Sennheiser IE800 IEM's

May 16, 2014 at 8:20 AM Post #1,922 of 7,998
  I think the momentums are not worth their asking price when the SQ is top priority.

Agree.Maybe they worth the price,but B&W P5 is much better.
May 16, 2014 at 8:31 AM Post #1,923 of 7,998
Agree.Maybe they worth the price,but B&W P5 is much better.
Strange, I find that the P5 to be quite literally the polar opposite of the IE800...

However, on a general level, I agree that once you've heard the IE800, assuming you like their tone (ignoring other technical abilities) that they show up pretty much any other transducer / product as being a poor imitation - up to at least £500 / $750...

Quite an incredible feat imho.
May 18, 2014 at 6:12 AM Post #1,924 of 7,998
Does the IE800 benefit from amping at all?
I'm thinking about a decent cheap amp for the iPod Classic like FiiO E11.
I currently have the 7th gen classic and iPhone 5. Are there any audible differences between the two on IE800?
Also is there any point in putting an amp to the headphone out? I know the line out on classic is supposedly very good but I don't have a LOD cable.
May 18, 2014 at 1:17 PM Post #1,926 of 7,998
  Does the IE800 benefit from amping at all?
I'm thinking about a decent cheap amp for the iPod Classic like FiiO E11.
I currently have the 7th gen classic and iPhone 5. Are there any audible differences between the two on IE800?
Also is there any point in putting an amp to the headphone out? I know the line out on classic is supposedly very good but I don't have a LOD cable.

They don't require amping, they're driven easily. That said, I tried them out of Chord Hugo's headphone jack yesterday at the dealer, and I must say the sound quality was beyond anything I could've imagined. Mobile phones and tablets don't do IE800s justice. And yes, as you can guess, I'm saving money to buy Chord Hugo (they are 1400 pounds, which is roughly about 2400 dollars).
May 18, 2014 at 4:04 PM Post #1,927 of 7,998
I miss the IE800 in so many ways.  Has anyone found a replacement tip for them?  I saw a mentioned of Comply 500s but the poster also mentioned that the tip got stuck in his ear.
May 20, 2014 at 3:08 AM Post #1,929 of 7,998
I miss the IE800 in so many ways.  Has anyone found a replacement tip for them?  I saw a mentioned of Comply 500s but the poster also mentioned that the tip got stuck in his ear.

If you like the T500 as I did then read my post as I made a slight modification that's very easy to do even posted photos after this the tips will stay on with no problem at all...I've done mine works great, only thing is I had to send my iE800 back for cable issues....Picked up a set of Shure SE846 that I had on order and fell in love with them....The Sennheiser were always my top pick go to earphone, but they should've really made them with replaceable cables period no if and or buts about it...
May 20, 2014 at 7:38 AM Post #1,930 of 7,998
Hey guys. I had a quick question for you guys. How would you describe the leakage of the IE800? Do you think I can use the IE800's in a quiet library setting without disturbing people or should I just go for the SE846? I'm also kind of interested in the K3003i, but I'm not sure how much that leaks either. I basically want great sound at a quiet library type of enviornement. Obviously the 846 would be the best for leakage but I'm wondering if the IE800 would also work.
Any opinions will be appreciated.
May 20, 2014 at 12:37 PM Post #1,931 of 7,998
  Hey guys. I had a quick question for you guys. How would you describe the leakage of the IE800? Do you think I can use the IE800's in a quiet library setting without disturbing people or should I just go for the SE846? I'm also kind of interested in the K3003i, but I'm not sure how much that leaks either. I basically want great sound at a quiet library type of enviornement. Obviously the 846 would be the best for leakage but I'm wondering if the IE800 would also work.
Any opinions will be appreciated.

If you don't listen loudly,it won't be any problem.I compared leak with 846 when I have it,they are nealy same.
They leak nearly same.
May 20, 2014 at 10:53 PM Post #1,932 of 7,998
I have all 3. According to my wife the AKG K3003i leak the most sound. Having said that they all really need what I call the 'fine wine' approach to listening. That's to say they all have their respective, but detailed sound, which benefits from not listening at ear bleeding levels. IMO the SE846, with a good seal, are the most isolating, but still go to my IE800’s most.
May 21, 2014 at 8:25 AM Post #1,933 of 7,998
  If you don't listen loudly,it won't be any problem.I compared leak with 846 when I have it,they are nealy same.
They leak nearly same.

I have all 3. According to my wife the AKG K3003i leak the most sound. Having said that they all really need what I call the 'fine wine' approach to listening. That's to say they all have their respective, but detailed sound, which benefits from not listening at ear bleeding levels. IMO the SE846, with a good seal, are the most isolating, but still go to my IE800’s most.

Ah, thanks guys. Really thanks a lot. This is why I love Head-Fi.

I'm leaning toward the IE800 because I think I would prefer the sound signature more. Glad to hear I can probably listen at moderate volumes without bothering folks.
I'm out of the country at the moment for work and I realized that at my current working office I cannot use headphones because it's a little too quiet. Almost like library quiet. People use IEMs. The IE800 is around $800 here and the SE846 is $1190 and the K3003i is around $1250. I prefer a more neutral signature with some air in the treble. So I'm leaning on the IE800 because it's cheaper and also probably offers the balanced sound I want.
May 21, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #1,934 of 7,998
Ah, thanks guys. Really thanks a lot. This is why I love Head-Fi.

I'm leaning toward the IE800 because I think I would prefer the sound signature more. Glad to hear I can probably listen at moderate volumes without bothering folks.
I'm out of the country at the moment for work and I realized that at my current working office I cannot use headphones because it's a little too quiet. Almost like library quiet. People use IEMs. The IE800 is around $800 here and the SE846 is $1190 and the K3003i is around $1250. I prefer a more neutral signature with some air in the treble. So I'm leaning on the IE800 because it's cheaper and also probably offers the balanced sound I want.

I think IE800 is better than 846 in sound.And more comfortable.At there the price is so much for 846.
May 22, 2014 at 1:55 PM Post #1,935 of 7,998

Just spent a week with the Chord Hugo with the IE 800 while writing my thesis in the library...
Although many reviews have been written on the detail of the DAC, I would like to approach the Hugo from a personal perspective. In this I observed that the most astounding effect of this device in action is the feeling that you are listening to music that is new, big. It simply brings a smile on your face. And sometimes goose bumps, even though you'd heard the song over and over again before. While more comparative research is needed, I therefore argue that the Hugo is more effective than coffee in activating your senses and mood.


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