Smoking in Pubs/Bars Yes or No?
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:49 AM Post #76 of 192

I love to smoke , I love everything about it. Its more than a habit , its part of my personality.
If you have never had a cigarette you have no idea what youre missing.
Despite the "facts" look at how long smokers actually live. George Burns (never seen without a cigar ) died at 100 years old...and thats too long.

That’s wonderful advice. I think I’ll start smoking now.
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:50 AM Post #77 of 192

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
That's not even funny, to joke that someone will die of cancer or emphysema is pretty out of order.

Well that's what smoking is going to do to the smoker, or the people around them. I'm sorry if I offended you but it's the truth.

Btw: You are one of my favorite head-fiers, and I have alot of respect for you, I just disagree on this. I think I'll leave this thread before I do something I regret.
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:50 AM Post #78 of 192

Originally Posted by Tech2
A few thoughts:

In Michigan we have one of the highest tax rates in the nation on cigarettes. A pack now costs over $5 (more than $2 goes directly to the state). As a smoker (and a minority vs non-smokers), I realize that we are easy targets for taxes. It irritates me that we are singled out. You can argue all you want about other unhealthy lifestyles not being the same, and I'll respectfully disagree.

I see a LOT of unhealthy non-smokers eating pizza and McDonalds for lunch. Most are overweight and have guts hanging over their belts. One of the guys I work with is 360 pounds and is CONSTANTLY at the doctor's office for weight related problems like circulation, leg/knee pain, heart issues, shortness of breath, etc. It's one thing to eat for sustinance, but quite another to eat to excesss. So to me, it is very much the same.

Then there's alcohol. I grew up with an alcoholic parent who died at the age of 61 due to the effects of drinking. I read about alcohol related deaths in vehicular accidents all the time. So again, let's be fair and tax/punish everyone for their "sins", not just smokers.

I understand that the issue is second hand smoke, and I have no problem with people that are offended by it, but if you're going to have non-smoking establishments you should allow smoking establishments as well. If a non-smoker goes into one - too bad.

I think you make two good points. I don't think the food analogy is a good one (among other things, we need food to live and there's no way to tax it just for people who overconsume), but the alcohol analogy raises a fair point, IMO. Also, I understand the point that perhaps there should be a way to allow a certain number of smoking establishments for smokers.
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:52 AM Post #79 of 192

Originally Posted by max-9
I love to smoke , I love everything about it. Its more than a habit , its part of my personality.
If you have never had a cigarette you have no idea what youre missing.

"I love to kill people, I love everything about it. Its more than a habit, its part of my personality.... If you've never killed a man in cold blood, you have no idea of what you're missing." - Some insane serial killer.

I know you weren't using the above as an actual reason, but I just had to apply it to a completely different subject.
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:55 AM Post #80 of 192

Originally Posted by hungrych
Well that's what smoking is going to do to the smoker, or the people around them. I'm sorry if I offended you but it's the truth.

Ok, no harm done
I just "hope" I don't get cancer.


Originally Posted by max-9
George Burns (never seen without a cigar ) died at 100 years old...and thats too long.

Yeh and what a great entertainer he was too!
Feb 26, 2006 at 12:56 AM Post #81 of 192

Originally Posted by max-9
If you have never had a cigarette you have no idea what youre missing.

Depending on when you started and how long you've been smoking, you may have no idea of what you're missing by being a smoker.
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:00 AM Post #82 of 192

Originally Posted by Kwisatz
"I love to kill people, I love everything about it. Its more than a habit, its part of my personality.... If you've never killed a man in cold blood, you have no idea of what you're missing." - Some insane serial killer.

How did you know that about me ?
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:00 AM Post #83 of 192

Originally Posted by PhilS
I think you make two good points. I don't think the food analogy is a good one (among other things, we need food to live and there's no way to tax it just for people who overconsume), but the alcohol analogy raises a fair point, IMO. Also, I understand the point that perhaps there should be a way to allow a certain number of smoking establishments for smokers.

I was editing my post as you were typing your reponse.

My point was more of a response to the suggestion of denying health care for smokers. Applying the same logic, over-eaters should be denied health care because of their unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:01 AM Post #84 of 192

Originally Posted by PhilS
Depending on when you started and how long you've been smoking, you may have no idea of what you're missing by being a smoker.

Not a lot by the sounds of it! All the laughter and entertainment seems to be in smoking venues with the non smokers all wanting admission but expecting everyone to stop smoking just cause they've arrived.... I don't think non smokers know what real fun is to be honest, I've never seen any of them smile they're all introverted and plain dull IMO (very similar to your mung bean eating vegan types). Maybe they should "start" smoking it may put a smile on their miserable faces
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:07 AM Post #85 of 192
Let me explain the benefits of smoking. I think of a cigarette as a personal air filter
You see , all or most of the air I breathe has to pass through a flame (at the end of the cigarette). This flame kills bacteria and other bad stuff. Now whatever the flame doesnt kill gets filtered out by the cigarette filter.
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #87 of 192

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
Maybe they should "start" smoking it may put a smile on their miserable faces

Hah, till they have shelling out the cash for packs on a regular basis. Its a rare day indeed when I see a person smiling when he has to buy a pack of ciggs!
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #88 of 192
Pink: you're normally a cool guy, but seriously, What? I'm not offended by smoking, I just don't like having cancer and such.

mark said it best...


I don't think you get it. It's not about being "offended" (although it is gross to be around). It's about people's health pure and simple. I have a right to be in the pub same as anyone. The real question is, do you have a right to blow your smoke into my lungs. That's the issue.

Now, for more...


honestly, I can assure you second hand smoke has never really hurt or killed anyone. Some people are fine after 30 years of smoking, so I really don't think that you'll notice any health detriments of second hand smoke during your life span

I'll believe you when you've done years of research and come to a conclusion based on actual evidence and facts, not on your assurance.


If you have never had a cigarette you have no idea what youre missing.

Actually, I do, and what I'm missing certainly doesn't entice me to smoke.

And Pink: the sweeeping generalizations in your last post are completely and utterly ridiculous. You think all non-smokers are sad and boring? Get out more.
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:11 AM Post #89 of 192
IMO the government over here,and any other 'developed nation' will never really do anything to completely curb smoking - it raises a hell of a lot of revenue that they couldn't/wouldn't do without. I've smoked on and off for years now and i try to be as considerate to the 'non smokers' as possible. Sure, i could go a whole day without a ciggy if i had to, but why should i? You might want to fart, i might want a fag... As long as i don't force it on you (Cheesy french accent)Blow it in your general direction(/Cheesy french accent) whats the problem? As someone said before me - if you're going to make certain places 'smoke free' then there should also be 'smoking' establishments too. As for the pub/bar debate, if you're a non smoker and you walk in and the place smells like an ashtray - move on somewhere else. Simple
Feb 26, 2006 at 1:18 AM Post #90 of 192

Originally Posted by Oink1
if you're a non smoker and you walk in and the place smells like an ashtray - move on somewhere else. Simple

That's too much like commom sense Paul and, as we know, there's not a lot of that going about at the moment

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