Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Aug 10, 2011 at 6:07 PM Post #4,111 of 46,564
Has it been dead in the past? I just came back a week or two ago after a few years' worth of hiatus and the HD-650 are my favorite headphone, so I've had some catching up to do on the driver controversy, and that's kept my attention on the thread; I'm also pretty loquacious when it comes to my thoughts. Not taking full credit for the HD-650 thread floating lately, but I have been posting a lot in it, haha.
Aug 10, 2011 at 6:53 PM Post #4,113 of 46,564

Has it been dead in the past? I just came back a week or two ago after a few years' worth of hiatus and the HD-650 are my favorite headphone, so I've had some catching up to do on the driver controversy, and that's kept my attention on the thread; I'm also pretty loquacious when it comes to my thoughts. Not taking full credit for the HD-650 thread floating lately, but I have been posting a lot in it, haha.

I've been posting a tad more often, but yeah there's been a lot more activity lately.
Aug 10, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #4,115 of 46,564
DrHouse, I usually refrain from commenting on gear I've not heard, but I feel it'd be a disservice to not state how much of a sidegrade the HDP would be from your current setup imo. It's true the HD650 will scale well to your system, so if you really want to commit to hearing this, I'd suggest you save your pennies. You don't need to break the bank to find great synergy, but you need to consider the components. If you want to hear a different presentation, the magic achieved with the HD650 and the right tube setup is the go.
Aug 10, 2011 at 9:14 PM Post #4,116 of 46,564
I really like my HD650's, but I love my HD800's.  With or without steroids, I can't say that I hear any real resemblance between them and the lean sounding K701's (which I don't care for at all).  Rather, to my ears, the HD800's definitely carry on the Sennheiser house sound (accurate and textured timbre, full sometimes lush mids, and solid but not bloated bass), while adding a bit of treble energy (although not nearly as much as say DT880's), a much bigger and better sound stage and more speed and detail than the 650's due to the ring drivers.  
I know there are a handful of highly prolific posters on HF who regularly rage about the 6khz "peak" 800's (which really only impacts overtones), but at the end of the day, I think they simply represent disproportionately vocal minority of listeners.  I expect most HD650 fans do/will/would really enjoy the 800's.  I continue to thoroughly enjoy both of these headphones, which are, in my opinion, the best dynamics at their respective price points.

As with pretty much every headphone, there are reports of the HD800s having different versions.  The latest ones are reported to have a slightly more balanced, less treble emphasized sound.  So that might explain your "vocal minority."  I do applaud you on being open minded enough to go from the HD650s to the HD800s though.  There are far too many people on head-fi that scurry away at the mention of "bright" or "treble" without actually giving great phones a chance.  They tend to, quite naively, equate "bright" with treble peaks and sibilance.  I'm pretty sure they'll never hear how butter-smooth (and non-fatiguing) treble can be on some great cans. 
Aug 10, 2011 at 9:45 PM Post #4,117 of 46,564
I wonder if you guys can comment on how HD650 would work with my new Schiit Asgard? I've read quite a bit that suggests that the HD650 really works well/best with a tube amp, but I'm sort of new to all of this and have very recently bought the Asgard as my first amp. Schiit says on their web site that the Asgard works really well Sennheisers including the HD650 - Id love to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks.
Aug 10, 2011 at 9:51 PM Post #4,118 of 46,564
I'm surprised to hear you say that people recommend a tube amp for HD-650s. It used to be common wisdom that the HD-650 work best with a solid state amp because the HD-650s have a generally warmer-than-neutral signature and the midbass emphasis a lot of tube amps provide as part of their sound can provide less than stellar results. I've always preferred a SS amp for my HD-650, seems just right, if it tipped over into a darker presentation I might find it less pleasant.
Edit: Further reading shows that it's, what, a mildly colored solid state amp? Should be fine, I would think?
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:01 PM Post #4,119 of 46,564
I disagree with you regarding the comparison of the E7 & HDP. The HD-650 as many people agreed do scale up very well and the improvement in detail and music resolution from the HDP will beat any possible tube rolling. But I would agree that if you combine the HDP with a good tube amplifier the sum is even better.
DrHouse, I usually refrain from commenting on gear I've not heard, but I feel it'd be a disservice to not state how much of a sidegrade the HDP would be from your current setup imo. It's true the HD650 will scale well to your system, so if you really want to commit to hearing this, I'd suggest you save your pennies. You don't need to break the bank to find great synergy, but you need to consider the components. If you want to hear a different presentation, the magic achieved with the HD650 and the right tube setup is the go.

Aug 10, 2011 at 11:09 PM Post #4,120 of 46,564


As with pretty much every headphone, there are reports of the HD800s having different versions.  The latest ones are reported to have a slightly more balanced, less treble emphasized sound.  So that might explain your "vocal minority."  I do applaud you on being open minded enough to go from the HD650s to the HD800s though.  There are far too many people on head-fi that scurry away at the mention of "bright" or "treble" without actually giving great phones a chance.  They tend to, quite naively, equate "bright" with treble peaks and sibilance.  I'm pretty sure they'll never hear how butter-smooth (and non-fatiguing) treble can be on some great cans. 

I confess, I've been very curious about the HD800 of late. Although the similarities between the LCD-2 and HD650 is overstated imo, it is still a relatively safe progression. I've not regretted going against the grain in the past, and I wonder what the outcome may have been if I'd gone out on a limb with the HD800.
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:16 PM Post #4,121 of 46,564

I disagree with you regarding the comparison of the E7 & HDP. The HD-650 as many people agreed do scale up very well and the improvement in detail and music resolution from the HDP will beat any possible tube rolling. But I would agree that if you combine the HDP with a good tube amplifier the sum is even better.


I've used the E7 as a dac, and while it's great value as an entry level component, I feel it's a severe bottleneck in a chain with an HD650 at the end of it. Sidegrade may be the wrong term, but I stand by the belief that more significant improvements from his present setup may be achieved elsewhere.
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:44 PM Post #4,122 of 46,564

HD 650 hands down

OMG. I am going crazzzzzzzzzzzyy. I am more confused with pulling trigger on 598 or 650

Some say 598 has more bass and some say 650 has more bass. I don't know what to do.
I did some homwork on the 598 thread and many say that the 598 will benefit from a HP amp and some say its not necessary.
I like the 650 also because of the bigger cans for the ears. I do not know what to do. Can someone help me and talk me into on or the other, lol.....
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:48 PM Post #4,123 of 46,564

OMG. I am going crazzzzzzzzzzzyy. I am more confused with pulling trigger on 598 or 650

Some say 598 has more bass and some say 650 has more bass. I don't know what to do.
I did some homwork on the 598 thread and many say that the 598 will benefit from a HP amp and some say its not necessary.
I like the 650 also because of the bigger cans for the ears. I do not know what to do. Can someone help me and talk me into on or the other, lol.....

if u dont have an amp now, just go with the 598.  then get an amp, then upgrade to the hd650.
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:52 PM Post #4,124 of 46,564

DrHouse, I usually refrain from commenting on gear I've not heard, but I feel it'd be a disservice to not state how much of a sidegrade the HDP would be from your current setup imo. It's true the HD650 will scale well to your system, so if you really want to commit to hearing this, I'd suggest you save your pennies. You don't need to break the bank to find great synergy, but you need to consider the components. If you want to hear a different presentation, the magic achieved with the HD650 and the right tube setup is the go.

All this is starting to make my head hurt. :S
In the case that it is too much of a sidegrade (which I agree with), what is the next ideal purchase? It should still be good value for money, but not as much an issue as it is an upgrade after all. What I am still undecided about is whether to go Solid State or Tube, there have been very mixed comments. I myself am split, as I do not want to end up buying an SS that sounds anaemic, or a Tube that is overly warm.  
Ideal price is c. $500, but I remain open as it will not be an immediate purchase. Thanks in advance for responses.

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