Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!
Mar 8, 2016 at 10:00 PM Post #3,676 of 6,505
Mar 8, 2016 at 10:07 PM Post #3,677 of 6,505
Great to know.  But any idea why I didn't notice a difference with my LCD-2.2Fs switching between my upgraded WA6-SE and Marantz PM8005 integrated amp? I also tried out the Audeze Deckard and nothing jumped out at me compared to the Marantz.  I'm looking for something that I can tell immediately of the detail.
Also, your analogy is interesting. My impressions from the reviews is the output impedance, etc. from the HDVD800 was warmer to match well with the HD800s. Guess that was wrong?

I don't think it has much to do with the amp section of the HDVD800. I have never heard the HDVD800 paired with a standalone DAC. That probably tells you why I heard a difference between that and some euphonic TOTL tube amps + TOTL DACs. If the HDVD800 was paired with a TOTL DAC, I probably wouldn't be able to hear a difference between that and an HD800 paired with the same DAC and different amp. The point is, you're paying too much for an amp/DAC thing when you could buy the DAC and amp separately and enjoy better performance without wasting money on a DAC that was more of an afterthought.
Mar 9, 2016 at 3:42 AM Post #3,678 of 6,505
If you were my friend I would tell you to avoid the HDVD 800 at all costs (supposedly the DAC in it is rubbish). I nearly bought one until I listened to it. The HDVA 600 with a good DAC (the DAC you already own?) could be all you need (I haven't listened to HDVA 600).

But, you're just some guy on teh intarwebs, so carry on!


Seriously though, I nearly did what you're planning to do. I ended up spending way more, but I last bought hi-fi in 2003 and my new stuff will last a good while. I think it's better to wait for a real upgrade rather than just buying what you can afford right now. I doubt the DAC in the HDVD 800 is an upgrade, which would make it money that's literally wasted.


It is rubbish. I've heard the HD800 numerous times on the HDVD800 with the internal DAC being used. I never enjoyed that setup once at any of the Head-fi/CANJAM things I've been to. It just sounds cold and sterile and not anything like some of the TOTL Eddie Current/HD800 setups I have heard and custom tube amps paired with standalone TOTL DACs like the Yggdrasil.

  I don't think it has much to do with the amp section of the HDVD800. I have never heard the HDVD800 paired with a standalone DAC. That probably tells you why I heard a difference between that and some euphonic TOTL tube amps + TOTL DACs. If the HDVD800 was paired with a TOTL DAC, I probably wouldn't be able to hear a difference between that and an HD800 paired with the same DAC and different amp. The point is, you're paying too much for an amp/DAC thing when you could buy the DAC and amp separately and enjoy better performance without wasting money on a DAC that was more of an afterthought.

Well, just for some balance here, many people think that the HDVA600 and HDVD800 are fantastic solid state amps that are ideally suited to the HD800. The truth is that if you prefer tube amps then you're not likely to like it. If you want more details about how they are impedance matched for the HD00s have a look in the HDVD800 thread.
As for the DAC being an afterthought, whilst it's true that there are better stand alone DACs, the DAC in the HDVD800 is extremely capable and many people think it matches the sonic attributes of the HDVD800 amp. But whatever your opinion of it's sonic qualities the fact is that it's not as expensive relatively as many stand alone DACs, and it provides a one box semi portable solution which many people appreciate.
  Thanks for the input guys. Great then that I'm not in a rush for an amp right now. Such a complicated subject and will see what the new HDVD820 brings to us. I'm no "gold plated USB" kinda guy. That's complete BS IMHO and find there is so much of that in this hobby. I went with the HD800s because it is very proven and now "fine tuned" to be perfect (again IMHO).
I spent the extra coin for these with the intention to use the balanced cable (or else it's just not worth it). Yes, the CAD dollar is in the complete dumps right now, that's for sure!
I'm not the the type of person to spend 1k more for 5% difference which you need to volume match and compare. It just doesn't matter to me and as long as I hear all the detail and it compliments the HD800s very well, I'm game.
Already, I can tell you that I have listened for hours now and there is no fatigue at all. I must have strange ears because listening to the LCD2s for only 30 mins had my ears ringing...No idea why and didn't enjoy that sensitivity afterwards like I came back from a concert. That wasn't at very high volume too.

Then in that case the HDVD800/820 would be probably be a very good choice for you. It is also a very good implementation of balanced topology, being fully symmetrical (as Sennheiser state). You can read about that here:-
Mar 9, 2016 at 3:44 AM Post #3,679 of 6,505
Yeah, he did recommend an amp very strongly and tried to steer me away from the HDVD at all costs. Says they are just no good. He also said, after I asked him what is his favorite headphones, that he doesn't listen to headphones. Not sure what he is making his judgement on then.  Sales I suppose...
I purchased a Woo WA6-SE from him and comparing that to plugging into my Marantz PM8005 I noticed no difference that I could here.  This is with upgraded Sophia and fat bottles purchased directly from Woo. I sold it because of that exact reason. The LCD2s though may have been just too forgiving to hear the difference, I do not know. I am hoping that if I did got to an HDVD 820 with balance cable, I would hear a discernible difference from plugging into my Marantz.
One thing I do know that plugging the HD800s into my iPhone absolutely kills the sounds.  I get enough volume, the detail and lows just disappear! I am sure most of you are wondering the difference in comparison to the regular 800. That unfortunately I cannot tell you, but I am in no way credible to make an opinion or be able to convey the sound that I am hearing.  In a few words...Very accurate, unforgiving, great accurate lows, just overall balance is impeccable, spacial/airy...Rediscovering music! and last but not least...COMFORTABLE....
Grain of salt law applies :) LOL

The Americans have a good expression that's appropriate here; GO FIGURE!
Mar 9, 2016 at 4:40 AM Post #3,681 of 6,505
  Need suggestions - which forum do you go when you want to find info or discussions on speakers (including monitors)? thanks


Mar 9, 2016 at 10:13 AM Post #3,682 of 6,505
One thing I do know that plugging the HD800s into my iPhone absolutely kills the sounds.  I get enough volume, the detail and lows just disappear![...]

Without hesitation, I would suggest at least to look for iFi Audio Micro iDSD (for the price, maybe the best out there... some have both Micro iDSD and Mojo and prefer iDSD for sound). I use micro iDSD as 'futureproof' DAC  . .
edit: Micro iDSD firmware is updated on regular bases... for current spec's and capabilities look Ifi homepage
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:21 PM Post #3,683 of 6,505
Mar 9, 2016 at 2:39 PM Post #3,684 of 6,505
Need suggestions - which forum do you go when you want to find info or discussions on speakers (including monitors)? thanks

Try Gearslutz. If you're looking for nearfield monitors, this thread is a great place to start:
I'm also currently shopping for monitors; looks like I'm going to invest in a pair of Genelec 8351s, but Neumann and Geithain have great offerings as well.
Good luck with your search!
Mar 9, 2016 at 3:39 PM Post #3,685 of 6,505
  Need suggestions - which forum do you go when you want to find info or discussions on speakers (including monitors)? thanks

Hmm... is it more about hi-fi or mixing-mastering...etc (rarely discussed 'together')
Sure there are some, also pro level, monitors, what could be used as 'home' audio main speakers too (mainly not below several thousand USD, because so called home audio must have decent i.e. 'multimedia level' bass too. Typically cheaper monitors are mainly focused on the 'most-important for mixing' middle FR. Pro level 'deep-bass mixing/mastering' capable monitors are quite expensive)
thinking, that google search can help too, if to 'feed' it with 'right theme, terms etc'
Mar 9, 2016 at 4:36 PM Post #3,686 of 6,505
Yeah, he did recommend an amp very strongly and tried to steer me away from the HDVD at all costs. Says they are just no good. He also said, after I asked him what is his favorite headphones, that he doesn't listen to headphones. Not sure what he is making his judgement on then.  Sales I suppose...
I purchased a Woo WA6-SE from him and comparing that to plugging into my Marantz PM8005 I noticed no difference that I could here.  This is with upgraded Sophia and fat bottles purchased directly from Woo. I sold it because of that exact reason. The LCD2s though may have been just too forgiving to hear the difference, I do not know. I am hoping that if I did got to an HDVD 820 with balance cable, I would hear a discernible difference from plugging into my Marantz.
One thing I do know that plugging the HD800s into my iPhone absolutely kills the sounds.  I get enough volume, the detail and lows just disappear! I am sure most of you are wondering the difference in comparison to the regular 800. That unfortunately I cannot tell you, but I am in no way credible to make an opinion or be able to convey the sound that I am hearing.  In a few words...Very accurate, unforgiving, great accurate lows, just overall balance is impeccable, spacial/airy...Rediscovering music! and last but not least...COMFORTABLE....
Grain of salt law applies :) LOL

I had been toying with buying a WA5LE or WA22 as a move up supplementing my WA6 when I reached a fatigue point in trying to build my tube collection. Decided I would get the HDVD800 and got similar advice from Charles. He might not personally use headphones as he does have sweet personal IEMs but he knows the products. His descriptions of the pros and cons of the models I have tried have been spot on. That includes headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs, and some upgraded cables. He clearly has a lot of hours using phones and also follows the market and customer feedback. Having had many good experiences with him I decided to order a WA22. He doesn't list them or normally stock them. I almost left empty handed when I discovered he had stock so I left with one under arm. Can't claim he tried to sell it to me as it was all but an accident I found out he had stock. It has been a blast tube rolling with my HD800 phones. I have dropped a bundle on power tubes and rectifiers rounding out my collection and even though it has cost me way more in total I am very pleased I did not buy the HDVD800. Your comments might get me to drop by and get the HD800S this weekend. My setup is fully balanced but for an SE headphone cable. Interestingly the new HD800S manual and old HD800 manual both indicate the SE cable is balanced. I have not seen that discussed and wonder if I will see a difference in my HD800 using an XLR cable.
If you have a chance there is a large audio show in Montreal March 18-20, Salon Son and Image, best in eastern Canada. Many of the dacs, amps, and phones under discussion here available for auditions.
Bay Bloor sometimes discounts the HDVD800. You might be able to try one there in relative peace.
I use a Chord Mojo with my iPhone and iPads. Double duty as a desktop with a Mac Pro when I don't want to fire the Woo amps up. Great with the HD800 phones. Ought to be as good with the HD800S. This site has a massive thread on the Mojo. Might be worth a look.
Mar 9, 2016 at 4:54 PM Post #3,687 of 6,505
I had been toying with buying a WA5LE or WA22 as a move up supplementing my WA6 when I reached a fatigue point in trying to build my tube collection. Decided I would get the HDVD800 and got similar advice from Charles. He might not personally use headphones as he does have sweet personal IEMs but he knows the products. His descriptions of the pros and cons of the models I have tried have been spot on. That includes headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs, and some upgraded cables. He clearly has a lot of hours using phones and also follows the market and customer feedback. Having had many good experiences with him I decided to order a WA22. He doesn't list them or normally stock them. I almost left empty handed when I discovered he had stock so I left with one under arm. Can't claim he tried to sell it to me as it was all but an accident I found out he had stock. It has been a blast tube rolling with my HD800 phones. I have dropped a bundle on power tubes and rectifiers rounding out my collection and even though it has cost me way more in total I am very pleased I did not buy the HDVD800. Your comments might get me to drop by and get the HD800S this weekend. My setup is fully balanced but for an SE headphone cable. Interestingly the new HD800S manual and old HD800 manual both indicate the SE cable is balanced. I have not seen that discussed and wonder if I will see a difference in my HD800 using an XLR cable.
If you have a chance there is a large audio show in Montreal March 18-20, Salon Son and Image, best in eastern Canada. Many of the dacs, amps, and phones under discussion here available for auditions.
Bay Bloor sometimes discounts the HDVD800. You might be able to try one there in relative peace.
I use a Chord Mojo with my iPhone and iPads. Double duty as a desktop with a Mac Pro when I don't want to fire the Woo amps up. Great with the HD800 phones. Ought to be as good with the HD800S. This site has a massive thread on the Mojo. Might be worth a look.

Hey u2u2. Thanks for your message. I did buy the WA6-SE from him last year and was good, but as mentioned before could not notice a difference between that and directly plugging into my Marantz amp. Also purchased upgraded tubes from Woo and could be hard pressed to notice a difference. It actually disappointed me because there was an evident distortion when listening to Bob Dylan for example when his voice sings in a certain way. Something you would not hear with solid state off the bat or I guess crazy expensive tubes (Sophia and fat bottles I had).
Regardless, don't think I will venture to Woo again and want solid state for sure.  Maybe I will go to Bay Bloor and take a listen with the unit in store to judge for myself.  When I auditioned the HD800S at Charles shop, I was using the Mojo and whether it was the headphones or that unit, it just blew me away. For example, listening to AMOK from Atoms for Peace was like a complete 3D experience.  Something definitely lacking with the LCD2s I had...Maybe Charles will lend me the Mojo for a day so I can compare that with the HDVD800 and see if there is a difference which I can tell and with the musical experience. If I am hard pressed to hear it, then would be questionable. But it might stand out at me like a sore thumb and help make my decision much easier.
I do want to take advantage of my Senn balanced cable that came with the HD800Ss, so for sure I'm in the market for a balanced solid state amp.  My understanding is that using the balanced circuit of the HDVD800 is much improved over the regular 1/4" jack.  I'm also thinking if I did get the Sennheiser HDVD I should wait for the new version which will be capable to DSD and hopefully would improve the overall problems with the DAC which people are experiencing.
Unfortunately would not be available to see that show in Montreal during the weekend, but hopefully one comes to Toronto sometime soon :wink:
Mar 9, 2016 at 6:00 PM Post #3,688 of 6,505
What is your budget?
Mar 9, 2016 at 6:29 PM Post #3,690 of 6,505
Hey u2u2. Thanks for your message. I did buy the WA6-SE from him last year and was good, but as mentioned before could not notice a difference between that and directly plugging into my Marantz amp. Also purchased upgraded tubes from Woo and could be hard pressed to notice a difference. It actually disappointed me because there was an evident distortion when listening to Bob Dylan for example when his voice sings in a certain way. Something you would not hear with solid state off the bat or I guess crazy expensive tubes (Sophia and fat bottles I had).
Regardless, don't think I will venture to Woo again and want solid state for sure.  Maybe I will go to Bay Bloor and take a listen with the unit in store to judge for myself.  When I auditioned the HD800S at Charles shop, I was using the Mojo and whether it was the headphones or that unit, it just blew me away. For example, listening to AMOK from Atoms for Peace was like a complete 3D experience.  Something definitely lacking with the LCD2s I had...Maybe Charles will lend me the Mojo for a day so I can compare that with the HDVD800 and see if there is a difference which I can tell and with the musical experience. If I am hard pressed to hear it, then would be questionable. But it might stand out at me like a sore thumb and help make my decision much easier.
I do want to take advantage of my Senn balanced cable that came with the HD800Ss, so for sure I'm in the market for a balanced solid state amp.  My understanding is that using the balanced circuit of the HDVD800 is much improved over the regular 1/4" jack.  I'm also thinking if I did get the Sennheiser HDVD I should wait for the new version which will be capable to DSD and hopefully would improve the overall problems with the DAC which people are experiencing.
Unfortunately would not be available to see that show in Montreal during the weekend, but hopefully one comes to Toronto sometime soon :wink:

The Toronto show, such as it is, is TAVES, which took place at the end of October in 2015 so next one is still a long way off. Last one was held on Highway 7 just west of the 404. I thought SSI was a better show overall but both helped me with some decisions. If you hit Bay Bloor you ought to try some other amps as well - at least to see what your headphones can do. They have a Macintosh MHA100 that might help demonstrate the real value of the balanced cable vs a SE cable. I am suspicious that the HD800S comes with the balanced cable to encourage sales of the Sennheiser amp more than anything else. When I get a set of HD800S I am not expecting the XLR cable to sound better than the SE on my amp. I haven't seen a post that points either way so far. Another spot where you can demo gear is Executive Stereo, not far from the Headfone shop, on Avenue Rd south of Wilson. Too much rambling on my part. Good luck.

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