Skullcandy? Seriously???
Jan 27, 2009 at 3:42 AM Post #16 of 202
Well they must sell if they keep comming out with new versions of phones. As we all know its more of a trend thing. But i gotta say i would never be caught wearing such stupid friggen things on my head. Awhile back i saw a sheila with a pair on plane flight to Europe and they were Hideous, u could spot them from any part of the plane imo.
Jan 27, 2009 at 4:28 AM Post #17 of 202

Originally Posted by Townyj /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well they must sell if they keep comming out with new versions of phones. As we all know its more of a trend thing. But i gotta say i would never be caught wearing such stupid friggen things on my head. Awhile back i saw a sheila with a pair on plane flight to Europe and they were Hideous, u could spot them from any part of the plane imo.

I'm a high school teacher, and these are popular with naive 13 and 14 year-old teeny boppers, who seem to think it's cool to walk around with only one earbud in use (the other either dangling free or being shared with a friend). Have you ever tried listening to music with one earbud only - no this isn't a revival of mono...
Skullcandy's are NOT headphones, merely cheaply made unlistenable bling.
Jan 27, 2009 at 4:33 AM Post #18 of 202
those were obviously just designed to be worn around your neck

the market image they have created for themselves is impressive to the consumer; a lot of companies (senn specifically) would kill for that image among the common consumer because they would just need people to try their phones once.

Put a lot of design and graphics into the product to make it look like a lot of time was spent on it so they assume they sound just as good. and they are marketed everywhere, mainly through snowboarding magazines and the such; targeting young people. Obviously anyone who has ears know better. Maybe if they keep milking that target audience they can use the funds to make some decent phones.

A lot of their earphone housings look pretty cool, it would be interesting to see what would happen if some decent drivers were dropped into them.
Jan 27, 2009 at 4:33 AM Post #19 of 202

Originally Posted by charliex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Skullcandy's are NOT headphones, merely cheaply made unlistenable bling.

Yep so i dont see the problem. Its a fad like anything else and thats the user base they're catering to. End of story.
Jan 27, 2009 at 4:41 AM Post #20 of 202
well the sad part, imho, is when you have to listen to, to quote charliex, "teeny boppers" defend their ~$100 skullcandy purchase (did a teacher seriously just use the term "teeny bopper", why couldn't I have had you so many years ago in HS....I'd probably have run off with your portable setup though)

I remember my old roommate getting a pair free with a snowboard purchase a month or two ago, for kicks we plugged em into my CI VHP-1 (he also appreciated high end hp's, thankfully) and tested em out, had to cut the test short (as in, sub 3 minute listening) because the drivers started heating up within the housing (at a level that produces less than comfortable listening levels for my K701's, and about average levels for my HD 580's)

they're cheap junk, marketed to people who sadly know no better, plain and simple
Jan 27, 2009 at 5:57 AM Post #21 of 202

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
they're cheap junk, marketed to people who sadly know no better, plain and simple

It has little to do with sound quality so i honostly dont think they care. Its a style fad like any other tech gadget same as every kid having the ultra expensive bulky cell phone loaded with features they dont need or everyone having an IPOD strapped to their utility belt next to said cell phone. Of course on most of those Ipods you'll find nothing but heavily compressed and poorly encoded music. So as i said, i dont think they care; as long as they look good to their piers. Middle aged audiophiles who invest hundreds or thousands in their headphones are not their piers.
Jan 27, 2009 at 6:07 AM Post #22 of 202
well besides the name being the epitome of CHEESE, the phones don't even look that good... It's just different colours of camo and wussy skater skullbones... I bet you'll see Miley Cyrus and Avril Lavigne sport those on every occasion they go to. My generation (16-24) are largely a bunch of imbeciles, and I apologize to the best of my abilities on behalf of them even though I shouldn't, but in the end they'll all fall down on their face and learn their lesson the hard way.
Jan 27, 2009 at 6:36 AM Post #23 of 202
idk, I bought my portable system with looks partly in mind, ended up with an NWZ-A829 and AH-C751k's, they match, look very sleek, but also bring a lot of quality to the table (better than some fullsized 'phones can do)

its that they think they don't care, is what I'd have to say, I recently gave a pair of SR-60's to a good friend who was convinced my high end audio hobby was just a big cash sink, well that tune has since changed to "these are AMAZING, I didn't know you could actually hear all of these instruments at once and still pick them apart"

our eyes and ears will always prefer something more becoming, however our tastes are generally driven by our peers, which aren't always thinking with our interests in mind, hence brands like skullcandy being absorbed into chic culture

@ shmoreblore, can I ask who those people are, beyond knowing that one of them was in the news a whileback for some pornographic images or something, and the other one is a singer (I think? if not a guitarist or something?)
Jan 27, 2009 at 7:25 AM Post #24 of 202
There must be atleast 5 kids (out of about 100) at my school with skullcandy earbuds with a rubber tip that dosent isolate for crap. Anyways, they dont sound terrible like alot of people here are saying. They have about the same amount of detail as your average stock ibuds but with an emphasis in the bass range. Nothing terrible, nothing special, just trendy.

Funny thing is very few have asked about my Etymotics. The 2 or 3 that tried them either didnt get a good seal (idiots who cant listen to my insertion instructions), or they say they are "amazing", "crazy", "how much were these", and "I cant hear anything around me".

Very few average people appreciate an uncolored sound. They just want "power". The skullcandy seem to do it with them.
Jan 27, 2009 at 9:13 AM Post #25 of 202
I have a pair of skullcandy G.I's stashed away in the cupboard, away from being able to be seen ever again. I bought them when I had NO clue what so ever about audio and headphones in general. Now that I have my 555's the G.I's really are laughable. I can't believe I used them for almost a year. They're horrible!
Jan 27, 2009 at 9:52 AM Post #26 of 202

Originally Posted by scytheavatar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
At least they are honest about their frequency response, unlike so many other headphone manufacturers...

I think that most are honest about the frequency response - but they just don't tell you the measurement limits.

Quote a frequency response to the -50dB point and it looks wonderful.

Quote it at the -3dB point and it looks a lot less.

If a manufacturer says the tolerances with the frequency response (eg: 16 - 22,000 Hz -3dB) you know where you are. But without that little -3dB (or -5dB, -10dB, etc.) the figures don't mean much at all.

The are not being untruthful, just not telling you everything.
Jan 27, 2009 at 10:38 AM Post #27 of 202

Originally Posted by anti_arrows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Unfortunately 100-18 is correct. It even says so on their packaging. Skullcandys are made of fail. I have a pair of their headphones. Their 20-20. Their okay for getting into this stuff but now that I know that theres much better out there, I'm looking for a real pair of headphones. Skullcandys are nothing more than a fad to sell crappy headphones to preppy teenagers.

Absolutely untrue your statement there. Not only are they DAMN EXPENSIVE, but they damage your ears. If you want to "get into this stuff" you can buy cheaper phones as the senn px100, igrados, or other headphones.
Jan 27, 2009 at 11:22 AM Post #28 of 202
Aqua Teens rule!
Jan 27, 2009 at 5:33 PM Post #29 of 202

Originally Posted by vvanrij /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Aqua Teens rule!

Yes my friend, yes they do.
Jan 27, 2009 at 5:50 PM Post #30 of 202
Shake zula, the mike rula, the old schoola

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