Should I Buy (and Play) World of Warcraft?
Aug 12, 2006 at 11:09 PM Post #31 of 80
i was way into it for a few weeks, its fun because you cant wait to get 60 and pvp and do the raids but then you get to like 39 like me and start to find that grinding the exp even doing quests takes forever. and not to mention it would take another few months to get your items etc.. so i just got severely bored and the game no longer appealed to me.

but i mean if you can get a month or so free... i would try it also try to g et a game from a friend or something because youd be better off saving the cash well atleast untill your sure you like the game.
Aug 13, 2006 at 12:23 AM Post #32 of 80
I am very used to RPG levelling up type of grinding already, so it's not a problem for me. Playstation game' levelling up is much worse and boring at times.

My gripe is the lack of details on the maps and instruction on quests. And the frickin' walk on foot when you are on the task. It feels like oblivion without the luxury of auto travel.
Aug 13, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #33 of 80
listen to yellafella321 he is crazy and went rank 14. You should have just gotten the mount like me.
Aug 13, 2006 at 12:55 AM Post #35 of 80

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
I have WoW and I have already installed it but I haven;t got round to playing it yet. Although guild wars:factions sounds interesting as it a MMORG and it involves no subscriptions, is that right?

Guild Wars is definitely way more enjoyable than WoW and there is no subscription, you are correct, you buy it once and that's that.
Aug 13, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #36 of 80
I'm basically just going to be saying what many other people have said.... don't play it!!!

I have a couple of freinds that play it and that is basically all they do, even when they aren't playing it they are talking about it. Both of them have 2 lvl 60s and all they do is raid and get new stuff... like pants...

Personally I would tell you to just play guild wars. I played it and it was great. You'll spend a fair amount of time playing it but not nearly as much as WoW. It is basically just a less complex version of WoW. And you'll get your MMORPG hook and then be done with it quicker than WoW.
Aug 13, 2006 at 1:47 AM Post #37 of 80
It's a fun game, especially the first time through and until you get to level 60, just seeing all the different places and making progress through quests and zones.

After that you can either sell your soul to the raiding or pvp grinds or make another guy and start heading toward 60 again (which is still fun but not quite as much as the first time). It helps if you have a friend or two to play with. You can do most things alone but not all of them. Quests get a lot easier when you've got a buddy to do them with, especially if one of you can heal. I played warrior/priest with a friend and most things were ridiculously easy. You need 5 people for most of the instanced dungeons, which can be fun and a source of good gear.

I'd suggest not being in a big hurry to get to the "end". For $15 a month, you can get an awful lot of quality entertainment out of the game before you get sick of it. As for the walking/running thing - yeah, it sucks. Certain classes get travel forms that speed up the rate at which you can run. The rest are stuck walking (and there is a LOT of walking) until you can buy a mount at level 40. Fortunately, there are flight paths between most of the town areas which are reasonably fast. They've added several in the last few patches and also the ability to chain flights so you can get somewhere far away without having to know what connects to it or taking 3 seperate flights.
Aug 13, 2006 at 3:57 AM Post #38 of 80
Agreed that 1-60 is the best time ever. You'll make some cool friends although now that nobody is really new to the game anymore you'll get annoyed that everyone you're leveling with is playing alts (and thus you won't have a reliable group of friends to level with like I had). I played a Warlock, which was pretty gimped at game launch and having some friends to cover my back while leveling was awesome. My warrior friend played shield many times while we completed some of the more scripted quests. I played for a few months after 60, some of it just helping my other friends hit 60 and playing alts until I could find a reasonable guild to do raids with. My first few weeks in Molten Core were AWESOME since it was a learning experience for everyone. It really felt like a true battle. Once the guild fell into a grind mode on MC though I got bored quickly, and then realized just now much of my time was being taken up trying to get gear that I'd replace in a few months anyway. That was the end of the road for me and I ended the account.

PvP came out later and was a LOT of fun but again, a grind. If a round of Arathi Basin could actually feel like a round of Counter Strike, where everyone's in it for the fun, it would rule. But the honor grinders do a lot of crappy things including dropping out of the game if you're playing with a guild known for being good, leaving you to wait again for the next group who may do it all over again.
Oct 31, 2006 at 11:43 PM Post #39 of 80
just started playing and not sure how you'd become addicted to this; seems rather on the boring side of things; $20 for a month it's a good time for me though
Oct 31, 2006 at 11:51 PM Post #40 of 80

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
Maybe I came across the wrogn way or unseriously or something, but I am very serious, this game can destroy your life. If you don't believe me, check WOW forums and google. This game is like a drug.

Do not have anything to do with this game! Highly addictive. Destroyed my roommate.. well the whole friggin hall. My floor during the summer was much more nice and social because none played that game. Much more outings and pool parties, and you always have someone to talk to or do things with, not just someone to yell at to stop making noises during the night due to fidgeting since they remained sedentary for days..

Do all the people near you a favor and find something more productive to do! You know what happened to my roomate after giving me months of hell? Well apparently he was level 70 or something with like 9 million gold. Well lets just say the 9 million gold suddenly appeared in one neat little pile on the floor, with many other characters coverging on it, while his character started running and dropping random items from the inventory, leaving a trail of goodies for the mob following to reap.
Nov 1, 2006 at 2:08 AM Post #41 of 80

Originally Posted by dj_mocok
Never played this game before (because you gotta pay monthly), just wondering, is it still worth it? Or is it too late?

How many head-fiers are still actively playing WoW? Any Head-fi guild?

Any reason why should I play it or why Shouldn't I play it?

No. BTW: Cliff Notes on the bottom. More edit since I read you bought the game already...pointers.

Take it from someone that played WoW. Once you hit level 60, there are two end games. PvP or raiding. If you're casual, there is nothing else for you to do besides PvP or the occasional public group raid...because the real raids require a highly coordinated effort of dedicated gamers. A raid, by the way, is a larger party of people that go into a dungeon to collectively take down a boss that drops very rare items. You won't get public groups doing hard raids because they are not friendly on casual gamers that aren't geared with 'raid gear.' A raiding guild has the time, resources, and equipment to pursue those raids. Usually, a raid that those guilds can do becomes accessible to public groups/casual players long after those raiding guilds have moved on to harder dungeons. By that time, Blizzard tones down the earlier instances, or releases mini-instances that gear up casuals just enough to where it becomes less difficult to run what used to be a difficult raid.

PvP is of course player versus player. Horde versus alliance faction to be exact.

Example of raiding: Molten Core and Onyxia were the first two raids implemented into the game. I was in the top raiding guild of my server, and started playing WoW(I have quit over a half a year go btw). Molten Core had 10 bosses, and it took us about 6 months to be able to clear the first 9. The last boss of any dungeon, is usually far more difficult than the previous encounters. We finally beat the end boss. Since then there have been 3 or so changes to the endboss to make him easier to down for casual guilds just getting their feet wet. Check this. The first few runs after we could clear the dungeon took 5-6 hours. Yes...laugh at me. I actually stayed on the comp that long to clear it with the guild. It now takes us less than 2 hours and 30 minutes(because of gearing up from higher dungeons). When I quit, we stopped doing Molten Core entirely except as a benchmark for new guild recruits...but we discovered the seasoned players made it far easier for the recruits to mess up. So we decided to skip it and go to the next dungeon that was released after Molten Core, Black Wing Lair.

There have since been two more dungeons.

Also a raid used to be 40 members, which made it difficult for casual groups because of difficulty in finding that many. Now, to make another point. Casuals really did need every last spot, especially the beginning raiders. For a raiding guild, we could get by with less. I recall us clearing Molten Core with 12 members. Anyway, Blizzard cut the raiding size down for any raid to 20 or 25. Don't remember...this was after I left. So it's even more difficult for casuals to raid...because 20 makes it more difficult because of lack of numbers, whereas before, you at least had the luxury of having up to 40.

Some people don't care about items in game. However, eventually most of the players do. It's a persistent game. Everyone wants to look the best. The best items come from raiding and can't be crafted.

There are two extremes for items. Raiding gear which is the most powerful and difficult to obtain because drop rates are low AND you have to be able to take down bosses. After that is PvP gear...which I dare say is even more difficult to obtain than raiding gear, and actually less powerful. PvP gear puts you on a ranking system. You have to rank up 14 times to unlock PvP armor/weapons. Rank 14 people, High Warlords(Horde) and Grand Marshal(Alliance) make up something like 5% of the game population.

Oh yeah...raids reset every few days. The small ones I didn't name reset every 3 days or so. The real raids which used to be 40 man, but are now 20 or 25, reset every 7 days. So there is no beating boss 5 and trying months and months and months on boss 6. After the reset is up, if you didn't beat any one you have to start from the beginning.

CLIFF NOTES: Don't buy it. Don't look at it. Don't play it...'cause really beyond level 60, unless you're raiding you won't have anything else to do but talk to people.

EDIT: Someone mentioned /played as the actual number of days a character has logged in game. By the time I quit I logged somewhere of 130 days played. That was about average for a raider that just logged in for raid times(we had a schedule as most raiding guilds do...raiding guilds are elitist jerks. Don't meet the schedule or suck playing the game...we kick you or you don't get in in the first place).

No, I don't look like a fat couch potato. <---custom dumbbell I had made 3 years ago so I could add more plates. 15 inches of total sleeving for weights.

EDIT 2: You bought the game. Goodbye to your friends, family, lovers, cats, dogs, goldfish, hygiene and everything else I forgot. Kidding of course. Anyway, you'll need gold in game for repairs and eventually a mount. Do yourself a favor and pick up a profession. Enchanting is the most profitable. Alchemy is also profitable if you can cater to the raiding guilds by selling them potions. You wanna pick professions when you're low so you can level those up while you're leveling your character. Otherwise, at level 60, without a profession, the only way to make gold is to kill endless waves of mobs to pick up actually bits of gold. You sooo don't wanna do that. I was too lazy and too hardcore to do a profession so that's how I funded myself pre-raid days. I actually killed enough mobs to have over 2000 gold at one point, just months after the game was out. That was a lot back then. It's not so much now. I hear ppl walking around with 20k+. Anyway, I ended up borrowing gold from guildies. Just a little tangent.

Funny...I quit WoW after I got a girlfriend. I don't regret it. I realized my gf would dump me inevitibly if I played this much. Since dropping WoW I increased my lifting intensity. Lifting is my other and longstanding hobby. Been 6 years since I've started. I realized how stupid WoW was and fueled my pissed-offedness into the weights.
Nov 1, 2006 at 3:05 AM Post #44 of 80
If you pick up WoW, you might actually spend less time on Head-Fi! That can't be good
Haha, but seriously, it is SUPER addicting. I played for a long time until I decided $15/a month was too steep for the game. So I sold the account and now I'm back to Diablo 2: LOD and Warcraft III: DotA
Nov 1, 2006 at 3:19 AM Post #45 of 80
My son playtests WoW at Blizzard, so he doesn't get in too deeply at home. There are expansions from time to time to add some interest, but few people seem to like starting games over cringing around as weaklings!

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