shanling CD-T100 or cd-t00c??????
Jun 16, 2004 at 7:25 AM Post #2 of 28
I've got a T100 and a T200. The ones I have are in the original color scheme with gold on the legs. The new T100c and T200c have a lower profile look which I quite like (the color of the legs is a light grey). A good friend of mine bought a T200c after hearing my players. No change in sonics that I know of, just the cosmetics.

They are indeed stunning players to look at and to hear. There are a lot of mods that you can get done, but the biggest bang for the buck improvement you can do is to tube roll it. The Western Electric and/or Northern Electric 396A tubes are a great way to go, as are the much more rare 6581 tubes.

I've tried the headphone out a couple of times and was shocked at how good it sounds! Of course, this is after the player has been tube rolled, so you are feeding off of that. The head out tubes are the 2 on the right. The 2 on the left are for the tube out section on the back of the player (i.e., to be used if you are running it into a head amp). You are right on with your assessment that this would save a ton of money! The only problem I've had when doing my (***very limited***) testing of the headphone jack is that I just can't attenuate the volume with as much refinement as I get with a head amp.

Zanth and tom hankins also have Shanling players, and maybe some others here as well, in case you want more opinions.
Jun 16, 2004 at 8:47 AM Post #3 of 28

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
I've got a T100 and a T200. The ones I have are in the original color scheme with gold on the legs. The new T100c and T200c have a lower profile look which I quite like (the color of the legs is a light grey). A good friend of mine bought a T200c after hearing my players. No change in sonics that I know of, just the cosmetics.

They are indeed stunning players to look at and to hear. There are a lot of mods that you can get done, but the biggest bang for the buck improvement you can do is to tube roll it. The Western Electric and/or Northern Electric 396A tubes are a great way to go, as are the much more rare 6581 tubes.

I've tried the headphone out a couple of times and was shocked at how good it sounds! Of course, this is after the player has been tube rolled, so you are feeding off of that. The head out tubes are the 2 on the right. The 2 on the left are for the tube out section on the back of the player (i.e., to be used if you are running it into a head amp). You are right on with your assessment that this would save a ton of money! The only problem I've had when doing my (***very limited***) testing of the headphone jack is that I just can't attenuate the volume with as much refinement as I get with a head amp.

Zanth and tom hankins also have Shanling players, and maybe some others here as well, in case you want more opinions.

What he said.
Jun 19, 2004 at 10:46 PM Post #4 of 28
The T100 is the best bang for buck player IMO at the $1000 mark (used). Lots of flexibility and possible mods. Excellent sound and very musical. The headphone output is quite good that I cannot hear a difference between it and a maxed out meta42.
Jun 19, 2004 at 11:40 PM Post #5 of 28
The headphone amp does sound nice and smooth, rolling the tube helps a lot as WMcmanus stated, the tubes though that he was refering to are 6385s not 6581s. And these in my opinion are the be all and end all for the Shanling. I've tried everything else and nothing comes close.

As for the sound, my player is now heavily modified, and will be undergoing another round in a few weeks once I get used to the sound of these mods. Frankly, for the money and even without the mods, its hard to beat and with the mods...heh, I feel its untouchable in the red book world. I'm going to be having a really large double blind test in Montreal with a few rich friends we will see how my player does against their $$$ gear, one owns the Sondek, heh...and my personal favourite the Classe CDP-10. I wish I knew someone with the DCS gear...that would have been cool. Even so, this will still be fun.

Oh...and the Shanling looks the best, hands down, for the eyes in this beholder.
Jun 20, 2004 at 5:30 AM Post #6 of 28
well Guys I have a loaned cd100A sitting bext to me, I have listened to it for 3 hours strait while laying back on my leather recliner in the dark!

I never really sit down and listen to the headphones, and I never have my lights off even when I sleep.

this my friends is my first experience with anything tubed, as far as having it in my room.

the coolest things of this player besides the amazing build quailty and super model looks are these...

the seperate rca outputs on the rear with some high quality rca plugs.
one pair rca puts out the tube driven power of the cd
the other puts out a solid state power of the cd
so in turn you have both a solid state cdp and a tube cdp at you cool is that?

another thing is it has volume control output on both pair of rca outs....
in other words if i have a set of monoblock amps and im only going to run the cdp on them then I dont need to buy a preamp for the volume control...that alone can save some big bucks..imagine have a tube preamp and a seperate solid state

it has a tubed power headphone jack to, I havent tried it out much, but it seems not to be able to power the ps-1 loud enough.

the remote had to be stolen from fort nox cause this motha is heavy and solid. there is more steel in the remote of the shanling then my entire NAD 542. oh and dont you hate when you lose the batt cover of the remote? well the cover is screwed on be hex screws, and they a big!...its so smooth its like its just one peice of strait metal.

the blue glow from the cd GLASS cover and the warm but soft glow of the tubes will make you listen in the dark. its true beauty is seen only in the dark.

as far as sound quality and detail and blah blah blah, well i need alittle more time on it. but I will let you in on this...

I am bowing to the tube gods rite now, lol
when I was listening to it in the dark i had my left hand holding a smoke and the right hand was laying on the top corner of the cdp itself, it was sooo warm it felt like a was a baby curling next to its mothers heart. I everytime I took my hand off it just naturly went back on the cdp, now when is the last time you had to touch your cdp while you listened to it?

i just got back from work and I plan on doing it all again after i get out of the jacuzzi in a hour or two. ....but now the sun is gone and there will be just me and the cdp tonight

the funniest part is sure its a nice exspensive cdp, and sure I am useing exspensive ps-1 cans ....but I am still useing the ra-1 to power the imagine the setup with a rp5? or any other tube headamp?
I cant afford it now cause I am saving for a new headamp plus I am paying off the ps-1's. in july when the headfi meet I am hosting happens we will have a WOOAUDIOII and a rp5 that i'm bringing in for other guys, this means I take them home that night and you know I will loan out the SHanling cd-100A again for some major

I can only dream of a stealth in the setup.....oh boy I need to trade RAy a kidney.

I will post more thoughts later, and of course you know I am going to snap alot of pron pics. tonight is saturday night and I have until tuesday mourning with the cdp.

oh and these are stock tubes and a genric power cord with no power conditioning now I cant change the tubes cause I dont have any nor will I before tuesday
Jun 20, 2004 at 6:07 AM Post #7 of 28
I have been using the RA-1 with the PS-1's and heh,I really like the sound. The Melos IS better, but the RA-1 is not crappy.

Would you mind taking a pic of your Shanling remote? The remote you described is NOT the one I have in front of me...I think I want yours
Jun 20, 2004 at 6:21 AM Post #10 of 28
Hmmm I have a RC-02A, I need your remote!

the 24/96 is the upsampling button. I myself prefer my redbook without upsampling but you may like yours with.
Jun 20, 2004 at 6:34 AM Post #12 of 28
redbook or regular cd is 16/44 and upsampling is resampling those bites to 24/96. I find it gives a more digital hyper real sound, very "Hi-Fi" but not smooth for me personally. That is why I am having my clock upgraded as my final mod.
Jun 20, 2004 at 9:14 AM Post #13 of 28
thanx zan.

as far as the pics go I had a lady guest in the jacuzzi with me, which i wasent I am way to tired to post and host rite now.

i will do tomorrow, rite now I am going to lay down with her and watch

hey i have been up for 27 hours

damm this is the second girl in the second week in the jacuzzi...I only had it open for 2 weeks I need to settle down a bit...this life style is hard..

lol, oh well
Jun 20, 2004 at 10:01 PM Post #15 of 28

That player, and your pics of it are a work of art !! Bravo !

I particularly like the way you position the PS-1s in your pics... Sweet !! Maybe JohnG should hire you to do a promo for his lineup.. hehe

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