socal meet impressions
Jun 23, 2004 at 5:52 AM Post #121 of 166

Originally Posted by gort
I didn't much care for Accuphase but SIE's source blew me away, by far the best source at the meet.

Did you use the same music on each CD player? Or did you just listen to whatever someone else was listening to? If you used the same music, or your music, on each player, what you heard is representative of how they sound at their best. If you used an SACD disc on my unit, but a Redbook on the Accuphase, then the deck was stacked in the Denon's favor. Wayne and I did a Redbook disc on his Shanling vs. an SACD disc on my Denon, and the Shanling sounded like it was broken in comparison. When we switched over to the SACD layer on the Shanling unit the sound became indistinguishable. It sounded quite good from both units.

OBTW, we plan on doing some serious A/B comparisons of the Shanling vs. Denon again today and tomorrow to see how things shake up. We were using the VD Master series ICs on the Shanling before, and the Jaden Pursangs on the Denon. This time we're gonna switch things up and test both units twice, the second time after switching ICs around.
Jun 23, 2004 at 5:58 AM Post #122 of 166
by the way, stuartr's MMF 9 / conrad johnson preamp sounded much better than i expected. and i mean, MUCH better than i expected. seems like i'm gonna have to tone down my vinyl bashing for a bit. high-end response was a lot better than what i heard before. the sound was fuzzier than CD, but not by too much. there seems to be a little clipping-sounding distortion during dense passages, but it was kinda hard to tell, and i'm not entirely sure it's a vinyl artifact or just the recording itself--though i'm sure it's there. dynamic range is obviously less than CD (noise floor quite obvious)... but it's not too bad when the vinyl is clean.

anyway, it sounded good enough that i'm gonna buy a low-mid range table to play around with. seems fun.
(though i still think CD is technically superior... but vinyl does have its merits, mostly in the area of "fun.")
Jun 23, 2004 at 6:03 AM Post #123 of 166
I really wish we could have gotten Doug's Denon 2900 and his EC, Wayne's shanling, stuartr's cary 306/200, and my Accuphase DP-85 together for some head to head comparisons (and other players at the meet at their level, there was so much there that I may have missed some). I don't know where my unit is in terms of its performance and would have liked to get some comparisons going, but moving it around the room wasn't too easy with the amount of use it was getting so I gave up on that.

maybe another time....
Jun 23, 2004 at 6:25 AM Post #124 of 166

Originally Posted by Edwood
The leather on the R10's headband should be fine, I'd worry more about the pleather headband of the CD3000. Although the cost of replacing the R10's headband is equal to buying two brand new CD3000's.


Sadly not, it got damaged by the tape though I'm not sure how bad the damage was...
Jun 23, 2004 at 6:27 AM Post #125 of 166

Originally Posted by ayt999
I really wish we could have gotten Doug's Denon 2900 and his EC, Wayne's shanling, stuartr's cary 306/200, and my Accuphase DP-85 together for some head to head comparisons

Are you dissin' my source after I dragged your sorry butt all the way down from Berkely to LA?
Jun 23, 2004 at 6:41 AM Post #126 of 166

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
Did you use the same music on each CD player? Or did you just listen to whatever someone else was listening to?

Whatever that was at the player at the time. So I might of compared dennon's sacd to accuphase's redbook. I didn't know we could move sources and amps around.
Most of us were comparing source+amp combos which might not have been fair for some components.

Now PS1 better be still available 6 months from now. With new place, car, and pc all within next 6 months PS1 is out of reach for now.
Jun 23, 2004 at 6:53 AM Post #127 of 166
Sorry for the delay of impression. I have been busy after the meet. This is my first meeting with such high number and quality of gears. It is overwhelming for me. As a person who had only used low end gear, I was amazed by how much the music improved with high end gear. Some of the background noise were gone and some of the background sound became noticeable. Now I can understand why people are willing to spend so much money on audio gear. This meeting has opened my eyes to an different world of music.

Grado PS-1: I have previous heard this phone out of Grace901(as amp and DAC) at Berkeley mini meet. I found it was too heavy on the bass and I can not notice anything else. As a person who enjoy mostly laid back music, this phone is clear not for me. I had tired it again during the Socal meet. My opinion has not changed. However, I found PS-1 is actually very detail out of a better source and amp. It is difficult to notice as the bass still over shadow the other sound. Now I can understand why anyone want PS-1 but I am not among them.

HD-580/600/650 with Emmeline amp: HD series all have very similar sound while the higher model may have more detail or better bass, everyone could tell easy they are from the same family. This is also true with Emmeline's solid line product. The Sennheiser with Emmeline are extremely detail with a very dark background. It work very well with the Chinese Classical music which I used to test with. Some of the previous background sound, which sound like background noise, now sound like music. Ever the portable SR-71 sound great with Sennheiser, given its size, it is a great achievement. I am very happy with the combo. The Sennheiser and Emmeline are very close to what I want from my gear. The only thing I may want could be a little more sweetness but I am not ever sure about that. Ray can expect a order from me very soon once I have gotten my pay check.

Omega2 with Blue Hawaii (ayt999's setup): whoever say Omega2 sound like Sennheiser580/600/650 must have a different definition of similar than me. While Omega2 does many character from Sennheiser580/600/650, there is still clear different between them. The Omega2 setup have a very clear detail sound which is similar to Sennheiser580/600/650, but everything seem less personal with Omega2. It seem there is a window between my ear and Omega2. However, it clear detail sound character is unique and not ever Sennheiser 580/600/650 can product such natural, clear detail sound. Part of me want to have this kind of sound in my possession eventually but I would not be sure until I listen to Omega2 more.

Single power series, especially attention to PPX3: Due to the fact so many are interest in Single power and I am tired when I listen to them, I can not give a very clear impression on them. They certainly sound interest. It is the first time I heard a very tube sound setup. Everything seem to have extreme sugar in it with single power. Ever CD3000, which I found so bright that I can not bear, sound fine with me with PPX3. These amp sound very pleasing to my ear but I do miss the detail and dark background of solid amp. I really have to live with these amp awhile longer to determine do I really want to have that much tube sound with me. Consider the fact that single power want NOS tube and require extra care to maintain, I doubt I will want to own them in any near future.

Builders impression: Ray's amps are truly amazing in term of build quality. Everything is so nice inside of his magic boxes. The metal case are also very well build. I have no doubt in my mind that Ray's amps will live longer than me. While some could say that they do not want Ray's house sound, there is nothing to complain about Ray's amps building quality. It was also remarkable to meet Ray in person. He is a guy has a great passion with sound equipment.

I do not have as much time with Mikhail but he is also a person with great passion. He was very willing to answer the questions about sound equipment ever when the questions are unrelated to his equipment. While I could not look inside of Single power amp, these amp look very nice outside. If that is any indication, single power amp must also have great build quality.

More on amp: There are many amp in the meeting. However, some of them seem to be build with less quality. While these amp may sound great, I would never want to buy them. Many Head-fier concern about sound greatly but I believe they should also pay attention to the building quality. An Amp could be a danger equipment, expeically the tube one. It would also troublesome to repair an amp.

On comfort of headphone: What the headphone's designers are thinking!! Grado line are definely not comfort to wear. Sennheiser are better but it was still uncomfort. Some head-fiers told me they will be better once you “break in” the headband. While I can see that happen, I can not stop to wonder why can't they improve the comfort of their product. Audio technical are the one company that are great at doing that. Both L3000 and W2002 are extremly comfort. Sony's R-10 are also very comfort, and their CD3000 also share that design. However, the increase in weight make it less comfort compare to R-10. Omega2 is an other headphone that get it right on comfort design.
Rating of comfort: R10=W2002>Omega2>L3000>CD3000.
I hope the companies will not only improve of sound but comfort as well.

It is a enlighting experience. I want to thank Every head-fiers in the meeting, especially gpalmer, Orpheus, Ray and Mikhail.

Alex, I will definely come to bother you soon. I do want to listen to R-10 and Omega2 a little more(OK, may be a lot more).
Jun 23, 2004 at 7:22 AM Post #128 of 166
Well, Wayne found the Beyers tonight after returning from San Diego. They were stuck in the same box as the Edition 7s, and I didn't look in that box. I'm glad that we found them!
Jun 23, 2004 at 7:25 AM Post #129 of 166

Originally Posted by gort
...I didn't know we could move sources and amps around.

I have no such compulsions, and will move anything and everything as long as I get permission from the owner to do so. Sometimes we had a setup we placed on purpose just to compare certain things, and someone would swoop in and swap out a component without asking. That's not cool.
Jun 23, 2004 at 7:44 AM Post #130 of 166

Originally Posted by gpalmer
Are you dissin' my source after I dragged your sorry butt all the way down from Berkely to LA?

ya, your sources were included in the part where I said that I am very sorry if I forgot any of the other CDP's.
maybe you should bring them over so I can get a better impression on them.
and where is Berkely? I know of no such place.


Originally Posted by gort
I didn't know we could move sources and amps around.

as for moving stuff around, I would definitely have minded if someone went moving my source (it costs $16,500 new in the US btw. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for replacing it due to some handling mishap if it were not mine.) or amps without asking me first. still then, I would have moved it myself, like I did with the Blue Hawaii.

and regarding the headphones, it is inevitable that they will get moved around since they are portable and there were more headphones than amps, nevermind that people wanted to hear them on different setups so that is fine. I just wish that people handled them better... I saw my ATH-L3000 resting precariously on top of a pile of magazines, which were resting on the Floats, at one point. I nudged them a bit and they were ready to fall without much force and that would definitely not have had good consequences. needless to say, that is not what I was expecting would happen with all the previous cautions and handling instructions given in the pre-meet thread so off they went to their case and away from the meet right after that.
Jun 23, 2004 at 8:39 AM Post #131 of 166

Originally Posted by ayt999
ya, your sources were included in the part where I said that I am very sorry if I forgot any of the other CDP's.

Well, now isn't that special...


Originally Posted by ayt999
maybe you should bring them over so I can get a better impression on them.
and where is Berkely? I know of no such place.

Hmmm, you're right I sort of forget where Berkely is and Berkeley too. Although I'll remember about the time when i need my gear back!
Jun 23, 2004 at 12:29 PM Post #132 of 166
Wow, this meet looks awesome. I'm sure you all had a great time. Now you guys should visit Chicago to see what a real meet is like.
Just kidding.[/size]
Jun 23, 2004 at 5:41 PM Post #133 of 166

Originally Posted by ayt999
I just wish that people handled them better... I saw my ATH-L3000 resting precariously on top of a pile of magazines, which were resting on the Floats, at one point. I nudged them a bit and they were ready to fall without much force and that would definitely not have had good consequences. needless to say, that is not what I was expecting would happen with all the previous cautions and handling instructions given in the pre-meet thread so off they went to their case and away from the meet right after that.

You should have seen the way I saw someone pry Edwood's R10's off their head... I just cringed... I would have said something but Ed was sitting right there. I think he would have said something, but it was a mute point since they were already off the guy's head.
Jun 23, 2004 at 7:36 PM Post #134 of 166

Originally Posted by Hajime
Wow, this meet looks awesome. I'm sure you all had a great time. Now you guys should visit Chicago to see what a real meet is like.
Just kidding.[/size]

Heh, apology not accepted!
Heh, sure we might make it to Chicago to see what you girls are up to and help you hold a manly meet!

[size=xx-small]Just kidding.[/size]
Jun 23, 2004 at 8:36 PM Post #135 of 166

Originally Posted by gpalmer
Heh, apology not accepted!
Heh, sure we might make it to Chicago to see what you girls are up to and help you hold a manly meet!

[size=xx-small]Just kidding.[/size]

If you rent one of the big vans, swing by and get me.

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