Smoke scent filter - Is there such a thing?
Jul 3, 2007 at 12:56 PM Post #17 of 28

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got a gun for you, Billy boy.

I have a picture of it right here.


Hit 'em witcha BOP GUN.
Jul 3, 2007 at 1:06 PM Post #18 of 28
I've seen it suggested that you can tape a high quality a/c filter to the back of a box fan to remove dust and such from the air. Well, 3M has a line of a/c filters, the top model of which claims: This top-of-the-line filter from 3M is 93% effective at capturing large airborne particles such as pollen, mold spores, and dust mite debris. It will also, to a lesser extent, capture small particles such as smoke, household dust, bacteria and particles that carry viruses.

You can find one at Home Depot or Lowe's (or any big hardware store) for about 20 bux in various sizes. Maybe find one that is about the size of your fan and duct tape it to the back as a quick fix?
Jul 3, 2007 at 2:24 PM Post #19 of 28
yes, that's what i intended to do anyway...stick it onto the window. 20bucks is affordable, 120bucks is probably not that economical for me. I'll check out homedepot sometime this week. I'd probably also put an automatic air freshener near the window.
Jul 4, 2007 at 9:39 AM Post #23 of 28
Do you pay for the water bill? If not you can roll your own DIY AC.

The version that uses water from the mains is the best one for continuous use and water wastage. Of course you can always just let the water drain out the window, down towards your smoking neighbors.

Of course, down the sink drain works just as well.

Jul 4, 2007 at 2:18 PM Post #24 of 28
Yeah i've seen that, it's just a little messy and kinda lots of work to bend the pipes.

First thing this morning:

the one on the left is 6 bucks, 3m is 16 bucks...I've installed the cheap one in the living room, and it...kinda....reduce some smell but im not 100% positive yet.

I'm kinda sick of the pratice of the employees in this building. The rear door exit shows "no smoking" yet the maintenance guys and security loiter around the area and smoke there, which the smell eventually rise up and got sucked into my apartment. I'm gonna start taking pictures of them smoking around the area and lodge a complaint to the residential tenancy board under anonymous of course
Jul 4, 2007 at 3:18 PM Post #25 of 28

Originally Posted by kin0kin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah i've seen that, it's just a little messy and kinda lots of work to bend the pipes.

First thing this morning:

the one on the left is 6 bucks, 3m is 16 bucks...I've installed the cheap one in the living room, and it...kinda....reduce some smell but im not 100% positive yet.

You got the wrong 3M filter. The red Filtrete does not have sufficient filtering power to get the smoke. You should have gotten the purple one:

However, this posting on another site suggests that the red filter you have is superior. YMMV. You bought it, you may as well try it, I guess......................
Jul 4, 2007 at 4:09 PM Post #26 of 28

Originally Posted by bhd812 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
actually I would turn the gun on yourself cause if you just cant bear the occasionally drifted in second hand from an open window then you probably can not bear to exist in this world. locking yourself up in your room and living your life online with a headphone forum is one thing but when you are that afraid of a scent coming in from a open window then just shoot yourself..

or worse yet when people who think its right to shoot someone cause of the scent just drifting threw a window...

I mean that...really..

What I can not bear is the complete lack of respect to others rights and to others health...
One thing is the occasionally smell of a good cigar, and other thing is to ignore that you live in a community that do not need your stupid interest in killing yourself smoking, nor to contaminate our environment, with that completely unnecessary useless habit, and even less to make anybody else to smoke that stupid thing...

You have absolutely no right to that, and honestly I do believe that smoking should be punished by law (thanks God in some cases it is) the same way as others drugs is. It is indeed worst, more dangerous, and cost us a lot of money from our pockets in medical cares that otherwise should not exist...

Thanks God the price of the pack of cigarettes was increased recently but IMO not enough to make people quit, or at least think in quitting. It should cost 25 bucks, 20.00 of which, should go to cover the medical care for those unfortunate ones...

Honestly one of my happiest days, was while the enforcement of the smoke banning was the first time implanted in NY and NJ in all public places, hopefully the rest of the states will eventually agree on it as well, a very smart move to keep our lungs clean of that ****.

Just as side note, I was an smoker for more than 10 years, and while I realized the damage I was doing to myself, and the risk that disgusting habit constitutes for others, I simply quit. Trust me that there is a simply way to stop, just having the balls to say "up to here" and period...

My old man was another of the millions of sad victims of the tobacco, he died of emphysema 7 years ago, though probably my adversion for it, and honestly I loose all kind of respect for the persons who smoke in front of others. I think, and believe, that the person who smokes in front of others is completely unrespectful with those others, or has no clue of the damage that this risk represents...period...Same way I was...

(So I do not see why we have to respect them, just shoot them, and kill them like cockroaches...

If you want to smoke, that is good with me, just lock yourself in your room and smoke a pack of cigarettes, but just locked there...

"Smoke free environment" is the first thing that everybody should look into while purchasing used, or new, there is no more disgusting thing that a product with the smell of tobacco, IMO it would be dumped in the garbage instead of being sold...
Jul 4, 2007 at 4:49 PM Post #27 of 28
The Red one -1000 whatever, is the only thing that my local walmart carries. The back of it shows that it will filter smoke particle though. I currently have it installed in my master bedroom, i ought to bring it out to the living room since that's where the smoke is most nasty. Im also thinking of picking up a cheap ionizer if it works.

Smoke is the best example of spillover effect for us non-smokers, and me buying the filter is another example.

"and cost us a lot of money from our pockets in medical cares that otherwise should not exist"

that's true, and I'm trying to prevent that as much as possible. If one wants to jeorpadize their health with smoke, that's alright to long as they don't drag me along.

Btw, I'm gonna throw in a letter later tonight when nobody is around the office, here's what I prepared:


To whom it may concern:

This will serve as a notice that your employees, mainly maintenance employees and security guards, have been found increasingly loitering and smoking around the rear exit area of the building where smoking is prohibited. And for this reason, cigarette smell has been allowed to enter into apartments around the area, disrupting the health of non-smoking tenants. If this behavior of your employees is not regulated and ceased immediately, a complaint will be filed to the residential tenancies board and the community health board.

Best Regards,
Concerned Tenants

If someone could help me make it more threatening, that'd be greatly appreciated.
Jul 4, 2007 at 5:14 PM Post #28 of 28

Originally Posted by kin0kin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If someone could help me make it more threatening, that'd be greatly appreciated.

Yes, I gladly certainly could help here:



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