Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Aug 20, 2013 at 8:13 PM Post #13,457 of 46,600
If I wanted to go balanced, what does that entail? I am using a Bottlehead Crack right now, and there is a 1/4" headphone jack. Would I need to replace it with some kind of XLR headphone jack?
Also, does the balanced change the sound at all, or does it just make it quieter? As of now, my BH crack is dead quiet; it has no hiss or hum or anything like that. I have the Speedball upgrade too.

Going balanced is a bit of a circuit thing. TBH I do not fully understand it well enough to try and describe it to you, so instead I will direct you here instead for some reading (if you don't mind a fair amount of technical reading):
Going balanced (for me) most noticeably changes the soundstage of the headphones and provides better resolution to my ears.
Aug 21, 2013 at 9:45 PM Post #13,463 of 46,600
Im almost certain that first cable is made by a headfier, who has a very good reputation around here. That price is very good as well, it probably cost really close to that in materials. Those Chinese ones are kinda hit or miss in my experience. Sometimes you get really nice looking cable with decent build. Other times you get a really crappy cable that is DOA.
Aug 21, 2013 at 10:40 PM Post #13,464 of 46,600
Aug 22, 2013 at 3:46 PM Post #13,465 of 46,600
So recently the past few days it seemed like the left side of my HD650's was... a bit lower in detail and volume. Best way to explain it is that it seemed most of the music was a bit concentrated in the middle-right side of my head rather than directly in the middle. Bass felt more impact and full on the right side. This was based on a few songs I've played hundreds of times that I'm very familiar with. Even this morning this issue was occurring.
So I took off my headphones, wondering if it was some sort of cable issue and I unplugged the headphone jacks from the headphones (both left and right side, stock cable), blew into them because I thought there might've been some dust in there, and plugged them back in. Went away for a few hours for some errands and came back, plugged them into my amp, and started some music. Now it seems like the issue has been resolved, the bass on the left is just as good as the bass on the right, the music and detail matches the right side, and its now in the middle of my head rather than to the right. I haven't done anything but take the jacks out of the left and right of the headphones, and plugged them back in. Really weird I have to say... I don't even know how that solved it, but it seems like it did. Has this happened to anyone before?
Aug 22, 2013 at 3:55 PM Post #13,466 of 46,600
With headphones? No. With innumerable other electronics that require "plugin" stuff, yeah. It was probably just dirty or dusty in there.
So recently the past few days it seemed like the left side of my HD650's was... a bit lower in detail and volume. Best way to explain it is that it seemed most of the music was a bit concentrated in the middle-right side of my head rather than directly in the middle. Bass felt more impact and full on the right side. This was based on a few songs I've played hundreds of times that I'm very familiar with. Even this morning this issue was occurring.

So I took off my headphones, wondering if it was some sort of cable issue and I unplugged the headphone jacks from the headphones (both left and right side, stock cable), blew into them because I thought there might've been some dust in there, and plugged them back in. Went away for a few hours for some errands and came back, plugged them into my amp, and started some music. Now it seems like the issue has been resolved, the bass on the left is just as good as the bass on the right, the music and detail matches the right side, and its now in the middle of my head rather than to the right. I haven't done anything but take the jacks out of the left and right of the headphones, and plugged them back in. Really weird I have to say... I don't even know how that solved it, but it seems like it did. Has this happened to anyone before?
Aug 22, 2013 at 6:12 PM Post #13,469 of 46,600
I listened to the HD650's today at friends place.
They are GOOOD.
Too bad that they are so expensive. Haha.
And my friend's dad has the HD800's.
I can't even get close to them though.

Haha, expensive is a relative term
. You could easily get your hands on a used pair here on the for sale/trade forums in good condition for 300-350ish.

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