Shure SE530 problem
Apr 24, 2009 at 3:31 AM Post #16 of 31
A wise man once said "Go with the Westone 3's".
Apr 24, 2009 at 4:14 AM Post #17 of 31
@arjisme: Just know that newbies can often be impressed by confident opinions, regardless of facts and experience.

So in a pure moral sense, I agree with your suggested tactics.

But I also think it is good to be direct in identifying fanboys and asking penetrating questions that newbies may not know to ask or feel confident in asking. These are also moral points. What to do?
Apr 24, 2009 at 6:31 AM Post #18 of 31

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You keep doing a disservice to head-fi, and no matter how many times people suggest you stop this, you not only carry on, but get even worse.

Often, when I see your posts I'm reminded of someone's advice on one of the sticky posts on the Full-headpnoes Forum:

This. Not to troll, but the line between expertise posting and fanboyism was crossed a while ago..

There are alot of faults with the se530's. I have them. They do somethings well, and plenty not so well either..The issue comes in when they give the appearance of being near flawless as a product of fanboyism. --

"..but after about 15 minutes you will want to take them off since your ears are ringing from all of the boosted high pitch noises. The Shure SE530's on the other hand offers natural amount of treble and has the smoothest sound from any other earphone. The notes just melt into each other in perfect harmony. The midrange from the SE530's is just about perfect as well as the bass."-

There are some serious fallacies in this segment that I can attest to, being a 530 owner. Is to call someone out on this, a crime?
Apr 24, 2009 at 7:08 AM Post #19 of 31
VoLTaG3's bi-flange mod is one of the greatest things you can do to improve your SE530 highs and soundstage. For that click the link in his signature.
Don't forget to lubrificate the bi-flanges before insertion.
Next you can try inserting the nozzle half the way into the bi-flanges.
Thank you again VoLTaG3 for the simple yet amazing mod, and I've noticed you have an unconditional love for the SE530, which I understand very well.
Apr 24, 2009 at 7:12 AM Post #20 of 31

Originally Posted by bonem /img/forum/go_quote.gif
and I've noticed you have an unconditional love for the SE530, which I understand very well.

I don't. Seems to me that he's just trying very hard to justify his purchase to ABSOLUTELY everyone else, in an extremely annoying fashion.
Apr 24, 2009 at 8:46 AM Post #21 of 31

Originally Posted by bonem /img/forum/go_quote.gif
VoLTaG3's bi-flange mod is one of the greatest things you can do to improve your SE530 highs and soundstage. For that click the link in his signature.
Don't forget to lubrificate the bi-flanges before insertion.
Next you can try inserting the nozzle half the way into the bi-flanges.
Thank you again VoLTaG3 for the simple yet amazing mod, and I've noticed you have an unconditional love for the SE530, which I understand very well.

hmmm..... is that VoLTaG3 in disguise
Apr 24, 2009 at 9:16 AM Post #23 of 31

Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"Lately" would be in posts within the past month.

Hmm, I thought for a moment it was a case of mistaken identity. But, no, here are three example threads besides the one we are in here (since you asked):

Shure SE530 Againts Klipsch Image X10 Started there, although you don't call him out by name, goes downhill after that.

need recommendation ....westone3 or shure 530 or trf 10 or ie8 The entire running argument was just stupid.

Next Step, After Shure 530's The intolerance is obsessive.

You've posted 3 links -- 2 from 4th April, and one from yesterday -- you spoke before about 'lately' -So, what happened in the 19 days between yesterday and 4th April, and the 12 days before the 4th April to complete what you consider 'lately' (one month) and stalking?

Your first link from yesterday is a thread running parallel to this one, and my post was NOT addressed to voltag3, and was advice to original poster.

Your 2nd link is from a post 19 days ago and was the result of me trying to have an intelligent exchange, and is my last post out of 8 (the post you decided to link to, coincidently) where I express my utter frustration at having wasted my time with such a person. My first post in that thread was NOT directed at him, and yet HE responded to MY first post there, and I stupidly engaged - he was, amongst other things, lazy when posting and wanted me to do the work for him with quotes and punctuation.

The 3rd link also comes from the same day 19 days ago, and comes only 3 hrs after your 2nd link -- if you're rigorous (honest?) and check that thread properly, it's voltag3 who answers MY post 2 minutes (soon enough for you?) after MY first post -- your link (another coincidence?) is a response to his incorrect response to my first post there.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Your original response was worded so strongly that I think it could easily be interpreted that you were saying it is false to assert SE530s have detailed highs. I responded that I think they have great detail, acknowledged the rolled off highs and pointed out folks will differ based on their preferences. The last is so obvious I felt it warranted a sarcastic "Amazing, huh?"

I repeat, that's YOUR 'easy' interpretation, and WRONG it is, and hence your sarcasm being out of place.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW, you are right that those are not all examples of you "ripping into him." That was just the impression I have been left with over time as I have read those threads. So I should have said that it seems after he posts, you often appear and start arguing heatedly with him.

Is that an apology, or is that not necessary? So, again your 'easy' impressions/ interpretations. Are you sure it is AFTER he posts I appear and that I argue heatedly? -- No, I guess it's not an apology, after all.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Re: stalking -- chill. It was sarcasm to make a point and, besides, I didn't accuse you of stalking.

Yes, to make a point based on false impressions and interpretations -- again your sarcasm is just plain wrong here. Your post made it seem like 'poor little' voltag3 was being victimised by me.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is that another apology?


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Re: integrity, honesty -- you'll have to explain yourself. Why do you question those? Because we don't agree? You'll have to back up your claims here if you want to assert I'm lacking in either of these.

I don't need to explain/ assert/ back up anything - I think my comments now and earlier already say enough. And it's nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with you.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
FWIW, I understand how frustrating fanboys can be. I was pretty frustrated with a W3 fanboy a couple of months ago. Ultimately, I think it is a waste of time to argue with them as they are generally very entrenched in their POV. I think a better strategy is to state your opinion, not acknowledge theirs and refuse to let them get a rise out of you. And to trust that most folks reading these threads are bright enough to know when they are being "sold" as opposed to getting informed, semi- or fully-objective feedback.

For me it's NOT, and I insist NOT about fanboyism but about the clever masquerading of "useful/ expert" opinion filled with jargon, fancy language (fancy signature? - HD800 "What's that? Oh,Wow!! That must only be for the BIG boys, with BIG bucks, certainly ONLY for experts, those in the KNOW!") to convince newcomers they're receiving sound advice from a reputable source.

Do NOT underestimate the power of 'clever' marketing. It's been reported by more than a few how they went ahead and purchased (expensive) gear based on seemingly good/ expert advice.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, the habit of stating one's opinion as if it is a fact is not a failing of just fanboys on this site. It is widespread. So you have to take it as understood that when someone posts in a thread, it is their opinion and it is unrealistic to expect them to precede their (not so humble?) opinions with IMO.

True to some extent, but some people do that far too often, in so many threads, and more importantly often making those comments sound NOT like opinions but like indisputable facts, even getting better at it, polishing their deceptive skills -- For new members THIS IS A DISSERVICE, MISLEADING, DISHONEST and just plain WRONG.
Apr 24, 2009 at 1:11 PM Post #24 of 31
hmm why does every thread go down hill when there is a discussion about SE530's?
Apr 24, 2009 at 1:54 PM Post #25 of 31

Originally Posted by Rip N' Burn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lessons on humility would be a good start.

Agreed! This is good advice for everyone!
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:01 PM Post #26 of 31

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am done with this "discussion." I've stated my thoughts and will not rehash them.

If you can dial down the emotion a good deal and re-read carefully what I said, you may be able to understand what I was trying to communicate to you. If not, I failed. Communication is the responsibility of both the speaker and the listener after all.

As it stands, this doesn't look like it is moving forward in a constructive way, so I am done.
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:08 PM Post #27 of 31
There's a difference between being a fanboy and declaring that IEM A does such and such better than any other IEM on the panet. That is a mis-guided point that will confuse a newbie. It still boils down to personal preference. Some will say SE530 has greatest midrange on the planet and others will say it is good but can sound overly forward at times to the point where the singer is yelling at you. Neither point is wrong. Yes, perhaps a little more humility and etiquette.
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:09 PM Post #28 of 31

Originally Posted by koruki /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hmm why does every thread go down hill when there is a discussion about SE530's?

You'd be surprised how little controversy of SE530's there are outside of the IEM forum. Obviously, 530's have been out for a while being usually highly regarded, and many new products equal/better (of course, entirely subjective) have come out since, so that already creates the basis for discussion/arguments on whether the competition has bested them or not.
Apr 24, 2009 at 3:00 PM Post #29 of 31

Originally Posted by K_19 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You'd be surprised how little controversy of SE530's there are outside of the IEM forum.

honestly though, how many of those outside the iem forum are doing serious comparasons between different iem's to begin with? Bose & skullcandy iem's are highly regarded among the general population, does that make them quality products? In their minds yes, but to those who have heard better, no.

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