Sleek SA6 for $200, best in class?
Sep 8, 2008 at 9:54 PM Post #16 of 42
Oh yea, I knew I forgot a pair of IEM's. Anyone look at the sub $200 range should definitely check out the Atrio M5/M8 (the only difference is the color and occasionally price).

Thanks for bringing those up tstarn06.

Perhaps you could add your overall impressions of the Atrio's to the mix to help compare them to the rest. I haven't owned the Atrio's before (yet)
. I did consider them before I got the SA6's. The reason I got the SA6's over the q-jays and the Atrio's simply came down to cosmetics. They all sound great with people on difference sides of the fence based on what they listen to and their sonic preferences. I liked the way the SA6's look and what the sound signature was described to be. It's hard to go wrong with the Atrio's as well.

They match very well, don't you think


This is probably not making anyone's buying decision any easier, but it's not supposed to be. Otherwise everyone would own the same IEMs. It's a very personal choice. Everyone hears things different and fit also varies from person to person. Best to buy them all from a vendor with a 30 day return policy if you can afford it and try them out.
Sep 8, 2008 at 10:43 PM Post #17 of 42

Originally Posted by BoneJazz /img/forum/go_quote.gif

any suggestion where to buy SA6 in Europe? Thanks

HiFi Headphones

They had a summer deal for uk headfiers, but I don't think it's running anymore. Worth a shot though. Here's the original thread.
Sep 8, 2008 at 11:42 PM Post #20 of 42
If you do buy the SA6, Klipsch or UE, this is the place to buy them, in the link below. That company is one of the best I have ever had the fortune of doing business with and they are among the best for customer service. They have what I swear is "Time Warp" shipping.
and you will receive an outstandingly packed package. They stand behind their products and are fully factory authorized. You won't find much better than this:

EDIT - I just realized Earphone Solutions sells Ultimate Ears also. So count them as another equally excellent earphone and accessory source. They also sell Westone. I've done business with them a number of time and they are outstanding for service and support as well as what they sell being low priced.
Sep 9, 2008 at 12:23 AM Post #21 of 42

Originally Posted by scytheavatar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah the klipsch x10 is another one to consider at its price range. It has a superior bass to the SA6 but pales when it comes to the mids and highs.

Tough finding the X10s for around $200 from an authorized dealer. And if you buy them on Amazon from an unauthorized dealer (or anywhere else), no warranty.
Sep 9, 2008 at 12:28 AM Post #22 of 42
I really was a fan of the Atrios, and still like them. But once I purchased the SA6s, I decided I didn't need the Atrios any longer. The Atrios need to be EQ'd to get any real mid/high impact, and they don't have the sparkle of the Sleeks. Having said that, the Atrios are never harsh, very warm and natural, so no ear-piercing sound. Of course, great bottom end sound.

But in the end, I preferred the Sleeks head to head, just as I did the Atrios over the Ety ER4P/S.

I also own the X10s and with the bi-flange gels, they are right up there with the Sleeks, though not as customizable, of course. Both deliver a sweet sound, punchy tight bass, and enough sparkle to keep me happy. I got the X10s for $191 during that sales blizzard a couple of weeks ago, from Amazon (Amazon itself is an authorized Klipsch dealer). But now they are like $322 or higher. I got lucky. I would not pay $300+ for them.


Originally Posted by maverick777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh yea, I knew I forgot a pair of IEM's. Anyone look at the sub $200 range should definitely check out the Atrio M5/M8 (the only difference is the color and occasionally price).

Thanks for bringing those up tstarn06.

Perhaps you could add your overall impressions of the Atrio's to the mix to help compare them to the rest. I haven't owned the Atrio's before (yet)
. I did consider them before I got the SA6's. The reason I got the SA6's over the q-jays and the Atrio's simply came down to cosmetics. They all sound great with people on difference sides of the fence based on what they listen to and their sonic preferences. I liked the way the SA6's look and what the sound signature was described to be. It's hard to go wrong with the Atrio's as well.

They match very well, don't you think


This is probably not making anyone's buying decision any easier, but it's not supposed to be. Otherwise everyone would own the same IEMs. It's a very personal choice. Everyone hears things different and fit also varies from person to person. Best to buy them all from a vendor with a 30 day return policy if you can afford it and try them out.

Sep 9, 2008 at 9:40 PM Post #23 of 42
I have just received my SA6s and listen to them for a couple hours at stock configuration and decided to put the Treble + in. It made a significant difference in sound quality. Even the low end is sounding better.

My initial impressions, from build quality, size, appearance and sound quality as well as configure'ability, is this company is going places because these are pure greatness. They sound awesome to my ears, anyways, and they are a gem to behold in the particular components and their quality.

I will say this will supreme confidence, if you buy these you won't be disappointed. They are fabulous. One qualification I just now though of, though, is I'm using the Klipsch gels but the OEM silys are great, too.
Sep 9, 2008 at 9:56 PM Post #24 of 42

Originally Posted by lewislink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have just received my SA6s and listen to them for a couple hours at stock configuration and decided to put the Treble + in. It made a significant difference in sound quality. Even the low end is sounding better.

My initial impressions, from build quality, size, appearance and sound quality as well as configure'ability, is this company is going places because these are pure greatness. They sound awesome to my ears, anyways, and they are a gem to behold in the particular components and their quality.

I will say this will supreme confidence, if you buy these you won't be disappointed. They are fabulous. One qualification I just now though of, though, is I'm using the Klipsch gels but the OEM silys are great, too.

Glad to hear you finally jumped on that band-wagon
And, that you like them
. Man, how many IEM's are you off owning every model available in the full current market?
Sep 9, 2008 at 10:08 PM Post #25 of 42

Originally Posted by BloodSugar00 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Glad to hear you finally jumped on that band-wagon
And, that you like them
. Man, how many IEM's are you off owning every model available in the full current market?

Nah, not even close, I still lack the Westones.

Seriously, I kept putting off getting these SA6 because the pictures of them DO NOT do them justice. They look hokey and jokey in pictures, meaning they look cheap and plastic'y. But in real life they are ...words fail me... they are quite the high tech! Since putting in the "Treble +" pieces I swear they sound like the UE Triple fi-10s I slept with all night long.

It also doesn't hurt that buying them from Sound Earphones brought me a package in perfect condition that looks like it was handled with extreme care the whole way here.
Sep 9, 2008 at 10:15 PM Post #26 of 42

Originally Posted by lewislink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nah, not even close, I still lack the Westones.

Seriously, I kept putting off getting these SA6 because the pictures of them DO NOT do them justice. They look hokey and jokey in pictures, meaning they look cheap and plastic'y. But in real life they are ...words fail me... they are quite the high tech! Since putting in the "Treble +" pieces I swear they sound like the UE Triple fi-10s I slept with all night long.

It also doesn't hurt that buying them from Sound Earphones brought me a package in perfect condition that looks like it was handled with extreme care the whole way here.

Well, not far off then
They are great little IEM's! I think they do fall short of the SE530's and triplefi's sonically, but not by all that much. Bas quantity and clarity and instruement separation being the areas. Excellent product.
Sep 9, 2008 at 10:24 PM Post #27 of 42

Originally Posted by BloodSugar00 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, not far off then
They are great little IEM's! I think they do fall short of the SE530's and triplefi's sonically, but not by all that much. Bas quantity and clarity and instruement separation being the areas. Excellent product.

Maybe, but I don't guess my ears are as finely tuned because I hear sonic quality and impact that at least matches my Triples. The SE530s have a different sound quality I liken to extreme accuracy. They sound intensely refined, the most refined I've heard. They aren't perfect but they are the Ferrari Enzo of the canalphone world.

These SA6, I'm still in very early evaluation, seem to be quite impressive. I'll have more to comment on when I've heard my whole library of very familiar Jazz.
Sep 9, 2008 at 10:37 PM Post #28 of 42

Originally Posted by lewislink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe, but I don't guess my ears are as finely tuned because I hear sonic quality and impact that at least matches my Triples. The SE530s have a different sound quality I liken to extreme accuracy. They sound intensely refined, the most refined I've heard. They aren't perfect but they are the Ferrari Enzo of the canalphone world.

These SA6, I'm still in very early evaluation, seem to be quite impressive. I'll have more to comment on when I've heard my whole library of very familiar Jazz.

Of course, one thing for one person is never gona be exactly the same for another. Here, we have the variables of our differing ear anaotomies and how that reciprocates the SA6 sound emittance, our own comparative experiences on hp's and high-end audio gear and what context and backdrop that may give us on the SA6, what sound mediums we're listening to (Lossless, lossy or hard format eg CD, SACD, MD, Vinyl), are we listening amped or unamped, the quality and sonic contribution of the sources we are listening to them on etc etc. Theres bound to be slight to significnat perceptual differences. However, I look forward to hearing more consolidated thoughts and conclusions from you with time
Sep 10, 2008 at 5:55 AM Post #30 of 42
Here's my setup:

Archos -> PD Custom cable -> RSA Hornet -> canalphones -> WMA@192

I put my Triples back in and I'm lost for telling a difference. The dynamics of the sound seem to be the same. The bass I was getting with the SA6s was very tight, controlled and plentiful with the Bass= plugs.

If I had to guess at a difference it might be the midrange being more upfront on the Trips and a smoother treble on the SA6s. Still evaluating, though, and will be for a while.

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