Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Mar 24, 2012 at 9:07 PM Post #6,241 of 46,554

I like the Audio-gd Compass as an amp, and the DAC is probably good enough to start too. It isn't listed on their website though, it'd have to be a used one.

Is this unit better than the FUN?

The FUN was the succersor to the Compass and an improvement from all accounts. I haven't heard the Compass but I can attest to the FUN being a very good match for the HD650.
The FUN is replaced by the NFB-5 in Audio-GD's current range and on paper looks to be another good match for the HD650. I owned the NFB-10SE (its big brother) and had to let it go because it lacked the same synergy the FUN achieved with the HD650. I'm not sure if the NFB-5 is closer to the NFB-10SE than the FUN and have yet to read of anyone pairing it with an HD650.
Mar 24, 2012 at 9:24 PM Post #6,242 of 46,554
I think the NFB-5 is the single ended version of the NFB-10SE. Same dual Wolfson DAC and digital filters. The FUN only has a single Wolfson chip, but you can bypass the DAC unlike the NFB-10SE and NFB-5.
If you want to get more of the HD 650 sound in a more refined headphone, I'd look at the HE-500 or LCD-2. The HD 800 is much more spacious with a treble tilt and in my opinion sounds like a cross between the DT 880 and K701.
Mar 24, 2012 at 9:57 PM Post #6,243 of 46,554
Anyone heard the audio gd C-2.2?  That amp looks so good. I'm curious how it pairs with the 650's A ton of amp for the money if it performs anywhere near the specs anyway. I'm guessing it's pretty much the same amp as the previous C-2? 
For 365 dollars, I am tempted to pick one up, even comes with a decent psu.
Mar 25, 2012 at 2:21 AM Post #6,244 of 46,554

If you want to get more of the HD 650 sound in a more refined headphone, I'd look at the HE-500 or LCD-2. The HD 800 is much more spacious with a treble tilt and in my opinion sounds like a cross between the DT 880 and K701.

I don't think the LCD-2 is the uber HD650 people make it out to be. It's more of a (costly) sidegrade IMHO. 

Mar 25, 2012 at 8:26 AM Post #6,245 of 46,554
Whatever, it is the headphone 650 lovers seem most comfortably crossing over to, and it's not like there's a lot of choice. Having sampled a lot of phones and read extensively on those I couldn't afford, I'm pretty sure that if the LCD-2 (Rev 1 in my case) hadn't existed when I decided I needed to move up from the 650, I'd have been in a bit of a hole.
Mar 25, 2012 at 8:55 AM Post #6,246 of 46,554

Ah!  That is much better now!  I could feel right when they were starting to give a little and that is when I stopped.  Now they fit like the 595's used to, just with smaller earpieces.  

I have been comparing them to the 595's a lot today and I really like them.  The 595's have a more "in your face" (or ears) sound in the highs, but I do not consider that a good thing.  The 650's have them a little farther "back" which I like since your ears are more sensitive to higher pitched noises (I mean that a lower dB high pitch will sound just as loud as a higher dB low pitch sound) so it evens things out very well.  Plus the bass is just so nice for Electronic music, DnB, and Metal.  These really are great headphones!   


595 has not a bad tonal balance, but I agree with you.  The two main problems for me is its 'slow' driver that I felt had excessive grain to the spectrum, and I believe a lesser treble extension than the 650 because of it.  Add to that a flimsy chassis and poor cup resonance control.  One can easily imagine why it was and never will be any kind of flagship.  An honor bestowed upon the 650 for nearly a decade.

Haven't listen to the HE6 or K1000 but i also prefer the HD650 over the HD800, T1 and even LCD2 but not LCD3.

The K1000 upon spending a lot of time with one, I concluded does not ultimately constitute hi fidelity. Certainly not as close as what the HD650 manages to encrouch upon the status quo.
Why a speaker that dangles upon un unsecured baffled, not excusable in any transducer environment - headphone or otherwise.  Why such a travesty in mechanical engineering is widely praised would prove to be beyond my disbelief.

You know sometimes you forget how good the HD560's really are.. Night before last I dropped by LCD-2's and they just happened to land real hard we have ceramic tile in our living area and it broke one of the yokes that hold the headphone (ear cup) so you can imagine how much I cussed
well luckily Audeze are nice people and sending me two new ones for free.. So it has been almost a year and I looked over and they were my almost 7 year old HD650 on their stand I pick them up and haha I live in Texas and we have alot of dust so dust all over them the cups so clean them up..
PLug them into my Shiit Lyr and it was like a meeting a good ole friend for lunch they have never failed me...
I only buy new headphones every 5 years so haha lets see if the LCD-2' can last that long 7 years and they are shining and belive me I am not babying them I have the LYr Cranked pretty Loud

Hah! same thing happened to me.  With the absence of my LCD2s...I craved, by default my HD650 over the HD800 or K1000 at hand, regardless of how well the other two were driven.  Unsurprising actually was that it mattered not which hole I inserted the glorius 650 into.
I have not heard my 650 in a long time, mainly due to the fact that I have lost my balanced to single ended conversion cable and I have not found a steady placement for my statement balanced rig.  This fact has left me eagerly anticipating the connection of my 650 when said rig is setup again, as first priority in fact.  However, if history is be proven correct, I would not be surprised to feel rather dissappointed and just plug in the trusty old LCD2...the R1 classic in fact.

What are other headphones (or earphone) which sound as good as (or better than) HD650 without amp?
I bought a hd558 as an alternative, but it lacks the warmth, thickness and fidelity relatively.

This leads to me believe that neither is the newer 598 much of an improvement over the 595 nor anywhere as good as the 650.

I'm pretty sure even a KSC75 would sound better than a 650 when driven by an iPhone.

Even if this toy is as good as the portapros, I would much rather beg to differ.

I don't think the LCD-2 is the uber HD650 people make it out to be. It's more of a (costly) sidegrade IMHO. 

Yet again, I would much rather agree to disagree on that point.  Very much so. 

Mar 25, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #6,247 of 46,554
While I think the 598 is a decent improvement over the 595, a 650 it's not, nor does it scale up nearly as well. It's just not the same, I doubt senn will ever create a phone I like better.
Mar 25, 2012 at 11:18 PM Post #6,248 of 46,554
hey search :)
I been thinking of picking up a HD600 lately but thinking of picking up a HD650. I've owned the HD600 in the past but loved it and heard the HD650 but only in meet conditions. Basically what I got out of that meet from memory compared to the HD600 was that it had the same warmth but bass is more noticeable and better midrange. I have 2 pair of Magnums, a modded T50RP and a HE500 as headphones I already like and want something to go along with what I had. I wanted an improved HD600 but found that such a headphone does not exist but wondering if the HD650 could fit the bill if I wanted something with the same warmth but at the same time to be inoffensive.
Also amping and source is a non issue.
Mar 25, 2012 at 11:50 PM Post #6,249 of 46,554
hey search :)
I been thinking of picking up a HD600 lately but thinking of picking up a HD650. I've owned the HD600 in the past but loved it and heard the HD650 but only in meet conditions. Basically what I got out of that meet from memory compared to the HD600 was that it had the same warmth but bass is more noticeable and better midrange. I have 2 pair of Magnums, a modded T50RP and a HE500 as headphones I already like and want something to go along with what I had. I wanted an improved HD600 but found that such a headphone does not exist but wondering if the HD650 could fit the bill if I wanted something with the same warmth but at the same time to be inoffensive.
Also amping and source is a non issue.

I think your HE-500s are exactly what I would call an improvement over the HD600 in most respects.  They don't have the same Senn HD6X0 laid back presentation, no, but they have superb tonal balance just like the HD600s are known for.  They're totally non-offensive.  No peak in the treble and no ringing.  The presentation though, is a 180[size=small]° [/size]from the Senn HD6X0s, completely intimate, nothing is laid back.
Mar 26, 2012 at 4:48 AM Post #6,250 of 46,554

Hey Rawrster, I think the HD650 might fit the bill, looking at your source/amp list, it's indeed not an issue. The 650's have a better soundstage in every aspect over the 600's, in fact the 598's sound more open than the 600's just not as refined. The bass is very good without being boomy, and the mids are awesome. I think it will be different enough fom your current cans, yet keeps that musicality that allows for long, long listening sessions. 
hey search :)
I been thinking of picking up a HD600 lately but thinking of picking up a HD650. I've owned the HD600 in the past but loved it and heard the HD650 but only in meet conditions. Basically what I got out of that meet from memory compared to the HD600 was that it had the same warmth but bass is more noticeable and better midrange. I have 2 pair of Magnums, a modded T50RP and a HE500 as headphones I already like and want something to go along with what I had. I wanted an improved HD600 but found that such a headphone does not exist but wondering if the HD650 could fit the bill if I wanted something with the same warmth but at the same time to be inoffensive.
Also amping and source is a non issue.

Mar 26, 2012 at 8:33 AM Post #6,253 of 46,554

I found vocals of my HD650 is more from the right side compare to the AKGs.i'd like to ask that is that all right.

I have noticed this as well.... I am not sure if it is my hearing or the way tracks are recorded.... I am 90% sure it is not a problem with the headphones, although it could be I don't know.... I would need another pair for comparison.
Mar 26, 2012 at 9:57 AM Post #6,254 of 46,554

I think your HE-500s are exactly what I would call an improvement over the HD600 in most respects.  They don't have the same Senn HD6X0 laid back presentation, no, but they have superb tonal balance just like the HD600s are known for.  They're totally non-offensive.  No peak in the treble and no ringing.  The presentation though, is a 180[size=small]° [/size]from the Senn HD6X0s, completely intimate, nothing is laid back.

It is close but not quite there. The warmth isn't quite there and neither is the presentation. Also the weight of the HE500 does bother me after a while so I don't use it as much as I would like it. Although I never did own the HD650 other than meets or brief impressions so might not be a bad idea to try the HD650. It would be different than what I usually go for but worth a shot.
Hey Rawrster, I think the HD650 might fit the bill, looking at your source/amp list, it's indeed not an issue. The 650's have a better soundstage in every aspect over the 600's, in fact the 598's sound more open than the 600's just not as refined. The bass is very good without being boomy, and the mids are awesome. I think it will be different enough fom your current cans, yet keeps that musicality that allows for long, long listening sessions. 

I sure hope so. I'm finding that I like the hifi cans of old than most of the new ones outside of the HD800 so this may work but I still got a bit of reading up to do.
Mar 26, 2012 at 10:26 AM Post #6,255 of 46,554
Sub-thread: How do I place HD650's on my head? Help?!?!11
How do you wear them?  Headband back, headband forward, ears in the back top, or ears in the front bottom?  And do you perceive them as warm & lush, or neutral-ish and open?

Band forward, ears back and top. I run them through an AMB gamma2 to a home built 3 channel Starving student, sound amazing!

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