SoCal Spring/Summer Meet?
Aug 9, 2005 at 12:34 AM Post #226 of 391

Originally Posted by Jetlag
Gee, why would I want to be there (the SJC Meet) when I can stay home and supervise painters, sheetrockers and tuck pointers at my house. grrrrrrrrrrr

If anyone gets a chance, please try out the Hornet with a set of UE-10 Pros. I'm curious how loud the volume is with the gain knob set to 0 or close to it. I have not had much luck matching these super-sensitive phones with an amp as the gain is usually to great even with the pot set near zero


Originally Posted by Jasper994
You're welcome to join us this coming Saturday or Sunday in Irvine for the Socal meet. I believe the Hornet will be there.

I thought about it but am even busier this weekend. On Saturday my dogs have a test photo shoot for a national add campaign they are finalists for and on Sunday-Monday I am in the simulator for my 18 month FAA training. sigh....
Someday I will get to a meet where I can demo some neat gear. Have fun!
Aug 9, 2005 at 1:39 AM Post #227 of 391
BTW, I'm going to be bringing a wireless router to set up a small network. If you are bringing a computer, you may also want to bring either a wireless card or a cat 5 cable.
Aug 9, 2005 at 1:59 AM Post #228 of 391

Originally Posted by Jasper994
BTW, I'm going to be bringing a wireless router to set up a small network. If you are bringing a computer, you may also want to bring either a wireless card or a cat 5 cable.



Too bad I can't do that anymore cause i'm Bipolar

EDIT: erm... [/Sduibek's pity-party]
Aug 9, 2005 at 2:06 AM Post #229 of 391

Originally Posted by Jasper994
BTW, I'm going to be bringing a wireless router to set up a small network. If you are bringing a computer, you may also want to bring either a wireless card or a cat 5 cable.

Sweet, I'll bring my laptop so I can post pics during the meet.

Aug 9, 2005 at 2:08 AM Post #230 of 391

Originally Posted by Edwood
Sweet, I'll bring my laptop so I can post pics during the meet.


well, for that to work we'll also need to have an internet connnection...
Aug 9, 2005 at 2:49 AM Post #233 of 391

Originally Posted by RnB180
If all goes well,

I should have the Go Vibe 3 in hand with both opamps, we can compare them with the other high end portables out there, sadly, I no longer have an AE-1
it'll be a battle of the budget vs Goliath! Cant wait to hear the hornet.

If shipping is on time, I should also have a revised version of my senn cable for listening, completely overhauled from the one sent to the atlanta meet.
So anyone with a senn aftermarket cable, please bring, i want to listen to them myself personally.

and various RCA interconnects Ive made, NOT for sale, as all these were experiments, should be fun to see the reactions of some. ahem,... my super fat cable lol.

and of course the sky blue mini, my demo cardas head phone cable turned mini cable, and maybe some from my Solar line.

What happened to your AE-1?

Aug 9, 2005 at 2:51 AM Post #234 of 391

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
What does that have to do with being bipolar?


well, LAN parties tend to lead to drinking too much caffeine (bad for bipolars), staying up all night (bad for bipolars), eating badly (bad for me because im hypoglycemic as well) you get the idea.

I love LAN parties, absolutely love them, but in terms of how my body handles the stress, i'm 50 instead of 20.
Aug 9, 2005 at 3:31 AM Post #238 of 391

Originally Posted by rx7_fan
I didn't know they have festival for Tofu.

The L.A. Tofu festival is held sat. and sun. at Little Tokyo in L.A. It's part of the Nisei week celebration which lasts until next weekend. Saturday is also a big import car show.

It's a drag when 2 cool things happen on the same day. Suck! I'm going to be attending the meet on Sunday. I'm curious about hearing what some good gear sounds like.

I've read about all the hardware that's going to be there, but what about software? Are you guys bringing loads of cds? classical, jazz, rock?

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