Sony h.ear on MDR-100AAP - $199 'Hi-Res Audio' Over-Ear Headphones
Nov 28, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #1,097 of 1,768
I'm curious about these. How do they perform for gaming? Does everyone agree these are better than the MDR-1A?

I'LL be using these 50/50 for gaming and music.

Your 598s will surely be better for gaming. The cable on the 100AAP is very short. Personally I use 100AAP for music and 598 for gaming and movies.
Nov 28, 2015 at 11:39 AM Post #1,099 of 1,768
Your 598s will surely be better for gaming. The cable on the 100AAP is very short. Personally I use 100AAP for music and 598 for gaming and movies.

I've upgraded to a Philips Fidelio X2. I need a good closed-back headphone, and all of them have their limitations.

If it was just for music, I'd get the new Momentum, but I want a better soundstage and imaging.
Nov 28, 2015 at 3:54 PM Post #1,100 of 1,768
I've upgraded to a Philips Fidelio X2. I need a good closed-back headphone, and all of them have their limitations.

If it was just for music, I'd get the new Momentum, but I want a better soundstage and imaging.

If that's what you're looking for then the 100AAP could be a damn good choice.  While closed-back, it has far better soundstage, as well as superior imaging and separation, to the Momentum, IMO.

HOWEVER, if you want REALLY top-notch soundstage and imaging for an under-$200, mid-fi closed-back headphone, I'd say to look no further than the AKG K553 Pro.  When it comes to soundstage and imaging, it kicks the crap out of anything I've heard in that price-range which is closed-back.  That being said, it has drawbacks. . .it has a nearly ten-foot-long, NON-DETACHABLE cable >_<

There's also the PSB M4U1.  The PSB M4U1 is about $250, and looks big and clunky and silly, but sounds A-MAAAA-ZING!  I didn't get it because I have a big big emphasis on portability myself (and the M4U 1 seemed a bit less durable and bulkier than I'd like in a portable) but as far as what I've heard so far, it is BY-FAR my favorite closed-back headphone under $400 or even $500, no joke.  And thing is, the soundstage and imaging are mindblowing. . .very much like the AKG K553, the M4U 1 sounds almost more like an open-back than a closed-back.  Other advantages:  The cable that comes with it is absolute crap (so bad it actually degrades the sound and causes sibilance, seriously), BUT it's detachable so you can use other headphones' cables with it as well.  It's also got an active-noise-canceling version, the M4U 2, for 100 bucks more, if you're into that sorta thing, althoguh I wouldn't recommend it myself.  The actual signature is super-duper neutral, by the way, and yet at the same time it has great quality bass that is able to dig deep and punch hard when needed.

Honestly, if I was going to get a closed-back headphone for music listening AND gaming at-home, I'd go with either the AKG K553 or the PSB M4U 1 with no hesitation, because their soundstage and imaging cannot be equalled by other closed-backs in their price-range.  Now, if you want something which will ALSO be good for portable use, the 100AAP would probably be your best bet.  So taht's my two-cents on the matter.
Nov 29, 2015 at 2:01 AM Post #1,101 of 1,768
I am still listening to HP's wherever I can.  Now I heard also the Audio Technica M 50.  These give a full sound, as you are playing with a powerful amplifier.  Read some critics to find it sounding sharp. Not understand that a bit.  Ok, they sound easy, warm and if you not look for detail, pleasant. Would never even think of buying them though. I not hear some instruments, I used to hear, the bass is  lazy, slow. Pleasant sounding not mean natural. 
Then I went back to listen to the Sony's 100 AAP, and and 1 A.  I took different tracks this time, considering what has been said here. On David Gilmour's "rattle that loc"k, High resolution, the 1 A, played wonderful. I was surprised by that. Why, as they have the reputation to have  bass  bleeding. Gilmour use a lot of bass in his recordings and live (been to the concert this year in Orange). The track did well on the 100aap also as it is not overbright. Bass was tider, but further away from what I am used to hear on my B&W 800 D speakers.
Then I used something else. The second track on "Older" of George Michael. This is also Bass heavy, but another kind of Bass, rounder then on Gilmour's. I have to confess that on this track the 1 A, was "Booming excessively (Ok they are really heavy also on my speakers, but tighter) The track sounder much better on the 100AAP. But maybe bass was not so heavy as it is on the recording, like a part vanished. But this sounded much better then on the 1 A, where the bass got all your attention.
I found on this 100AAP, the brightness bother me a bit less. It was a red one. Not important? Not so sure as maybe people will listen to it more often and maybe the longer burn in, softens it a bit, just a guess. The shopkeeper was wondering why I compared such a long time. Well because both had their strength and flaws. I really like the mids and high tones  in the 1 A. I find they sound thinner in the 100AAP, and more aggressive. Voices could there use a bit more warmth. As the 1 A got too much bass on some recordings, the 100AAP misses some here and there.
Some recordings gave advantage  to the one, and then others to the other phone. Both has strengths and flaws.  If after a serious "burn in" the 100AAP, sounds a bit more smoother, I could live with it. But I am not eager to own it. If I would make the decision of buying it, it would be for
- Comfort
- Better price then the 1 A
When the 1 A sounds good, it is musical, mostly on falt recordings without too much boosted sound. Love the voices But when the music is   very Dynamic, then transparency can fail you. Then the BASS can invade your head. Pity, because it not do this on all recordings, just in some frequency's.
The 100AAP, has a more regular sound signature. It is still a bit too bright for me, I like also a bit more depth in some voices, that can sound a bit too flat. I think the good thing Sony did is not to propose a lesser 1 A, but a different approach to choose from.
I listened now, with the wiring problem of my ATH ES 7, to a lot of gear.  All have their sound signature, they qualities and flaws, and taste and accuracy, are two determining factors to choose a phone. Your player also of course.  My 2 Fiio's behave differently on all. The X3ii, overkill the bass at the end on the 1 A. The original X3, was kinder, with his little bump and going not so deep. In general if this can help, I found the M 50 as described above, the momentum, pleasant, but a bit artificial, pushed sounding, The B&W (sorry not remember which one, 6 months ago) musical, but restrained, the Urbans, very very pleasant, but not so natural, but with good highs and a bit overwhelming bass at times (but not bleeding so much on what I listened too). I cannot help it, but I never fell in love as I did with my ATH ES 7. Which deforms my opinion also, as I am using these for 3 years. Every time I listened to it, after hearing other one's, I still like them and was not overwhelmed by another pair.  Except one's, and I am ashamed to admit, I forgot which one's, probably Grado's. But they were 500 €, and I am not willing to spend more then 200. Also these were paired with an excellent  Sennheiser   Headphone amp. 
So for Sony lovers, they have a choice. The musical but Bass leaking A1, or the more restrained, fast, but a bit too bright 100 AAP . As a second pair, and their sound isolation when traveling, I still could go for them. But meanwhile I pick up my good old ATH ES 7  headphone, with a complete new wiring. On holiday in Thailand, shops still repair at a reasonable price, when in Europe they force you to buy another headphone.
Nov 30, 2015 at 4:49 AM Post #1,106 of 1,768
Time will tell, not enough info on mass drop pair and by the time info does drop you can't buy em.

A gamble I am not willing to test.

Well I already compared my pair of Sony with my d2000. If the mass drop set is comparable to my TH600 which is already a class above the D2000, then there really is no comparison except for portability.
Nov 30, 2015 at 6:31 AM Post #1,107 of 1,768
For those who picked the gamble, good luck.

But the 100AAP's were a very safe bet for me so much that I bought two for extreme longevity or loss purposes.

I am in love with Kylie Minogue's Christmas album on these, just lovely.
Nov 30, 2015 at 7:32 AM Post #1,108 of 1,768
I'm curious about these. How do they perform for gaming? Does everyone agree these are better than the MDR-1A?

I'LL be using these 50/50 for gaming and music.

Dollar for dollar I'd say the 100aap are better value, I can't say they're any better sounding, just tuned a bit different to my ears. They work OK for gaming, fairly good width and depth for a portable closed can, not quite as good as the mdr-1a when it comes to overall soundstage though Imo. Neither of them offer the greatest clarity and tonal accuracy is off on both as well..
Nov 30, 2015 at 1:39 PM Post #1,109 of 1,768
  Here's my unboxing vid for those interested:

Special thanks to @inthere for pushing me towards these over the Marshall Monitors.

Great video! Well done! Actually those look pretty good in your video, maybe it's the lighting but I like them now more, very contemporary, clean and simple design. That color is great also. 
I've had Marshall Monitor headphones, they sound pretty good to be honest but that clamping force and size of the earcups was a turn off for me and I had to sell them eventually. 

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