Shaving, gents
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 949


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 3, 2006
So, as I nicked myself shaving a while ago, I began pondering everyone else's shaving habits.

What kind of razor/beard trimmer do you use? Electric, or manual? What type of shaving cream? Do you use aftershave? What kind? When do you shave, and how often?

I'm 16, turning 17 soon. I shave every few days. I have a Gillette Fusion (5 blades) that I use, with Gillette gel. I don't use aftershave.

Some might find this unusual, but I shave in the shower, while I'm letting the shampoo sit in my hair.

Anyone else?

Shaving FACIAL hair by the way.

If ladies feel the need to join, you can post your leg shaving info if you want. yeah...i should stop procrastinating homework.
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:25 AM Post #2 of 949
Hey man,

If you dont have that much facial hair I really wouldn't use 5 blades unless you get like a 5 o'clock shadow which shouldn't be the case if you're 16-17. But hey if you haven't sliced your face yet then kudos.

I use the 3 blades from Gillete. I shave downward and then upwards. I use shaving cream and if I ran out here at the dorm I'll use soap. Since I'm saving money for my rig I don't use after shave, I substitute it with rubbing alcohol (its cheaper).

Yea shower is alot quicker when running late to class.
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:29 AM Post #3 of 949
Am I the only one who thought gents. was short for 'genitals'?
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:29 AM Post #4 of 949
I don't shave. Picture included.


But when I did shave, way back when, I used an electric razor. I haven't shaved in ten months or so, and haven't looked back.

P.S.: I am 17 (almost 18!)
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:35 AM Post #5 of 949

Originally Posted by mrdelayer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't shave.

But when I did shave, way back when, I used an electric razor. I haven't shaved in ten months or so, and haven't looked back.

P.S.: I am 17 (almost 18!)

If I didnt shave for ten months I'd look like cousin It from the Addams family. But to be honest, you'll get far more attention from the ladies if you DO shave and perhaps get your eyebrows groomed. Trust me brother you'll thank me later.

I use the Gillette Mach 3 with Edge shaving gel. I cant see more than 3 blades being useful, it feels like you're shaving with a brick if you use 4 or 5, and I need maneuverability. I have to shave every 2 days or my girlfriend gets upset at the uhhhh...chaffing it can cause in various situations. I don't use after shave, and I also shave in the shower (hot water softens the hair for a much less abrasive experience). I keep a well-kept goatee or just chin hair much of the time, trimmed with a #1 clip from a Conair electric. See avatar.
Apr 30, 2007 at 3:37 AM Post #7 of 949

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I didnt shave for ten months I'd look like cousin It from the Addams family. But to be honest, you'll get far more attention from the ladies if you DO shave and perhaps get your eyebrows groomed. Trust me brother you'll thank me later.

Eyebrows I can't really disagree with. My girlfriend, however, likes the facial hair (I suppose I don't really need more attention from the ladies in that case), and so do I.
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:03 AM Post #9 of 949
I usually shave once a week because I don't like shaving, but the hair grows back really fast during that week (I should really shave daily, but I don't want to go through the burden). I always use 3-blade razors (usually whatever brand is on sale or the cheapest; Schick Xtreme 3 at the moment) and Barbasol shaving cream (It's the one that my father uses; I haven't tried using a gel yet); I don't use aftershave. I've been shaving for a few years now and I can't remember the last time I cut myself. You eventually get the hang of it and know how much pressure to use.

I'm due for a shave right now actually, so I guess I'll do that right now. I've never tried shaving in the shower (I've always just used a running sink with hot water), so I guess I'll try that now
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:06 AM Post #10 of 949
I use a straight razor (the kind you see barbers use) and shaving soap in a mug with a brush.

When I'm hurrying, I use a normal 2 blade cheapo razor, but shaving with the straight razor has become sort of a "treat", something to enjoy, for me.
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:10 AM Post #11 of 949
I have a pretty well kept short beard, although I do shave my neck as I hate neck hair. I trim with the 1 or 2 setting on the clipper and use Mach 3 blades. As for cream or gel, I use edge sensitive skin and usually shave after I get out of the shower. I used to use swiss army after shave, but started using vitamin E gel, I think that's what it is anyway (the green stuff) and it works really well...
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:11 AM Post #12 of 949

Originally Posted by bigizzy75 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey man,

If you dont have that much facial hair I really wouldn't use 5 blades unless you get like a 5 o'clock shadow which shouldn't be the case if you're 16-17. But hey if you haven't sliced your face yet then kudos.

i have a decent amount, but my family has really tough facial hair. mine isn't 100% mature yet, as the hair around my chin is still blonde, but still, they're like wires. i used 3 blades for a while, but the blades would wear out quickly, and i'd still have stubble when i was done.
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:33 AM Post #13 of 949
I am turning in less than a month, but then... I never shave yet.
Yeah, that is a bit weird but I seriously don't need to shave yet XD
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:36 AM Post #14 of 949
A two blade razor is fine; keep it rinsed off and drag the razor up from your chin. The end.

Put some cream on your face and shave. Don't parade around the maypole of shaving losers with their 17 blade fast and furious marketed razor. Superimposing a razor over a chocked F-117 while a drift car slides around it makes not a clean shave. Alternatively, just grow a beard. Don't do this unless your testes are squirtin' hormones at full production. There's zip worse than sporting that spotty Fu Manchu mess. Nothing screams "puberty boy here" like patchy facial hair.
Apr 30, 2007 at 4:45 AM Post #15 of 949
haha, i agree. the razor i'm using was actually a promo. my bro got it in the mail. he uses an electric norelco, so he gave the 5 blade to me. i rather like it. though i don't know if i'll but replacements, since they're pretty expensive.

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