Serious question: Why is the AK380 four thousand dollars?
Jun 9, 2016 at 8:22 PM Post #16 of 182
  Pointless question.
Why is the Mona Lisa worth...,.
Why does a Patek Phillipe cost...
Why does a Ferrari cost...,
It costs that much because of a) brand positioning  b) it is considered by many as the best portable standalone player, c) people are willing to pay that price.

Take a Dunhill cigarette lighter and a disposable lighter. The flame is the same but the build quality, materials used and "prestige" is something else. Sound quality wise well if you own one of course it sounds better than any other dap - you just forked out 6k for it!!
Jun 10, 2016 at 4:36 PM Post #18 of 182
^ I like 

Jun 10, 2016 at 4:58 PM Post #20 of 182
  And how do you justify your "Moon Audio Silver Dragon (ZX2 TRRS Version)" ? :)

ask me again , when i buy/pay 1000$ for a cable that offers a 200$ value 

Jun 10, 2016 at 5:06 PM Post #21 of 182
ask me again , when i buy/pay 1000$ for a cable that offers a 200$ value 

Ah, but that's the catch. I also have a Moon Audio cable, but if my wife knew what I paid for it I would be in big trouble and she would certainly think I had too much money to spend!
I guess my point is that "value" is always in the eye of the beholder. For you and me a Moon cable is affordable and the improvement is worth the cost. Maybe for others, the relatively small improvement of the AK380 is also affordable and worth the cost?
Jun 10, 2016 at 5:18 PM Post #22 of 182
you have a point there (and it's best you do not go ahead and buy an AK380 for fear of potential divorce
)  but being a person with very tight money budget and a smart mind able to access when something is a bargain , a bit overpriced or grossly overpriced 

i try buying products in the 1st category
i can live with buying products in the 2nd category
i laugh and feel anger for sompanies selling products at the 3rd category

ak380 is one of the kings of the 3rd category , imho of course 

Jun 11, 2016 at 12:54 PM Post #25 of 182
....because somewhere, out there.... are people willing to pay for it. For this principle taken to the ultimate extreme please also see the tera-player, now priced at EUR10,000.

This is the answer.

Where there's a market there's a maker, and it's an ongoing trend atm in portable audio. (rising prices)

People want the ultimate and happy to pay, AK answers thier request.
Jun 11, 2016 at 6:35 PM Post #26 of 182
People want the ultimate and happy to pay, AK answers their request.

Nope. Sorry, but I think you have that back-to-front.
IMO, AK created a cynically-calculated and deliberately-Freudian marketing strategy to prey-upon wealthy individuals' psychological insecurities. These people may want the 'Ultimate', but, even more than that, they desperately want to soothe their subconscious insecurities, by buying an expensive material object, that they misguidedly convince themselves will help them 'BE the Ultimate', in the eyes of themselves (and, hopefully) 'envious&admiring onlookers'.
Therefore, although there are some audiophiles who are convinced that AK products truly offer the best SQ, and are willing (and able) to pay a premium for that, for the majority of customers to which AK products are being marketed, the performance of the material object is secondary to the perceived psychological band-aid offered by ownership of the object / status symbol. This tendency for many people to misguidedly identify themselves with material objects is exploited by many 'luxury' companies. If anyone wishes to understand more about this egoic tendency, a good place to start would be by acquainting yourself with material by Eckhart Tolle, because he deconstructs the tendencies of ego in intricate detail.
AK's marketing team knows these egoic tendencies extremely acutely!
They even exploit this psychology further, by deliberate incremental releases, to keep moving the 'latest-&-greatest' goalposts, thus leading to customers feeling compelled to up[side]grade each time, in order to keep scratching their psychological itch (Blue Note, Stainless Steel, Copper, each with an even higher implied status-level, and, of course, a higher pricetag to go with it).
It's a pity, because AK's engineering team (both software and hardware) are actually quite talented, but are, IMO, taking a backseat to the cynicism and greed of the company that employs them.
I realise some head-fiers will disagree with my above remarks, quite vehemently. I'm not saying all AK customers follow the above psychology, but a great many.
It's uncomfortable to hear it, but the AK240 marketing, in particular, made it abundantly apparent that iRiver's marketing is very carefully calculated to play upon wealthy individuals' psychological tendencies.
I predict that iRiver's next AK DAP will incorporate FPGA technology (much like Soundaware's Esther DAP already does). iRiver know that a certain tiny DAC-Amp, based upon FPGA technology, has been extremely successful, in recent months, even in the very TOTL of the portable audio sector (and at a price iRiver would probably have charged around 8x as much for, had they been marketing it) so they'll doubtless feel compelled to try to grab some of that market share.
And, looking at Soundaware's Esther DAP, it is interesting to note that they offer 2 very different sound characteristics, implemented (iirc) mostly in the FPGA code - I can therefore forsee iRiver rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of being able to make incremental changes in FPGA code, along with a few very minor hardware components, to create a whole string of only-slightly-different DAP models, spread 6 months or so apart, to keep the compulsive upgraders paying through the nose, ad nauseam.
We shall see...
Jun 11, 2016 at 8:03 PM Post #27 of 182
This is the answer.

Where there's a market there's a maker, and it's an ongoing trend atm in portable audio. (rising prices)

People want the ultimate and happy to pay, AK answers thier request.

Rising prices is normal indeed, but in the case of A&K, it has nothing to do with inflation, but more about clever marketing, as Mython is explaining in details.
Even though high-end DAps are mostly made in small series but very little automation, they don't cost that much to manufacture.
What's huge is the margin, period, as long as gullible people are ready to spend that much with no obvious evidence of technical superiority.
Jun 11, 2016 at 8:32 PM Post #28 of 182
Guy's, I'm not saying I agree with AK's pricing strategy, maybe my post was too brief, I've been quite vocal about it myself.
It was probably my last sentence which gave another illusion.
Jun 12, 2016 at 12:27 AM Post #29 of 182
@Mython, in Freudian term, sometimes a banana is only a banana and sometimes it is not. :) To do psychoanalytic surgery on a single individual's subconscious usually requires a license of some sort and four years of lying on a couch let alone doing it on a group of people (headfiers). all i am saying is sometimes a headfier buying an AK product is straightly because of its sound and it is true that sometimes someone may buy it to satisfy some other desires or psychological needs. It will be impossible for a outsider to peek into the psychic of another person without full knowledge of that person. Besides, Sigmund Freud based his whole theory on bottled up sexual energy, I am sure you don't want to go there to entertain how will an AK 240 or 380 can lead to the reduction of such stored up energy, right:D:D but if you do, I think this thread will become the most lively thread on the forum :wink:.
Jun 12, 2016 at 10:07 AM Post #30 of 182
Initially I had no issues with AK pricing , what turned me off the company was a new flagship unit every 12 months , with the costs climbing by a large amount each time.

They lost me as a customer there. They think they are Leica/Apple.....nope.

I just bought the Hugo and mojo, and I can buy a reasonably priced transport whenever I feel like an upgrade.

No doubt people with £££ to burn will continue to buy AK, though I no longer see them as having any value for money, especially once chord gave us the mojo....awesome.

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