Short Collection Of Reviews - PMR Reviews
Feb 5, 2016 at 9:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Reviewer: PMR Audio
Sep 15, 2014
Review Index
A Revised Compilation of Reviews


A Little About Myself, And The Reviews
I enjoy writing, mainly writing about audio, and to a lesser extent, my misadventures.   If these ramblings are too long-winded, boring, or personal, feel free to skip to the index.  I recently decided to take a look at this somewhat neglected section...I copy a link to it on every review but I rarely update it.  Anyways, here goes nothing.
I'm on the first train headed to work when I receive a PM from fellow Head-Fi'er @twister6.  First thought - I'll be darned.  It's not every day you get a message from such a well-known and respected member of the audio community.  Positive stuff, but the navigation between the reviews could be better.  Very true indeed, especially considering how some of the older reviews are kind of tucked away in the land of forgotten threads.  I thank him for the advice and ask for some tips on how to improve the organization of my reviews.  He tells me about making a dedicated thread, posting in the head-gear reviews section, amongst other things.  Amazingly helpful.  Naturally, I thank him again.  
I make a small mental note to implement some of these changes when I get back.  In the meantime, my M50X (unfortunately, now sold) starts doing some weird stuff with Prelude 1 in C Major (Well Tempered Clavier, Bach) and I remind myself that I really shouldn't be listening to classical with the M50X.  Too bad - this is what you get for waking up at 4:30 AM and fumbling in the darkness for the right headphones.  Suddenly, a touch of sentimentality hits me.  Is the 331 year old composer reaching out to me?
Turn back the clock to two years ago (?) - I'm using some crappy earphones on the train (model I can't remember) and the left earphone suddenly fails.  I let a curse out from under my breath.  I'm going to need to replace these earphones.  I figure I'm going to spend some money and treat myself to something that'll last longer.  After work, I head over to a Sony authorized reseller.  After all, Sony usually sounds good (and that opinion still hasn't changed to this day).  I pick up an older model - the MDREX510LP for about 70 bucks.  Earphones out of the box and I'm back on the train again.
I play some Jobim...and instantly I'm somewhere else.  I'm hearing all these details that I hadn't known even existed.  The dynamics seemed awesome.  I remember thinking to myself, "Oh man what an amazing sound. I've been missing out on so much."  For the record, I did let a tear or two out.  Simply an amazing train ride back home.  Afterwards, I started watching Head-Fi, and after a while finally mustered the courage to create an account (didn't know much about forums or etiquette at the time...all seemed very intimidating).  Ask for some help before making my next, and probably unexpected purchase in the form of the ATH-IM02.  It was simply a great earphone and I wanted to impart some of this to the community. And that's how it all started.
Throughout the course of this journey, I've learnt a lot through the reviewing process.  I've learnt a lot from fellow head-fiers and from the companies I've coordinated with.  There were mistakes to be had and miscommunications that were rather unfortunate.  But at the end of the day, I've not regretted it a single bit.  It's been a great journey honestly, and I look forward to where it'll take me. Cheers, and welcome to Head-Fi.
TL;DR:  As you scroll through these reviews, I hope you're able to enjoy them as much as I did writing them.  I've always tried to capture the sense of magic associated with listening to good gear, and I hope at least part of this comes through in my writing.

I've finally figured out a decent disclaimer to include for all these reviews. Throughout the course of the reviewing journey, I've never been paid for any reviews, nor have I earned money off of my equipment.  I'm not a paid affiliate or employee of any audio company, distributor, or derivative thereof.  Sometimes I receive samples, other times I receive loan units.  All photos were taken by me, through my trust D700 (unless otherwise stated).  I've recently started some videos too.  At any rate, I'd really appreciate a heads up if you'd like to use the media.  It really clears up any miscommunication that could arise.
If you've any questions regarding my reviews, do feel free to contact me via PM at any time.  Last but not least, a big thank you to the people who have supported me on this journey and a shoutout to @thatBeatsguyand to the Lab where everything goes!  Favorite thread? - TH-900, by far.  

Feb 5, 2016 at 9:50 AM Post #2 of 15

Audio Technica's ATH-IM02Click Here For Review
Sony's MDR-XB70APClick Here For Review
Dunu's DN-2000Click Here For Review
Nocs' NS-800Click Here For Review
Joinhandmade's Jelly GalaxyClick Here For Review
Final Audio Design's Lab 1Click Here For Review
Etymotic Research's ER-4PT]Click Here For Review
Bang And Olufsen's Beoplay H3Click Here For Review
Dita's Answer/ Truth Click Here For Review
Final Audio Design's Heaven 7 & 8Click Here For Review
Alclair CurveClick Here For Review
Klipsch XR8iClick Here For Review
Sony's H.ear In WirelessClick Here For Review
Sony XBA-Z5 ImpressionsClick Here For Review
Beyerdynamic's T-70P                 Click Here For Review
Master And Dynamic's MH40
Click Here For Review
Master And Dynamic's MW60Click Here For Review
Sony's MDR-ZX770BNClick Here For Review
Samson's Z55Click Here For Review
Beyerdynamic T1V2/ DT1770Click Here For Review
Sony MDR-Z7 ImpressionsClick Here For Review
Sony MDR-Z1R ImpressionsClick Here For Review
Audioquest's NightHawkClick Here For Review
Focal's Elear/ Utopia Impression
Click Here For Review
Sony MDR-Z1R Technical NoteClick Here For Review
Sony MDR-Z1R ReviewClick Here For Review
Kennerton OdinClick Here For Review
Fiio's E11K Kilimanjaro 2             Click Here For Review
Hidizs' AP100 DAP
Click Here For Review
Fiio's M3 DAPClick Here For Review
Fiio's A1 AmpClick Here For Review
TheBit's Opus#1 DAPClick Here For Review
Audinst's HUD-DX1 AmpClick Here For Review
iFi Audio's Pro iCANClick Here For Review
Felik Audio's Espressivo AmpClick Here For Review
Sony's TA-ZH1ES Impressions Click Here For Review
Sony's NW-WM1Z/A ImpressionsClick Here For Review
Hifiman's Supermini/ MegaminiClick Here For Review
Sony's NW-WM1ZClick Here For Review
Sony's NW-WM1A (Repeat)Click Here For Review
Lindemann's Musicbook:10 DSDClick Here For Review

Miscellaneous Stuff 
i.e. Stuff I've Been Too Lazy To Update
Beyerdynamic's T1.1 Original
Audio-Technica's R70X
Fostex's TH-900 (Mk 1)
VE Monk (New Version)
iBasso's DX50
Centrance's dacMini

Feb 5, 2016 at 10:18 AM Post #5 of 15
  Heya PMR! Thanks for the shout-out (your thread makes me want to make my own now XD).
  Glad to see you're back on the reviewing scene. I, too, have been in a bit of a hiatus myself and have only recently got back.
  (PS: Do you think I should make my own review list thread?)

Hey bro!  I could definitely see that working out. Glad to be back by the way. Not too sure but that'd be a start for organization.  I feel like stuff gets lost so often! 
Feb 5, 2016 at 10:23 AM Post #6 of 15
Hey bro!  I could definitely see that working out. Glad to be back by the way. Not too sure but that'd be a start for organization.  I feel like stuff gets lost so often! 

I can totally agree. Two and a half years' worth of reviews are incredibly hard to sort and sift through. Speaking of which, I should probably work on rewriting some of the really old ones -- lemme tell ya, they're not reviews I'm entirely proud of.
Feb 5, 2016 at 10:24 AM Post #7 of 15
  Hey bro!  I could definitely see that working out. Glad to be back by the way. Not too sure but that'd be a start for organization.  I feel like stuff gets lost so often! 

I can totally agree. Two and a half years' worth of reviews are incredibly hard to sort and sift through. Speaking of which, I should probably work on rewriting some of the really old ones -- lemme tell ya, they're not reviews I'm entirely proud of.

Haha that's the weirdest feeling isn't it.  Going back and looking at stuff and cringing.  Oh dear, don't get me started.  It's so awkward.
Apr 7, 2016 at 10:56 AM Post #11 of 15
Update in a while!  Opus#1 and the new T1's/DT1770s
Sep 12, 2016 at 5:05 PM Post #13 of 15
This is pretty awesome! Good stuff man. Time to read through your backlog of content. 


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