Should pets have a "human" name?
May 26, 2011 at 12:29 AM Post #31 of 57
Personification!  Well, I wouldn't say that the dogs are displaying human characteristics per se, as much as you see their actions as being human.  It's kind of like how if people train chimpanzees to smile and such, to the chimps, what they're doing is completely unnatural - we think that they're smiling because they're happy but they're just moving their mouths in such a way to make people think they're happy.
Of course, all mammals have emotions just like people, and may in fact share certain traits with them, but I think it's more due to us putting our own traits onto them - after all, it's rather difficult to imagine another human who doesn't act human, likewise with animals not having any human characteristics whatsoever.  But there's no harm in feeling that dogs are acting like could just be that they're learning to do things their masters are doing, even if they don't understand what they mean.

Anthropomorphism is a funny thing. It can be viewed as a selfish thing or just a way for people to feel closer to the world they live in, either way it's cool by me. Cats and dogs in particular are hard to read, for me anyway, it's hard to tell when they're playing stupid or playing me for stupid that I have such love for them (more so than that in humans... :mad:).

But anyway I'm reminded of the infamous line from Star Trek IV: "I don't know about you, but my compassion for someone is not limited by my estimate of their intelligence!"

May 26, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #32 of 57
I once had a cat named Mimi. Named after the Mimi character in Puccini's opera La Boheme who was Rudolfo's love interest. IMO, Mimi works as a nice cat name and breaks the rule in a justifiable way.
May 26, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #34 of 57

What rule? :p

Wookiees ( translated to the People of the Trees ) have a genetic predisposition towards a Utilitarian Ranked Rule code of ethics , silly :wink:
Right, Chewbacca -
/ I had a highscool aged friend who's dad kept rabbits and not as pets, as I found out latter when I inquired about the name on their rabbit cage : "Freezer Meat"... True ditty :wink:
May 27, 2011 at 1:27 AM Post #37 of 57
I knew an English friend who had a spaniel called Carruthers.
My nephew had a rainbow lorikeet called Roger.
I reckon all dogs should be called Deefer, and all cats should be called Ceefer. i.e.
Deefer dog (D for dog).
Ceefer cat.
Beefer bird? anyone..??
How about Colonel Sanders for a chook?
Good dog names:
Arj  (Barker) (Google is your friend)
Death Wish
etc, etc, etc..
May 27, 2011 at 1:44 AM Post #38 of 57
Snakes should have names like Ssslsltlstrvr or Zsrlthrdfr or something, I think.
Jun 5, 2011 at 2:05 AM Post #39 of 57
I had a gf who named her (and her brother's) 5 dogs with human names, it was the first time I saw something like that and when I ask them why, they say "because we treat them like people" wich was kind of true, more like babies I'd say.
IIRC the names were:
Ruffo Doroteo
Thomas Ernesto 

Bruno (Brunito)
-cant remmeber the other
and of course they all carried the family lastname.
I'd rather give them funny and catchy names. besides, imagine if your dogs name is Thomas and then you befriend a guy with the same name... 

I really hate this; at least remember to train it like an animal so you don't run into problems later.
My mom trained (or rather "raised") our dog like its her favorite child; she feeds it steak every night and lets it freak out at her. And how does Daisy (our pomeranian chihuahua)  ) thank us? By leaving us presents on the floor whenever it feels like because apparently people do that. I take it out regularly, it never understood that it was suppossed poop whenever it went out. It hasn't learned yet.
[size=10pt]Again, Theres nothing wrong with giving a pet a human name, but remember to at least train it like an animal first.[/size]
Jun 5, 2011 at 2:38 AM Post #40 of 57

I really hate this; at least remember to train it like an animal so you don't run into problems later.
My mom trained (or rather "raised") our dog like its her favorite child; she feeds it steak every night and lets it freak out at her. And how does Daisy (our pomeranian chihuahua)  ) thank us? By leaving us presents on the floor whenever it feels like because apparently people do that. I take it out regularly, it never understood that it was suppossed poop whenever it went out. It hasn't learned yet.
[size=10pt]Again, Theres nothing wrong with giving a pet a human name, but remember to at least train it like an animal first.[/size]

No offense to you or your mom, I'm sure she's a lovely person with a big heart, and I do not doubt she truly loves her dog, but I'd opine that if someone is not going to train an animal to behave in a way that is acceptable to them and their family then that person should not bring an animal into their home.  I'm not saying Daisy should go elsewhere - as clearly she is loved.  In the case of your mom, a bit of basic training is really all that's needed, and it would probably take less effort and be more fun than picking up all those little gifts she leaves around the house for you (your dog, not your mom).  Hire a trainer or get mom to bring lil' Daisy to some classes.  There are also online resources that might help you with house training.  I'd suggest Dr. Ian Dunbar's books and videos - he emphasizes positive reinforcement rather than punishment or domination.  Good luck - I understand your frustration, but it is a problem you can help your mom get through and seems like that would be a great thing to help her out with (a win-win for everyone). 
Jun 5, 2011 at 12:04 PM Post #41 of 57
How about giving humans Pet names??
Have a son named Rex, Rover, or Spot.
Or a daughter named Fee Fee, Missy, or Lady.
I named my dog after the drink I had in my hand at the time....her name is Brandy.  Lucky I didn't have a Beer in my hand.
Jun 5, 2011 at 12:53 PM Post #42 of 57

How about giving humans Pet names??
Have a son named Rex, Rover, or Spot.
Or a daughter named Fee Fee, Missy, or Lady.
I named my dog after the drink I had in my hand at the time....her name is Brandy.  Lucky I didn't have a Beer in my hand.

What do you suppose Frank had in his hand at the time he named Moon Unit and Dweezel?
Jun 5, 2011 at 6:51 PM Post #44 of 57
No offense to you or your mom, I'm sure she's a lovely person with a big heart, and I do not doubt she truly loves her dog, but I'd opine that if someone is not going to train an animal to behave in a way that is acceptable to them and their family then that person should not bring an animal into their home.  I'm not saying Daisy should go elsewhere - as clearly she is loved.  In the case of your mom, a bit of basic training is really all that's needed, and it would probably take less effort and be more fun than picking up all those little gifts she leaves around the house for you (your dog, not your mom).  Hire a trainer or get mom to bring lil' Daisy to some classes.  There are also online resources that might help you with house training.  I'd suggest Dr. Ian Dunbar's books and videos - he emphasizes positive reinforcement rather than punishment or domination.  Good luck - I understand your frustration, but it is a problem you can help your mom get through and seems like that would be a great thing to help her out with (a win-win for everyone). 

It bothers me kinda but my pomeranian chihuahua  is getting there. It used to be really possessive of the couch and my mom used to get really over protective of Daisy, she didn't want anyone forcing Daisy off the couch when she starts barking. You basicly summed it up, she has a big heart and loves her dog but never had one before so she doesn't know what exactly to do; she she loves it like a child. We got Daisy from our neighbors who are breeders and they just recently replaced their entire carpetting. The neighbors on our other side have as well.
 Don't worry; I get bothered because I didn't really want to chip in and take responsibility but whenever I see Daisy I can't help but spoil her a little XD

Jun 6, 2011 at 9:13 AM Post #45 of 57

I really hate this; at least remember to train it like an animal so you don't run into problems later.
My mom trained (or rather "raised") our dog like its her favorite child; she feeds it steak every night and lets it freak out at her. And how does Daisy (our pomeranian chihuahua)  ) thank us? By leaving us presents on the floor whenever it feels like because apparently people do that. I take it out regularly, it never understood that it was suppossed poop whenever it went out. It hasn't learned yet.
[size=10pt]Again, Theres nothing wrong with giving a pet a human name, but remember to at least train it like an animal first.[/size]

How about at least expecting the same from an animal that would would from a human.  People don't let their kids crap on the floor and pee on the drapes!!!
It is very VERY sad that humans have come to the point where they serve an animal as if its a King or Queen.  Indeed being feed the best food in the house, cared for and pampered day and night, bathed, waking up at odd hours day and night to submit to orders of being taken outside or inside all points to the Human being the servant and the Dog as being the Master.
I have seen people spend more money on their dogs cloths than their own kids cloths, and yes like your mom the dog crapped and pee'd anywhere it liked without a care.  Only to have a human come after it and pick up its crap then lavish affection on the animal like a mindless slave.  When she gets home from work the first thing she does is walk right past her kids to her dog, cook her dog dinner and bitch at the kids for not cleaning up. In fact, if she does not feel like cooking she makes her oldest son drive to KFC and buy the dog some chicken, bring it home and remove the chicken off the bone then put it in a plate for the dog.  Strange world...
Many dog owners might hate me, but I treat my dog like a dog. She comes inside and goes outside when I say so and eats regular dog food, walks by my side [not 10ft in front pulling me] and does exactly what I say, when I say it not when ever she feels like it. Never on the couch, never on the bed, always on the floor, if she barks and I look at her she stops barking, if I walk in the house she sits and waits for my permission to enter, I always walk in first, I put my hand up in the stop position and she sits and does not move or make a sound.

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