Sony MDR-1000X
Oct 29, 2016 at 7:54 PM Post #601 of 2,709
Personally speaking Sony will never get another cent of my money. My life as now pretty much Sony-free except for an old PS3, I prefer it that way. Been burnt too many times with expensive Sony stuff dying on me 3 months out of warranty.
No way would I be paying $699 for them even if I still allowed Sony in to my life.. There are far better and cheaper options available, which is a good thing...
Oct 29, 2016 at 9:14 PM Post #602 of 2,709
  Personally speaking Sony will never get another cent of my money. My life as now pretty much Sony-free except for an old PS3, I prefer it that way. Been burnt too many times with expensive Sony stuff dying on me 3 months out of warranty.
No way would I be paying $699 for them even if I still allowed Sony in to my life.. There are far better and cheaper options available, which is a good thing...

Funny, I'm going the other way.  I haven't had Sony gear for probably 20 years and just recently started purchasing a few items.  I find their build quality and SQ to be top notch.  I think Sony has come out with some nice products of late which provide a good value but like many things value is subjective.
Hope you find what you are looking for with other vendors.
Oct 30, 2016 at 7:09 AM Post #603 of 2,709
I've bought three Sony headsets in the last two years and love them (topped out with the fantastic MDR-1ADACs). Great sounds quality and construction IMHO, but I'm pissed off about the ripoff pricing in Aus.
Oct 30, 2016 at 10:13 AM Post #604 of 2,709
  Been burnt too many times with expensive Sony stuff dying on me 3 months out of warranty.

You sound as if you're describing my Philips life. :D Just had yet another soundbar die on me a couple of weeks after warranty ended. It's a curse.
Anyway, I had a few more hours of use with the 1000X and will share a few notes. I guess my use case isn't very common... I had them on while doing stuff in the house while listening to an audiobook. This means background noise varied a lot (from vacuum cleaners to water and noises of cooking stuff).
Won't comment on audio quality or NC, but I can comment on some aspects:
1) There are some creaking noises from the plastic frame. I can ignore them, but if you're paying attention (which I was, given previous reviews) they can be annoying. It's a bit too much, so I find that disappointing. They increased a bit with use, as out of the box they didn't make as much sound. But by use I'm talking about 1h or so. It's very fast.
The use case of the audiobook made it more audible since there are gaps between words/sound. This is audible when you move your head, but I've noticed that in silence, even if I don't move my head and just clench my teeth hard, that's enough to make them creak. They create a bit of a vacuum-feeling and being tight to the ears makes the whole structure microphonic.
Right now I'm typing this while having them on (and powered off) and I can hear the plastic sounds when I move my head even minute distances. Or eat something. The tiniest pressure just makes them creak like the wood in a caravel. They have a lot of isolation even when off, so the tight/closed design definitely makes the plastic creaking worse. When I switch from the 1000X from the Z1R I hear no noises but it's as if I no longer have headphones on, the isolation seems gone.
2) Pads get a bit hot with use. They're quite tight, which helps with isolation but makes it hotter. I did not find them to bee too clampy or uncomfortable tho. Except for heat, comfort is fine.
3) Touch controls are just awesome. I don't understand the reviews saying they're tricky to use. They're not, once you figure it out, it's super simple and repeatable. I recall pausing my audiobook while cleaning a fish (literally) in the kitchen... I just used the clean side of the back of my hand to double-tap the cup, something impossible with normal button controls. Volume/Pause are super easy, and so is the temporary mute that amplifies external sound (again, just using the side of your hand is enough to trigger it. which I tried while having my fingers dirty with dinner ingredients).
Overall... I like them, but the plastic frame noise annoys me, especially if having them on with the sound paused or audiobooking (due to the pauses in sound).
Not going Bose after having experienced the touch panel, so I'm either returning them + going back to IEMs while waiting for something better or I'll keep them and learn to live with the creaks. (unit cost me 315 EUR at, btw).  I'm going to keep them for a week and figure out what to do. Excluding the plastic creaking, I have no reservations. Still, buyer beware.
In summary:
-Plastic frame noises: bad
-Comfort: Pretty good
-Touchpad controls/Features: Awesome
-NC/Audio Quality: (?/not commenting as I don't have enough experience with multiple Bluetooth/NC models)
Oct 30, 2016 at 10:46 AM Post #605 of 2,709
I've bought three Sony headsets in the last two years and love them (topped out with the fantastic MDR-1ADACs). Great sounds quality and construction IMHO, but I'm pissed off about the ripoff pricing in Aus.

Yeh, I don't understand the pricing between countries.  There was a product from another vendor being sold in Japan and Europe for 20% less than in the US.  I don't believe tariffs wouldn't account for this much variance.  
Oct 31, 2016 at 8:04 AM Post #609 of 2,709
You sound as if you're describing my Philips life. :D Just had yet another soundbar die on me a couple of weeks after warranty ended. It's a curse.
Anyway, I had a few more hours of use with the 1000X and will share a few notes. I guess my use case isn't very common... I had them on while doing stuff in the house while listening to an audiobook. This means background noise varied a lot (from vacuum cleaners to water and noises of cooking stuff).
Won't comment on audio quality or NC, but I can comment on some aspects:
1) There are some creaking noises from the plastic frame. I can ignore them, but if you're paying attention (which I was, given previous reviews) they can be annoying. It's a bit too much, so I find that disappointing. They increased a bit with use, as out of the box they didn't make as much sound. But by use I'm talking about 1h or so. It's very fast.
The use case of the audiobook made it more audible since there are gaps between words/sound. This is audible when you move your head, but I've noticed that in silence, even if I don't move my head and just clench my teeth hard, that's enough to make them creak. They create a bit of a vacuum-feeling and being tight to the ears makes the whole structure microphonic.
Right now I'm typing this while having them on (and powered off) and I can hear the plastic sounds when I move my head even minute distances. Or eat something. The tiniest pressure just makes them creak like the wood in a caravel. They have a lot of isolation even when off, so the tight/closed design definitely makes the plastic creaking worse. When I switch from the 1000X from the Z1R I hear no noises but it's as if I no longer have headphones on, the isolation seems gone.
2) Pads get a bit hot with use. They're quite tight, which helps with isolation but makes it hotter. I did not find them to bee too clampy or comfortable tho. Except for heat, comfort is fine.
3) Touch controls are just awesome. I don't understand the reviews saying they're tricky to use. They're not, once you figure it out, it's super simple. I recall pausing my audiobook while cleaning a fish (literally) in the kitchen... I just used the clean side of the back of my hand to double-tap the cup, something impossible with normal button controls. Volume/Pause are super easy, and so is the temporary mute that amplifies external sound (again, just using the side of your hand is enough to trigger it. which I tried while having my fingers dirty with dinner ingredients).
Overall... I like them, but the plastic frame noise annoys me, especially if having them on with the sound paused or audiobooking (due to the pauses in sound).
Not going Bose after having experienced the touch panel, so I'm either returning them + going back to IEMs while waiting for something better or I'll keep them and learn to live with the creaks. (unit cost me 315 EUR at, btw).  I'm going to keep them for a week and figure out what to do. Excluding the plastic creaking, I have no reservations. Still, buyer beware.
In summary:
-Plastic frame noises: bad
-Comfort: Pretty good
-Touchpad controls/Features: Awesome
-NC/Audio Quality: (?/not commenting)

I dont seem to have the creaking noises. Its day 3 for me and i still find the build quality to be good. Much better than plasticky boss. Fingers crossed it stays like this for as long as possible. 
Oct 31, 2016 at 11:09 AM Post #611 of 2,709
Update on the rattling noises: It was definitely a defect in my headphones. I returned them to the seller and got a new pair and these have no problems. I don't have any creaking noises either. 
Sound and NC is awesome, but I most say that the clamping force is quite strong. I guess I have a bit larger size head than average, but after a few hours I have to take them off and take a break. And that's with the headband extended to 7/10. 
For those of you who have had these headphones for a while: Do they get more comfortable after some time? Or will they continue to be like this? 
Oct 31, 2016 at 11:56 AM Post #612 of 2,709
  For those of you who have had these headphones for a while: Do they get more comfortable after some time? Or will they continue to be like this? 

They'll break in after a few days of use. the pads were stiff during the first few wears, but they're nice and comfy now. As far as clamping force goes, I never had an issue with that but if that persists, perhaps stretch the band out a teeny bit?
Oct 31, 2016 at 2:18 PM Post #613 of 2,709
  Update on the rattling noises: It was definitely a defect in my headphones. I returned them to the seller and got a new pair and these have no problems. I don't have any creaking noises either. 
Sound and NC is awesome, but I most say that the clamping force is quite strong. I guess I have a bit larger size head than average, but after a few hours I have to take them off and take a break. And that's with the headband extended to 7/10. 
For those of you who have had these headphones for a while: Do they get more comfortable after some time? Or will they continue to be like this? 

Glad to hear your replacement didn't have any issues.
As for comfort, they do feel like clamping in the first two days.  It's been 4 days with my pair and they feel more comfortable now.  I use these for more than 4 hours per day.
Oct 31, 2016 at 4:40 PM Post #615 of 2,709
In this video the reviewer recorded the sound and you can actually hear the plastic creaking. Check at 2:00 onwards... Crack crack..
It's noticeable it creaks as talks and moves his head. The way the mic captured the sound is exactly how my ears hear the noise in my set.

I'm experiencing the same and it makes them a bit annoying, considering they're for use in motion. In fact even writing this while fairly standstill on the couch I can hear the creaking. This is probably annoying while listening on an airplane or in use cases where the frames touch pillows, etc. This comes from the whole structure so I'm sure that sets that dont do it now will start doing it with a bit more use. Or maybe some users aren't annoyed by it.

Except for this aspect I'm happy with them, but might end up returning. In fact I would have already but really really like the touch controls and voice mode.

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