Sony MDR-DS7500: World's first lossless headphone amp/7.1 wireless surround setup
Sep 4, 2011 at 2:04 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30

Eric F

100+ Head-Fier
Jan 25, 2004
This one looks interesting. I didn't know where to put it, so I thought this would be the most appropriate place. Not only does it decode PCM 7.1 but it can handle TrueHD, DTS-MA and decode two channels to a Pro-Logic IIz sound-stage. I would assume it uses some sort of HDMI pass-through connection. Comes out next month in Japan in the $650-$700 range, hopefully will make it to the US for less, if not I might consider importing if reviews are good.
I currently own a pair of 6yr old Pioneer SE-DIR800C, and while adequate for HDTV, I would like an upgrade for Blu-Ray viewing. 
What are people's thoughts? 
Sep 7, 2011 at 11:32 PM Post #3 of 30
Wireless headphones don't seem to get much love from head-fiers...
Sep 7, 2011 at 11:38 PM Post #5 of 30

Wireless headphones don't seem to get much love from head-fiers...

Well, they do from me.  I have an AKG Hearo 999 Audiosphere that I like very much. 
The fidelity is excellent and the surround decoding is like being at the theatre.   I use it a lot when watching DVD's.  Most impressive. 
I think wireless has made great strides in recent years. 

Sep 8, 2011 at 10:29 AM Post #7 of 30
Sony missed the mark by not supporting DSD (SACD) playback through HDMI. :frowning2:
Sep 8, 2011 at 11:08 AM Post #9 of 30
My 2 cents are, I wish this used the 5ghz or some other band instead of the 2.4ghz because at my place(or some others) 2.4ghz is an overcrowded band and that means more signal noise. Most wireless mice, keyboards and routers are using this signal band.
Sep 8, 2011 at 2:06 PM Post #10 of 30
Considering I have such sensitive neighbors I'll probably end up getting a pair of these (if the reviews are good). I've been waiting for a set of cans that can support Blu-Ray and lossless more fully. I also like using headphones with my HTPC because I don't hear my PC's fan while in use.
Dec 9, 2011 at 11:02 PM Post #12 of 30
the problem with wireless headphones is that they negate any particularly nice gear you may have (your existing amp, dac etc will be irrelevant).  I don't really see the problem with writes, esp if you have something nice like a q-audio cable and you never have to worry about the battery (or interference).
Dec 21, 2011 at 7:17 PM Post #14 of 30

I'll still be curious about what you find out though.  Though I'm not really buying the whole 7.1 thing.

I've owned the Pioneer SE-DIR800C for ~5yrs and always thought they offered up a good approximation of the "surround" experience in a headphone environment. Only bad thing was they were a bit unweidly/heavy and fragile and broke the first time they hit the floor (although a bit of super-glue fixed them into place nicely). I'm hoping these Sony's are at least as good.
Either way they're already <$500 on eBay which is pretty much my jumping in point for new CE products, so I'll definitely be picking up a pair to fool around with. The headphone imaging in my VSX-1020 tuner frankly, sucks.
Jan 1, 2012 at 11:23 PM Post #15 of 30
I'm game to import a pair of these through Anyone ever use them before? They seem to get fairly decent write-up around the web. I'll have to use their "buying service" and pay the extra 15% because I have no idea how to order through the Japanese websites ( Shopping).
I already tried to translate the page I wanted and there was so much information that didn't translate properly to English that I had no choice but to go the buying service route. I put in an order but I suppose they're a bit slow because of the New Year's holiday.

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