Should I get the V-Moda XS or M-100?
Apr 25, 2014 at 12:42 PM Post #32 of 51
Im back and still stuck in between which ones to get I would like somebody to do a comparison of the M100 and XS. I am going to put a playlist and I would like these tracks to be tested between the M100 & XS. Track 01, Track 08, Track 10 and Track 11. I want to know how both headphones perform with each song and how much less the bass is on the XS to the M100s. I'm not rushing anyone to do this as I understand some of you may have a busy life and have to do other things but whenever you can i'd be very thankfull. What im mainly looking for is bass response, clarity and detail and which ones you prefer. :) try giving me as much detail you can Thanks.
Apr 27, 2014 at 11:16 PM Post #34 of 51
Heres the playlist remember Track 01, 08, 10 & 11.

 What playlist ? It just shows me my home screen for youtube.... I just got my Xs about maybe 4-6 hours ago and listening them since then and from what i can tell the Mids are a bit more up front and Bass is punchier in my opinion ( though lacks the sub bass) 
Apr 28, 2014 at 6:59 AM Post #36 of 51
I have not used XS but I do own M100 for quite a while now.
So, I am going to say some words.
M100 is really good, I listened practically to almost all kinds of music, from rock, dub step, classic, pop, etc.
I used it with SGS3 + PowerAmp app.
Very good bass, good enough mids and clear highs.
The bass is powerful but not dark or overpowering the highs. (not that powerful compared to beats Studio but Studio is not having the clarity like the M100)
M100 is also detailed enough.
Although, you might need to correct some on the high and mids using the equalizer tho'.
I used it to listen e.g. to PTX1, PTX2, Lindsey Stirling, Ulytau, etc. and they are magnificent.
Room sound is also magnificent. No doubt about this.
I use M100 in trains, on the street, the passive noise cancellation works quite good.
I commute on daily basis.
But, please do not compare the passive noise cancellation on M!00 with an active one like on Bose NC15, there is no way an M100 can win.
OK, that is all about the good parts.
Now, it is for the bad parts.
M100 is a little uncomfortable and really causes fatiques after 1-2 hours of continues usage. (this could be an issue)
M100 is also very warm/hot in summer due to its closed construction. All of closed system headphones have this problem.
Apr 28, 2014 at 8:03 AM Post #38 of 51
Overall, I think the XS has the edge over the M100, but that's probably just me. I admit I'm not a bass head, so to me the M100 actually has very powerful bass, and not as clear highs as the XS.
Aug 2, 2014 at 1:26 PM Post #40 of 51
Anyone tried a side-by-side comparison of just the M/V - 80 vs XS yet?
Sorry if this has already been covered in a previous post.
Feb 20, 2015 at 12:00 PM Post #43 of 51
Hello folks!  I am new to this website and headphones in general. I dont know anything about the tech & science behind sound and headphones. I am considering a v-moda headphone, either the m100 or the xs.   I've read the reviews on InnerFidelity, cnet, others. I have watched a few youtube videos, most recently today SpiderNhan.
I am a petite woman with ( I guess) smallish ears and head, overall, I am not a big person. My whole life I have been using the headphones or ear buds that come with what ever music player I was using.  If I had invested in decent headphones I probably wouldn't notice the slight hearing loss I have developed.  sigh... Anyway, I have not found a place where I could try either of these headphones on and I do know that they are different in terms of fit and sound, over vs on ear, so I know comparisons aren't quite apples to apples.  
I am not an audiophile but not sure if I am a basshead either, although I do find I like some rocking bass (maybe borderline basshead)!  I listen to classic rock, my favs are Queen, Rush, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin.  I also am venturing into drum and bass, edm (in love with Daft Punk right now), industrial.  I intend to use the headphones primarily while I am commuting on the trains in Chicago, or while walking around the city, or during the rare flight here and there.  I understand that these are not dedicated noise canceling cans and that is ok. Also, I listen exclusively with my iPod nano. 
So! Too many options! When I think I have made a decision I read more reviews and then I am unsure.  I wonder if the m100s would be too big for me and not adjust quite small enough to fit my head, thus making the XS the better option.  I wonder if the XS would be better for my commutes or if it doesn't really matter.  Then I wonder if I will miss the fun, bass experience that reviewers speak about the m100s.  Hmmmm.  
What would be the benefit of having both?  I could purchase both, I spend that much on handbags.....
  But I'd rather not have the redundancy if I don't need it.  Any more ideas to help a newbie girl make this decision would be greatly appreciated!!
Feb 20, 2015 at 12:26 PM Post #44 of 51
Easy. XS.

While the M-100 has more bass overall, the bass on the XS slams harder. There isn't a difference in sound quality as much as there is a difference in sound signature and unless you have an amp or two to play with, you're not missing anything choosing the XS over the M-100. It'd also be easier to stow the XS inside your many handbags.

If you're into dangling jewelry, be aware that necklaces and earrings can scratch your headphones if you have them around your neck. A friend of mine learned that lesson the hard way.

If you want more bass slam in a similar package the Beats Solo 2 aren't bad.
Feb 20, 2015 at 1:42 PM Post #45 of 51
SpiderNhan, thank you so much for the speedy response and the wonderful review videos you make.   I wouldn't have thought about the jewelry scratches so thanks for the heads up!
One more question, what about the Sennheiser urbanite on ear?  I saw the video from InnerFidelity and Tyll had very good things to say about them.  I am going to eyeball yours and his videos again before I place an order.  Again, thanks for the response!  

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