Shure SE530 problem
Apr 23, 2009 at 12:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


New Head-Fier
Apr 23, 2009
I recently bought the SE530 and though I like the sound, I don't like the ergonomics.

The endplugs of the modular cables are heavy and weigh down on my ears and the short extension cable is too short and the long one too long.

Can SE530 users weigh in on this issue?

Also, I find that the phones have uneven tonal balance. I've to EQ the treble, upping it by around 4-5db before it begins to sound right. Does anyone else feel the same?

Apr 23, 2009 at 12:22 PM Post #2 of 31
Just send me your Shures, I will send you my super fi 5 pros, which do not have the treble roll-off of the shure

More seriously, the treble roll-off is a very well known characteristic of the shures. Wheter you like it or not is a matter of taste. At least, listening does not sound fatiguing, right?
Apr 23, 2009 at 12:34 PM Post #3 of 31

Originally Posted by a6laze /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I recently bought the SE530 and though I like the sound, I don't like the ergonomics.

The endplugs of the modular cables are heavy and weigh down on my ears and the short extension cable is too short and the long one too long.

Can SE530 users weigh in on this issue?

Also, I find that the phones have uneven tonal balance. I've to EQ the treble, upping it by around 4-5db before it begins to sound right. Does anyone else feel the same?


You can purchase silicon ear guides that holds the wire and curves around your ear for a comfortable and secure fit.

Silicon Ear Guides

I find the 3ft cable perfect for my situation since I'm tall. You can use a smaller extension cable from various areas. In the link below to a 2ft extension cable you need to scroll down for it. The cable comes in white and black and it can be straight or angled at the 3.5mm connector. Also the cable is much lighter than the 3ft cable provided with the SE530's so this wire and the silicon ear guides will equal ultimate comfort for you.

2ft Extension Cable

Yes the treble on the SE530's has been lowered in volume straight out of the box. The detail in the treble is as much as all other top universal IEM's but it is not in your face and is pushed to the back personally the way I like it because it prevents listening fatigue. I'll admit all the other top earphones will be more "WOW" on the first listen then the SE530's because of their boost in the high frequencies but after about 15 minutes you will want to take them off since your ears are ringing from all of the boosted high pitch noises. The Shure SE530's on the other hand offers natural amount of treble and has the smoothest sound from any other earphone. The notes just melt into each other in perfect harmony. The midrange from the SE530's is just about perfect as well as the bass. You can EQ the highs to bring them more up in your face but I think EQ's distort things. It's better you go out and purchase a bright or cold sounding portable amplifier. Also click the link in my signature to help bring out the highs with a simple tip mod.

Good Luck...
Apr 23, 2009 at 1:19 PM Post #4 of 31
The heavy cable endplugs are actually one of my biggest gripes with the 530's comfort wise. It can indeed get very annoying. The best solution is a shirt clip to offset the weight, which you may or may not have depending on whether you got the PTH version or not (the PTH unit comes with it). Silicon ear guides help a lot with security, but it wouldn't reduce the weight.

I personally can't understand why they had to make it so bulky and heavy as they did.
Apr 23, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #6 of 31

Originally Posted by a6laze /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I recently bought the SE530 and though I like the sound, I don't like the ergonomics.

The endplugs of the modular cables are heavy and weigh down on my ears and the short extension cable is too short and the long one too long.

This is one of the reasons why I sold my SE-530's only one month after buying them. Another being the rolled-off highs. And the other reasons are not relevant to this thread. I then got the Westone 3, a better high-end IEM, IMO.

I'm not saying you should sell yours and get the W3's, but you may want to consider just that at some point in the not so distant future.

There's also a new top IEM, the Westone UM3X, coming out a the end of this month, and you may want to keep an eye on them as a possible future alternative if you remain unhappy about your SE-530's. Jst make sure you keep the packaging and all accessories, just in case.


Originally Posted by K_19 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The heavy cable endplugs are actually one of my biggest gripes with the 530's comfort wise. It can indeed get very annoying...

See above


Originally Posted by VoLTaG3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes the treble on the SE530's has been lowered in volume straight out of the box. The detail in the treble is as much as all other top universal IEM's but it is not in your face and is pushed to the back personally the way I like it because it prevents listening fatigue. I'll admit all the other top earphones will be more "WOW" on the first listen then the SE530's because of their boost in the high frequencies but after about 15 minutes you will want to take them off since your ears are ringing from all of the boosted high pitch noises. The Shure SE530's on the other hand offers natural amount of treble and has the smoothest sound from any other earphone...

"The detail in the treble is as much as all other top universal IEM's..." -- This is just plain FALSE, and it's MISLEADING information.

If you have not tried ALL other high-end IEM's, why do you CONSTANTLY talk about them as if you actually had?

There are plenty, and I repeat, plenty of people out there who find better alternatives to the SE530's, and don't find the highs boosted or fatiguing.

You claim - and I wonder if this is actually the true - that you've tested the W3's and ONLY for a few moments, whereas you've done so many modifications to your SE530's... -- Of course by now a lot of us know you will never say things like "this is my view/ opinion", or "I only have first-hand experience with such and such IEM's"

You keep doing a disservice to head-fi, and no matter how many times people suggest you stop this, you not only carry on, but get even worse.

Often, when I see your posts I'm reminded of someone's advice on one of the sticky posts on the Full-headpnoes Forum:

"Post-count means nada. Some of the most knowledgeable members on this forum have low post counts, and some of the biggest buffoons have the highest. Do not judge recommendations by someone’s post-count. It often, sadly, only means they like to post for the sake of posting. Though that’s not always true, just know it often is... also amazes and saddens me that some members post without knowledge, but in a manner that masquerades as knowledge. Although not the majority, there are more than a few that will recommend or trash gear that they’ve never heard or seen..."

Here's the full post:
Apr 23, 2009 at 6:34 PM Post #8 of 31

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"Post-count means nada. Some of the most knowledgeable members on this forum have low post counts, and some of the biggest buffoons have the highest. Do not judge recommendations by someone’s post-count. It often, sadly, only means they like to post for the sake of posting. Though that’s not always true, just know it often is...

I agree so much with this, it amazes me how some people have only been members of this forum for 5 minutes and suddenly rack up hundreds and hundreds of posts. I'm sure there are some people who are just very passionate about their hobby and just thoroughly enjoy posting and trying to help others out, but I'm sure there are always lots of people who are just desperately trying to achieve that heaphoneus Supremus status for respect or something.

I tend to look at how long people have been members for rather than their post count, which still doesn't really count for much. It's annoying to think that people would give out advice without having knowledge of or even listened to some of the equipment they talk about, but i'm sure it happens all the time, you just have to decide through experience who is trustworthy and who isn't.
Apr 23, 2009 at 8:02 PM Post #9 of 31
the extension cables can be replaced with any length radio shack product. The tiny one is actually an attenuator and you dont want to use it unless you are trying to plug them into a very powerful amp and what to cut it down some.

As far as the weight - use the clip, pitch the PTH in the trash
Apr 23, 2009 at 8:41 PM Post #10 of 31

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not saying you should sell yours and get the W3's, but you may want to consider just that at some point in the not so distant future.

You should just cut to the chase and say it directly: you suggest he sell his SE530s and buy W3s. It's what you said anyhow.


"The detail in the treble is as much as all other top universal IEM's..." -- This is just plain FALSE, and it's MISLEADING information.

Can't personally verify how ALL other IEMs sound, but I agree the SE530s have great treble detail, but it is not emphasized. Some folks like it that way, some don't. Amazing, huh?


You keep doing a disservice to head-fi, and no matter how many times people suggest you stop this, you not only carry on, but get even worse.

It seems lately whenever I see a post from VoLTaG3, soon enough afterward comes one from you ripping into him. It's starting to look a bit like stalking.

To the OP: Nothing you can do about the end plug on the IEMs short of recabling (or selling or getting used to them). I think Shure designed them that way so you could customize the cables to your need. You can use the short extension, the long extension, the PTH module or the phone adaptor with them. But the plug is there.

Personally, I don't have an issue with the cable weight.

Regarding the rolled-off highs, that is a personal preference thing. I boost treble EQ if I feel it is needed.
Apr 23, 2009 at 10:05 PM Post #11 of 31

Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You should just cut to the chase and say it directly: you suggest he sell his SE530s and buy W3s. It's what you said anyhow.

That is YOUR interpretation, not MY words. I spoke about MY experience, and made SUGGESTIONS.


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Can't personally verify how ALL other IEMs sound, but I agree the SE530s have great treble detail, but it is not emphasized. Some folks like it that way, some don't. Amazing, huh?

So, you like the highs - What is so amazing about that? Others, like me, just don't share your views - Amazing, huh? to use YOUR phrase. Did I say, by any chance, that EVERYONE thinks the highs are rolled-off/ terrible/ lack detail, you'd better keep away from the SE530 at all costs?


Originally Posted by Arjisme /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It seems lately whenever I see a post from VoLTaG3, soon enough afterward comes one from you ripping into him. It's starting to look a bit like stalking.

Since when exactly is lately? I've just checked and VoLTaG3's got 300 posts in 18 days, and I've got about 100, a lot of which have to do with the 6 items I've put up for sale, BTW. Can you tell me, out of those 300 posts, how many have I responded to soon and also how many different threads are we talking about? -- Can you also show me how I ripped into him? I think we have VERY VERY different definitions of stalking and, if I may add, integrity, honesty and ACCURACY.
Apr 23, 2009 at 10:11 PM Post #12 of 31
I have kind of a love/hate relationship w/ the SE530's. I hate they way they look & are designed. I think the modular cable absolutely SUCKS & it adds to the weight on the wires over my ears, which eventually make my ears hurt after about 10-15 minutes, all because a few ipod shuffle owners might want to clip their stupid dap's to their shirts??! Because of the design I really dont have the choice of wearing them down. The cable has to be over the ears. Also, I think the shiny coating is just hideous. I enjoy the look of the other SE & E series phones much better.

SQ-wise, the mids & bass are probably the best I've ever heard, but the bass has such a strong impact, it just takes away from the very little treble available to begin with. It's nice for casual listening, but I'm not paying $300-500 for "casual" earphones, I'm sorry, that's just my opinion. I can casually listen to something much less expensive w/ only a bit less enjoyment. For the price Shure's asking for on these, the WHOLE range, including treble better damn well be perfect. Maybe I just got spoiled by my ety's. I used to enjoy shure's products alot more before I got ety's, but since then, they just sound muddy... Sorry voltag3, I know how much you worship your 530's
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:10 AM Post #13 of 31

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, you like the highs - What is so amazing about that? Others, like me, just don't share your views - Amazing, huh? to use YOUR phrase. Did I say, by any chance, that EVERYONE thinks the highs are rolled-off/ terrible/ lack detail, you'd better keep away from the SE530 at all costs?

Your original response was worded so strongly that I think it could easily be interpreted that you were saying it is false to assert SE530s have detailed highs. I responded that I think they have great detail, acknowledged the rolled off highs and pointed out folks will differ based on their preferences. The last is so obvious I felt it warranted a sarcastic "Amazing, huh?"


Since when exactly is lately? I've just checked and VoLTaG3's got 300 posts in 18 days, and I've got about 100, a lot of which have to do with the 6 items I've put up for sale, BTW. Can you tell me, out of those 300 posts, how many have I responded to soon and also how many different threads are we talking about? -- Can you also show me how I ripped into him? I think we have VERY VERY different definitions of stalking and, if I may add, integrity, honesty and ACCURACY.

"Lately" would be in posts within the past month.

Hmm, I thought for a moment it was a case of mistaken identity. But, no, here are three example threads besides the one we are in here (since you asked):

Shure SE530 Againts Klipsch Image X10 Started there, although you don't call him out by name, goes downhill after that.

need recommendation ....westone3 or shure 530 or trf 10 or ie8 The entire running argument was just stupid.

Next Step, After Shure 530's The intolerance is obsessive.

BTW, you are right that those are not all examples of you "ripping into him." That was just the impression I have been left with over time as I have read those threads. So I should have said that it seems after he posts, you often appear and start arguing heatedly with him.

Re: stalking -- chill. It was sarcasm to make a point and, besides, I didn't accuse you of stalking.

Re: integrity, honesty -- you'll have to explain yourself. Why do you question those? Because we don't agree? You'll have to back up your claims here if you want to assert I'm lacking in either of these.

FWIW, I understand how frustrating fanboys can be. I was pretty frustrated with a W3 fanboy a couple of months ago. Ultimately, I think it is a waste of time to argue with them as they are generally very entrenched in their POV. I think a better strategy is to state your opinion, not acknowledge theirs and refuse to let them get a rise out of you. And to trust that most folks reading these threads are bright enough to know when they are being "sold" as opposed to getting informed, semi- or fully-objective feedback.

Also, the habit of stating one's opinion as if it is a fact is not a failing of just fanboys on this site. It is widespread. So you have to take it as understood that when someone posts in a thread, it is their opinion and it is unrealistic to expect them to precede their (not so humble?) opinions with IMO.
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:46 AM Post #14 of 31
It's just that 'You know who' is disrespectful of other people's opinions and gives a strong impression that his opinion is infallible. This is a recipe to incite other people's anger. Best thing to do is not let it get under your skin and make some equally fanboish opinions of other top tier iems while bashing the 'holy grail'
of universal iems. Lessons on humility would be a good start.
Apr 24, 2009 at 3:22 AM Post #15 of 31
A lot of people feel that the treble is rolled off. But I'm going with Voltage and Arjisme on this one, the treble detail is there, it just lacks some sparkle. Believe me, I know, cause I had the q-Jays which were the most hyper-detailed treble 'phones out there. I can notice still notice (with the 530's) every detail I noticed with the q-Jays... but with much less in-your-face-ness, if you know what I mean.

Perhaps the W3's have more treble sparkle, and so perhaps they are sonically superior, but honestly, I really feel that any more treble would start pushing earphones into the realm of "fatiguing". I've read dozens of reviews on the 530's, and there's a unanimous accord about the smooth, easy-listening capability of these earphones. Hey, if you want more treble, there's lots of earphones that can do it -- but very few earphones can boast the long-term listenability of the 530's, and so I consider the rolled-off treble to be a blessing.

But it's all subjective! If you want more treble, I think the W3's would be a fantastic choice. I will agree, they have better cables!

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