Slimx : Good buy?
Jan 10, 2003 at 10:40 PM Post #3 of 57
I have both IMP350 and 400 (one for me, one for the wife

The IMP350 is good, the IMP400 is great. Get it!
Jan 11, 2003 at 1:25 AM Post #5 of 57
Any of you try the new frimware iriver has out for the IMP-400? Has some improved features and fixes 4 bugs. I'm gonna download it now.
Jan 11, 2003 at 1:53 AM Post #6 of 57
Um, how do I update the firmware? stupid question.
Jan 11, 2003 at 3:05 AM Post #8 of 57
I have the 350 model and I think it's worth the $130 it costs now. I get 4+ hours of music on 1 CD, and that's on good (320kbps) quality. I could probably squeeze 5-10 in 256kbps, 192kbps, and 128kbps. However, it supports VBR (variable bitrate) and that saves a ton of space and lets me squeeze even more music at good quality on to one CD.

The sound quality is fine with me. The line out sucks, though, but unless you plan on using it I wouldn't even consider it. The menu is very deep. It allows you to fiddle with a ton of things.

The equalizer is awesome. It lets you corner the frequency amplified, from 50, 100, and 200Hz and below for bass and 2, 5, and 7kHz and above for treble at 12 different levels of amplification each. Or you can just use the pre-sets, Rock, Jazz, Classic, Ultra Bass, and Normal.

It brings two flat batteries that last about 8 hours (add 2 AA to the external pack and you're set for a week)

The new firmware upgrade even has the snake game found on many cell phones. Need I say more? Yes, because I can. It has new tweaks that lets you save even more battery power.

I've never used the imp-400 but I did some searches and found no reason to leave my imp-350.

At the time of my search for the best PCDMP3P a few months back the imp-350 was easily the best I found. CD, MP3 @ many bitrates including VBR, WMA, upgradeable formats through firmware upgrades, and FM radio (because nobody can live without Howard Stern in the morning
). The only thing that came close was a RioVolt SP250 which was twice as thick (and cost $150, $50 less than what the imp-350 was then)

IGN review of the SlimX imp-350

IGN review of the SlimX imp-400
"After spending a day with the SlimX 2 -- it's not officially called that, but that's what I'll use for convenience's sake -- I can say with surety that this is the new reigning king of MP3 CD players."

you can also check out for user reviews. A word of caution: amateurs may say it's the greatest product ever without even trying a second option.

I'll stop here because I don't know if I'm tying it all together.

Good luck
Jan 11, 2003 at 3:06 AM Post #9 of 57
The inards of the revised IMP350 may be the same (I say MAY BE), but the remote and remote inards are definately NOT. The new remote sounds much cleaner out its headphone out (My wife owns the IMP350 and I own the 400).

Plus, you get a REAL case (Nice), cigarette adapter, more powerful gumstick batteries, and a cassette adapter.
Jan 11, 2003 at 5:32 AM Post #11 of 57
This memory effect thing hasnt really been proven. I believe that the only condiction where it really happened was when Nasa was testing some batteries in extreme condictions, but I'm not sure. It's good to discharge the batteries cause it extends life. Even though they are NiMH. I do it all the time, learned that from electric RCs. They pull over 100 amps at 14.4 volts but it's the same principle. Just discharge then recharge whenever possible.
Jan 11, 2003 at 7:14 AM Post #12 of 57
I have the 350 model and like it well. I just purchased new batteries for it. Those things are expensive. The new batteries are only 50mah bigger than the ones that came with my player last summer, 1450 vs 1400.
I noticed that the new remote can be purchased seperatley and used on the 350. It is considered and upgrade for the 350.

For what its worth I will never buy another Rio product. I have a Rio 250 and it's an okay player but their customer support sucks, and I told them that.

I got new batteries just to have spares.

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