SA5K sounded pretty dark good out of the Earmax Pro from the NYC meet. It smoothed out those highs pretty well.

And personally I think it's unfair to compare the R10 to the SA5K directly. I think a fairer fight would be the CD3K versus the SA5K - baby R10 versus baby Qualia.

Yes indeed it is unfair to compare the R 10s to the SA 5000. Do you guys want me to stop with the R 10 comparisons/impressions and try some HD 600 or Grado SR 225 comparisons instead?
Mar 8, 2005 at 7:30 PM Post #34 of 53

Originally Posted by Kieran Comito
Yes indeed it is unfair to compare the R 10s to the SA 5000. Do you guys want me to stop with the R 10 comparisons/impressions and try some HD 600 or Grado SR 225 comparisons instead?

Definitely interested in the HD600 comparison if you get a chance. I'd be very grateful for any info regarding that, as I already have HD600's and I'm considering SA5000's


Mar 8, 2005 at 7:36 PM Post #35 of 53

Originally Posted by Jahn
the SA5k had no probs showing its bass with the SR71 either, odd that you all are experiencing it differently. Might be the Plainview juice, who knows

You know what - My experience with the SR-71 and various 9V batteries ranging from cheapo walmart choices, Duracell to Plainview was that -


Plainviews were AWESOME!!

I am waiting for my MAHA 9Vs to show up...but I dont have an SR-71 anymore
Mar 8, 2005 at 7:37 PM Post #36 of 53

Originally Posted by Kieran Comito
Yes indeed it is unfair to compare the R 10s to the SA 5000. Do you guys want me to stop with the R 10 comparisons/impressions and try some HD 600 or Grado SR 225 comparisons instead?


But R10 vs SA5000 comparisons were VERY interesting!! Thanks!!

Back to work now before I get fired
Mar 8, 2005 at 8:54 PM Post #37 of 53
Okay, I'll break out the HD 600s. It has been several months since I heard that headphone. May be few hours before I get to it. I'm on vacation, but my wife keeps breaking my balls so I have to sneak in listening sessions.
Mar 9, 2005 at 9:57 AM Post #38 of 53
Just a comment on the ability of the Sony SA5000 versus the MS-pros. Remember the Sony's have only about 30 hours burn in:

1. The Sony's are a detail can for sure. Good recording benefit from this in a way that surpasses even my etys... I say "wow" a lot. Bad recordings can sound "less" than good and I'll probably avoid them in the future.

2. The ms-pros although blessed with good detail make bad recordings sound good (or at least better). Just don't expect that detail "wow" effect on the best recordings.

These might sound like trivial elements to the characteristics of each of these cans but I think this goes to the heart of the difference between them. Extending these "signatures" sees rock excelling on the MS-pros most of the time, and the Sony's add reality and that live feel to folk, classical, good blues and vocals.

These impresssions are bound to change with my new source so take it all with a grain of salt.


Mar 9, 2005 at 8:40 PM Post #39 of 53
After only two hours,

I can tell these will give me the sound I've been looking for! As a former percussionist, I love the Grado RS-1 sound; good detail, sound stage up front, even right there at times and leaning toward bright for those tympani, timbale, and cymbals sounds as well as a tight, if not extended bass. I love the Senn 650's too for there extended bass and ranging highs, but mostly for that blooming mid range.

I had hoped the SA5K's would give me a wider soundstage, most of the qualities I love about the aforementioned phones without the "veil" i preceive whith the Senns or the narrower soundstage I hear with the RS-1's.

So far, I think the SA5K will exhibit the sound goals I had hoped for. At first, I though the Bass was hiding somewhere, but after just one hour it is making it's present known! The detail and slight brightness I like is there in a way that surpasses my other phones - not unpleasent or harsh, just right. I do believe these phones will cause me some grief as they are very revealing as has been mentioned. I will either avoid some cds or seek to replace them with better produced ones. I can see where an already bright source would not pair well with these. The sound stage is better than I've ever experienced. In general these are fun to listen too. I found myself bopping along with Earth, Wind & Fires live album and felt I was right there. A couple of cuts from Santana cds : Carlos' guitar is amazing through the SA5K's. Stravinsky's Symphony No.5, as diriected by Shostakovich is rich, expansive and powerful! Nils Lofgren's acoustic guitar work simply sound fantasitc: the fret work, fingers on strings and sound are as detailed and accurate as one could hope for. Man! I can't wait to hear what these soundlike after 50 hours or so.

By the way, these pair very well with both Pimeta and Woo3. Exceptionally well with the Woo!

Before I came across the SA5K's, I had ordered the SA3K's from audiocubes. They are in transit now and should arrive in a few days. I will be putting the SA3K's in the "For sale" forum as soon as they arrive. If anyone is interested, look for them towards the end of next week or PM me. I am selling them for what I paid for the through Audiocubes.

---------- Tom

Pic attached:
Mar 9, 2005 at 11:57 PM Post #41 of 53

Originally Posted by TonyTripleA
Bad recordings can sound "less" than good and I'll probably avoid them in the future.

When you get a better system, less than good recording will sound good also. I don't believe better headphones make worst recording sound bad. It should make anything sound good.


Originally Posted by digicom_t1
I can't wait to hear what these soundlike after 50 hours or so.

You probably be more impressed around 300 hours in. It settle down with less treble/brightness and bass is better.
Mar 10, 2005 at 4:03 AM Post #42 of 53
I completely agree with lan. A good system should make everything sound better, not expose stuff or make it sound worse or unlistenable. I learned this first had when I auditioned for my speakers. Some systems took the worst recordings I had and put air, uncompressed sound and life into the recording. Sure it did not sound as good as the best recorded stuff, but it made them sound better. Ever been to the movies and they blast some rock recording that normally sounds like crap out of your cd player in the car but in the theater, it sounds awsome? A good system should enhance, not expose or reveal something unpleasureable.
On another note, It will be a few days before I post my comparison between the SA 5000 and the HD 600. I leave in the morning for the Big 12 Basketball Tournament in Kansas City, Mo. Go Cyclones!
Mar 10, 2005 at 4:09 AM Post #43 of 53

Originally Posted by Kieran Comito
I leave in the morning for the Big 12 Basketball Tournament in Kansas City, Mo. Go Cyclones!

Go 'Hawks!!!

Enjoy the tournament, whatever the results.
Mar 10, 2005 at 5:26 AM Post #44 of 53
Mar 10, 2005 at 6:14 AM Post #45 of 53
I mangled the cut and paste,

The album is Quite old: 1993. But well recorded on the Telac label. The album is Bravo! cd82001. Lorin Maazel conducting the Cleveland Orchestra. The selections were Shostakovich's Symphony No.5, Opus 47 (in D minor) and Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.

Thank you --- Tom

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