Shure SE535. Any Changes?
Jun 12, 2010 at 5:56 PM Post #17 of 35
Sorry, but I've had my last set of Shures. I've owned my SE530 for about 3 years but only started using them a year ago, after the cable in my E4 failed (they had a reasonable life, given their price). The cable on my SE530 has now gone brittle and cracked.
After contacting Shure support, I've been told they'll replace them for £244.60 (Edit: that's about $360). I could probably get a new set on eBay for close to that.
I don't object to the Shure support policy - they don't know how much I've used those earphones since I bought them. What I object to is the cheap build quality. I expect something in that price range to have been tested properly. They're reporting 7%-8% returns, but that probably only reflects those people having trouble during the warranty period. People with trouble outside the warranty period won't be included in that figure.
I don't buy the whole argument that it's the fault of customers with "certain body skin oil types". If companies like Westone can support us, I know where my next set will be coming from. And I'd recommend the same to anybody who doesn't know what their "body skin oil type" is.
Jun 14, 2010 at 9:48 AM Post #18 of 35
ES indicated that Shure will release the Bronze 535's on the 15th. I purchased (pre-ordered) because I've previously owned the E3C & E4c cans, never any problems with armatures, or cord cracking. From some of the posts regarding the cord issues, I assume I've just been lucky, or some people are just tough on their investments. Anyway, Shure's stepping in the right direction with replaceable cables that won't cost much to replace (rumored $20.00 a piece). Looking forward to receiving this week, assuming Shure releases them. The clear model just doesn't do it for me. I would think after several years the clear cables would take on a yellowing effect from usage, UV damage etc.
Jun 14, 2010 at 1:53 PM Post #19 of 35
Wearing them in the cold (-20F wind chills and whatnot) will ruin most cables pretty quick.  My E2cs deteriorated pretty fast after a nasty winter of walking to class every day.  They're completely useless at the moment.  One side is just barely hanging on by a single strand of 40ish gauge copper.
Jun 14, 2010 at 9:34 PM Post #20 of 35

Wearing them in the cold (-20F wind chills and whatnot) will ruin most cables pretty quick.  My E2cs deteriorated pretty fast after a nasty winter of walking to class every day.  They're completely useless at the moment.  One side is just barely hanging on by a single strand of 40ish gauge copper.

My Shure cables cracked and I live in S. California.  However, as much as I am not a Shure fan the cable on the 535 looks to be the best there is on the market!  Barring $300 custom silver aftermarket cables which still don't appear to match the durability of the 535's.  Kudos to Shure and lets hope others follow suit.  
Jun 15, 2010 at 3:40 AM Post #22 of 35
ssohn, I received e-mail on Friday from ES (customer support). I live in Va. and will be flying to LA on the 25th, natually getting antsy as I sold both previous sets (E3C/E4C)  and need a firm date. Adriana Q. settled my nerves slightly when she told me the bronze will release on Tuesday (today, finally).............
Also verified from Shure CS (Mike), he wrote back yesterday stating the clear are in stock, bronze to follow this week. I have been waiting for the release since the CES show. Spring 2010 seems like a while ago now. Anyway, if you pre-ordered from ES you too should be good to go this week. Let me know what you think, I just couldn't do the clear. With two day Fed-ex ship, Thursday should be the day..........
Fingers crossed,

Jun 15, 2010 at 10:14 AM Post #24 of 35
>mic1, that just was a piece of information I was desperately looking for. Highly appreciated, really. :wink:
Well, I live in Korea, and if ES can ship it this week, I may well recieve it sometime next week.
I thought about getting the clear one, but so did I. I just couldn't do the clear.
Again, thank you very much for your information!
Jun 15, 2010 at 10:21 AM Post #25 of 35
I bought a pair of e3c's back in 03-04 for like $170usd which was an absurd amount of money (for me at the time) to spend on headphones. I tried to be gentle on them but something happened (a driver went out I think) so they had to get sent in for repair.  I was surprised when Shure sent me a brand new pair, especially since I knew that Shure's warranty policy at the time was within 2yrs of the date of manufacture, which was stamped on the iem.  After this, I treated my Shures like s*** intentionally so that they would fail within the warranty period, I would get my new Shure's, and the warranty would essentially refresh.  I went through 4 pairs of e3c's in 4 years like this till I eventually lost my scl3's.  Since the warranty policy was so good, I looked no further than the new se530's as my replacement/upgrade.  Unfortunately, though understandably so, the warranty policy has changed.  My 530's had cable issues, though luckily within the warranty period so they were replaced for free, but I did notice that the fee's for out of warranty service/replacement are utterly absurd, so I can understand the frustration, especially since cable failure is practically inevitable.  
As tempting as the 535's are, I think I might be done with Shure.  I've sort of grown tired with the sound sig and the warranty is no longer a perpetual one. I think it's time for me to play the field a bit more.   
Jun 15, 2010 at 10:42 AM Post #26 of 35
I did notice that the fee's for out of warranty service/replacement are utterly absurd, so I can understand the frustration, especially since cable failure is practically inevitable.  

Did they change them recently?  Last I checked they were about 1/2 of the street price, which isn't a bad deal compared to buying a whole new pair.
Jun 15, 2010 at 11:34 AM Post #28 of 35
I am in the market for something new with a budget of £250 I'm thinking UM3x?  I would prefer flush fitting iems....
Jun 15, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #29 of 35
Jun 15, 2010 at 11:49 AM Post #30 of 35
As far as I know, you are going to basically pay MSRP for both the 530s and the 535s if you want the warranty.  So you can either pay full price and get the warranty, or get them from an unauthorized source and take your chance.
I'm sure the 535s will show up at unauthorized dealers at a discounted price sooner or later. 

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