Sony MDR-E888 earbud mod
Dec 24, 2004 at 7:48 AM Post #16 of 74
i don't know about the at's, but the sony grills are rigid. you would really have to try to bend them.

i did put the rubber rings back on the e888 and they seem to complete the mod nicely. plus they stay in my ears better.

remember the driver membranes are now exposed and you should be careful not to let hair or grit get inside.
Dec 25, 2004 at 2:39 AM Post #19 of 74

Originally Posted by david87
hello does anyone have any pics to help me do this mod ?

i'm at the in-laws right now so i can't post any pics. i'll post some on sunday or monday to help you out. happy holidays.
Dec 28, 2004 at 7:01 AM Post #21 of 74
here is a pic of the modded e888 as promised, with foamies removed, and rubber ring on:

Jun 23, 2005 at 10:13 PM Post #22 of 74
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but, many forums ask that you use the search function to find threads about a topic you're interested in and, if possible, continue discussions in an existing thread, so that's what I'm doing

Anyhow, on to my story...

So I dug up my old E888s. I haven't used them in at least a year. I did a mod on them when I first got them where I took apart a pair of ED21LPs and put on the paper filter and the "Groove" Cap onto the 888s to improve bass. Improve bass it did...almost too much. Lost too much of the mids and highs for my tastes, though. So I tried to reverse it and got some tearage. I put the thing back together and just sort of left them be since I figured I'd kind of wasted my money on em.

Well, I'm starting to think that was a mistake. I've been using them for the past couple days now instead of my old ED268LPs and, honestly, I'm starting to like them better. I decided to do this here mod and, while I wasn't sure of it at first, I did notice it makes them sound quite a bit better on my portable (Nextway NMP-612TD/512).

So, anyhow, just thought I'd add to the pile of "hey this does seem to work" posts
Jul 12, 2005 at 1:21 PM Post #25 of 74

Originally Posted by redshifter
here is a pic of the modded e888 as promised, with foamies removed, and rubber ring on:

I did this mod(not much to it really, just remove the covers and the filters...!!!), and the sound is PURE AUDIOPHILE with my PCDP Sony D211... Such clarity and resolution, smooth and flowy or fast and punchy - as and when required... unbelivable for earbuds! FAR and above (my other portable phones) e2cs. Soon to come Shure E4s will have to live to ALL of their hype to impress me now
Warning to everybody with 888s: without this mod the MDR888/848 phones are only at 50% of their potential!
Jul 12, 2005 at 6:23 PM Post #26 of 74
Well, this was just too tempting...

Hadn't listened to my 888's for a little while, as I recently got a pair of PX-100 and Philips HP1000.

Listening to my unmodded 888's now the main thing I noticed was distortion in the treble and higher mids. Lower mids sounded great and bass was pretty good.

After modding almost everything improved dramatically; treble and high mids are no longer distorted, buth very smooth and detailed, the sound opened up a lot, much more transparent, a much better and suddenly 3-dimensional soundstage, better instrument seperation, tighter bass (might be deeper as well, not sure), much more balanced and much less harsh sound. I'm really amazed at the difference this simple mod makes.

The rubber rings are pretty tricky to get back on, but they are important to make sure the drivers don't come off the housing.

Haven't compared to my PX-100's yet, I'm pretty sure they still sound better, but not as much as they used to

I highly recommend this mod to all 888 owners and I wish I had done it much earlier, when the 888's were still the best phones I had.
Jul 12, 2005 at 8:06 PM Post #27 of 74
Okay, I'm in a bit of a shock right now...

The modded 888's make my PX-100's sound very bad indeed. The 888's now have a much better soundstage (PX-100's now seems to have none at all), better instrument seperation, much better detail (PX-100's sound distorted in comparison), tighter bass, the difference is pretty huge actually. (tested on my Denon DCP-150 and NJB3 with all kinds of music).

I'm confused, this wasn't supposed to happen, earbuds aren't supposed to sound this good. My PX-100's are much newer, when I got them they sounded so much better than my 888's.

Now I'm scared to compare them to my HP1000's
Jul 13, 2005 at 9:20 AM Post #29 of 74
Listened to Diana Krall - Live in Paris (320kbps) on my NJB3 with the modded 888's last night. The phones took all the instruments and placed them nicely around in the soundstage. I was even startled a couple of times because I thought some sounds were coming from my room. Diana's voice sounded warm and very detailed.

I heard lots of detail, people moving around, pages being turned, piano pedals moving etc. The piano sounded right, not thin or resonant and not too muffled.

The 888's now work with my synthesizer as well, they used to be unusable for that because the sound distorted a lot. Now they bring out the all the details in the sound in a very pleasant way. They also sound very neutral. I noticed how deep the bass went, much deeper than you'd think would be possible with earbuds.

Luckily the HP1000's still sound better, the soundstage is wider, more treble extension (bass probably as well, haven't tried), sound is smoother and more detailed. But the difference used to be enormous (888's were completely unlistenable after listening to the HP1000's).

I'd be really interested if someone could compare the modded 888's to the ER4, E4, E3 etc.
Jul 13, 2005 at 12:59 PM Post #30 of 74

Originally Posted by Filburt
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but, many forums ask that you use the search function to find threads about a topic you're interested in and, if possible, continue discussions in an existing thread, so that's what I'm doing

you are hereby certifyed by iso standards to be a very cool guy.

anyways, i did something like what was described myself. rather than remove the little black plastic on the "eardrum" side, i pulled my earbuds apart, and removed the rear grills and the paper (and a disturbing amopunt of glue, which was actually covoring the vent hole on one side...) from underneath them.

all i have to say is "wow" this is totally pimping. i may pull off the eardrum side screan if there is some more "sonic papaer" there, but these sound sweeter already.

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