Show Us Your Sanctuary
Jul 30, 2006 at 3:47 PM Post #61 of 126
Jul 30, 2006 at 5:29 PM Post #62 of 126
I e-mailed my entry, but, just in case (and also because I want you guys to see it):

Creation of the Sanctuary

In the beginning, I bought my house. And the house was desolate and void. And silence was upon the face of the walls. And only I moved across the rooms of the house, because, well, I had no woman at the time (sadness!).
And I said, “Let there be music,” and there were music CD’s.
And I saw the music, that it was good: and I divided my music into two towers.
The first CD tower I called classical, and the second tower I called Rock. This was the first hour.
And I said, “Let there be a firm armament that further separates the classical from the rock,” and it was so.
And I called the armament headphones. This was the second hour. (I would have taken less time, but I couldn’t find the box I packed them in! My bad!)
And I said, “Let the deepest of the deep be separated from the highest of the highs,” and I called the deep-sounding headphones Sennheiser, and the high-sounding headphones Grados. And I saw that this was good, but many people called in shouting otherwise:
“Try Beyerdynamic, you ignoramus! You won’t regret it!”
“AKG is the way to go, noob!”
“Stax are the (censored)!”
And this wasn’t the third hour yet, so I ordered pizza while I listened to all the ranting.
(munch munch munch)
Now this was the third hour. And I didn’t want to waste any more cell phone minutes hearing people cuss me out for my choices, so I hung up.
And I said, “Let there be hi-fi sources of all kinds, let there be CD players and SACD players, and portable MP3 players-”
(phone rang suggesting FLAC or OGG playback)
“-and portable MP3 players that can play back FLAC and OGG files.”
And it was so.
And the CD players and SACD players and MP3 players, each was made by different corporations according to its kind, and I saw that this was good. And seeing was all I could do, because I was flipping through the pages of a catalogue, whereas all I could unpack was my Meridian CD player and discontinued iriver h320 mp3 player (Which sound good! You should try them! Wink wink! Nudge nudge!).
This was the fourth hour.
And I said, “Let there be amps to bring forth music as it is meant to be heard; amps according to their own kind: tube amps, static amps, portable amps, and desktop amps, all amps to fill the earth.” But I had no freaking idea how to do these DIY projects, and I burned my finger trying to solder some stuff, so I called a few people up.
And it was so. There were Cmoys and Pocket Amps, Cute Beyonds and Portaphiles, Pimetas and PINTS, Total Bitheads and Total Airheads, and these were only some of the small ones. The large beasts that live in the rooms of the audiophiles were also created. The DACs that live with the amps were also created. Yes, even the Headroom Micro Stacks, which roam the basements of the blessed, were created.
And I saw that this was… expensive. Very VERY expensive. But it was good.
This was the fifth hour. (Researching amps is not easy, you know!)
And upon the sixth hour, I said, “Let us make music together, to our liking.” And I realized there was no “us,” because I was still single (sadness again!). But I hooked everything together, and made the setup to my liking, and let it have dominion over my ears: hi-fi and fun I created it.
And I blessed my humble set-up, and said unto it: “Be musical and have good warranty, and subdue my ears: have dominion over the pinnae, the eardum, and the cochlea; yes, even over the hammer and the anvil and the stirrup, over the canals and the Appalachian tu-”
(Cell phone rang, my dad, the doctor, called)
“Err, over the Eustachian tube.”
And it was so.
And I saw that this was very good. And on the seventh hour, I ended all my work, and my wallet and I rested. And I blessed the seventh hour, because my bank statement showed I still had some funds left for food.
Now, if I can do something about decorating this house…
Jul 31, 2006 at 5:22 AM Post #63 of 126
I don't have near the skills to compete with some of the stuff I have seen previously, I just read about the contest about 1am on July 30th and figured I would give it a try and see how it turned out. Not much time to do anything that involved so I risked waking up the baby, learned how to use the timer feature on my camera, and got to use some of my lame photoshop skills. I also wrote some little thingy to go with it but didn't realize we had a thread going on entries so I don't have it handy. I am sure they will post the complete entry on the entry page.


3 things are needed for my "Ultimate Headphone Sanctuary"

1. My immediate undivided attention is not needed by someone/something at that moment.

2. The necessity to privatize my listening experience, whether it is to be polite, respect someones musical tastes or to adhere to parental advisories.

3. My ever handy modest portable listening rig consisting of an Iriver H320, and a simple pair of AKG K81DJs.

The "Ultimate" part to me is it can be anywhere and happen anytime, planned or by surprise.

The "Sanctuary" is reminiscing of good times with old music and the excitement of experiencing new music.

I am such a corny loser, but I need some free stuff.
Jul 31, 2006 at 5:53 AM Post #64 of 126
Must.......get it's...too late...

BTW, that's not so bad snapdemon. Don't have such an inferiority complex.
Jul 31, 2006 at 5:21 PM Post #65 of 126

Originally Posted by Jahn
teehee whipped this up in 10 min while the wife was walkin' the dog - hope this link works!

Jahn, did you wrote that song yourself? It's pretty cool.

Just if anyone wanted to know, here's my entry:

I've been raised in Panama, always near the beach and the sun
Since very little I feel a natural attraction to music
I've always had the necessity of having music with me
Since little I always carried a music player with me
I've always used music to feed my soul in moments of trouble

As I grew up things changed
Somehow I lost the interest for music
It wasn't about me not having access to music
It was that my heart had stopped dancing everytime I put on the tunes

But it just seemed like music didn't wanted to abandon me
One day as a birthday gift I recieved a device called ''iPod''
And once again music came to my life almost as before except for one little detail
The included earbuds wanted to kill my ears with horrible sound and comfort

So I used my common tool for research called the ''Internet'' (God bless the internet)
And I found a site called ''HeadRoom''
There I read the story about Tyll, a guy who, 13 years ago, just like me wasn't satisfied with the sound of his portable player
He then created a device called ''Headphone Amp'' and music came to life

So I said ''If it worked for him, maybe it will for me too''
So I went and ordered my first good headphones, the AKG K 26 P and the HeadRoom Micro Amp
Once I recieved my new amp and headphones, music came to me as it has never done before
I felt like all my music sounded just like the artist wanted it to sound

I was so satisfied with this that I researched more and found a site called ''Head-Fi''
There I learned that high-end headphone listening didn't take place only on the go but at home
Time passed by and I came to own a AKG K 701 headphone and a Zhaolu DAC
Now everytime I feel stressed and sad I just have to put my headphones on and all my troubles are gone

I feel that, even though my headphone gear is a material possesion, it has brought to my life something very special that is enjoying the music just as the musicians wanted it to sound when they recorded it.
Jul 31, 2006 at 5:44 PM Post #66 of 126
Since people are copying their entries here, this is the one I sent. I was going to re-stage it last night based on the advice of another Head-Fier but all the liquor shops I saw were closed, so I didn't bother to re-stage, can't do it without the wine glass, it's 50% of the pic!

Aug 1, 2006 at 7:36 PM Post #70 of 126
Hi! Man, totally friggen amazing entries. We’re all going over the entries and Ivy will coordinate the voting, but I thought I’d make some comments while we're waiting for the final tally. Here are my votes to Ivy:

One’s that I think are winners because they creatively convey the meaning of their sanctuary (top three picks in bold): 9 38 47 64 76 77 81 82

Then some of my notes:

Entries that got the concept of headphone sanctuary particularly and poigniently right: 9 14 21 30 38 47 58 61 64 76 77 82

Entries with extraordinary creativity: 18 22 35 41 45 50 61 81 82

Entries that made me laugh: 3 11 25 26 31 41 77 83

Entries that made me go, “WOW!”: 62

For Hobbyists, sanctuary is a bit different thing. I thought there were some worthy hobbyist entries: 6 20 22 24 25 27 42 69 80 81

Sanctuary Visualization: 16 28 40 58 62 64 70 71 82

Special Mention, people who know they’ve got sanctuary: 1 10 19 29 34 46 55 67

I have to say though that my overall impression is, “WOW!” I simply can’t believe some of the work that went into this. What an incredibly talented and motivated bunch of people. I’d love to have the time to make special comments on all of them, but I will make a few:

#1, 55. Having been in the service, I know how deeply these folks could use great headphones. I often hope that the word gets out just so that these guys could get to know about headphones.

#22, 81) I love the technical and DIY aspects of this activity, and these two pieces are spectacularly representative. I enjoyed them very much.

#35) Because of our colored history with Grado and it’s marvelous imagery, I found this entry wildly intriguing and entertaining.

#41) I can just imagine the “all nighter” story this one was a part of.

#50) I actually have a little schpeal I do around Maslow’s Pyramid and the needs for free snacks and coffee at HeadRoom.

#83) But this is the guy I’ll be spending the weekend with.
Aug 1, 2006 at 9:14 PM Post #72 of 126

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens
#35) Because of our colored history with Grado and it’s marvelous imagery, I found this entry wildly intriguing and entertaining.

This was kind of the reason that I went for the RS-1, instead of the DT770 which I also love. Besides that the RS-1 is the better looking headphone, you guys don't exactly have the reputation of being a Grado fans. I thought it'd be fun to poke around a bit with that.

Some very nice and amazing entries in there! I'll definitely spend quite a bit of time tonight reading and enjoying them. Thanks for creating this contest!
To the guy behind entry 83, thanks for making me laugh. That is brilliant! Just for the sheer humor alone, this one would get my vote.
Aug 1, 2006 at 9:36 PM Post #73 of 126

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens
One’s that I think are winners because they creatively convey the meaning of their sanctuary (top three picks in bold): 9 38 47 64 76 77 81 82

#64 Checkin in,

Very flattered to even be mentioned, Good luck to everyone else.
Aug 1, 2006 at 9:56 PM Post #74 of 126
Hi, I was #82. Here is my submission:


Click for larger version.

Man...1 week was a serious push. Not much time at all, but I had a blast making this image. I hadn't done much art lately and this kinda got me back in the groove which is awesome. Modeling and rendering was done in 3dsMax and all post effects were done in Photoshop.

The headphones are based off my Sennheiser HD555's (my current cans and the first headphones I truely fell in love with) and my SOHA amp (that I just fixed like 10 min ago
) is sitting on the table.

All the entries look / sound really good, good luck guys!
Aug 1, 2006 at 11:10 PM Post #75 of 126
Im the guy behind #77

I gotta tell you to that its the truth, every part of it
I recently got hired at a custom theater,integration etc place and that was just over a month ago. So far i have been given about 3 days worth of actuall stuff to do. You do the math. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I need salvation! I might look goofy as can be with my monster HD280's but what everyone i work with doesnt realize is that i cant hear 90% of whats going on but im 100% in my own world. My grado 125's just werent cutting it for 8 hours a day, plus. they are like mini speakers. I love my sennheisers

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