Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
May 18, 2023 at 2:01 PM Post #45,886 of 46,600
HD6XX kinda does nothing for me. Using it with Topping G5 and Little Dot Mk3. It sounds clean and it's best when there's not much going on in a song, but when the music gets going i kinda lose track. Maybe because it's my first fully open headphone, but i definitely prefer Meze 99 Noir and FH7 (with iBasso DC04 pro).
And i have burned it in for around 100+ hrs.
May 18, 2023 at 2:56 PM Post #45,887 of 46,600
HD6XX kinda does nothing for me. Using it with Topping G5 and Little Dot Mk3. It sounds clean and it's best when there's not much going on in a song, but when the music gets going i kinda lose track. Maybe because it's my first fully open headphone, but i definitely prefer Meze 99 Noir and FH7 (with iBasso DC04 pro).
And i have burned it in for around 100+ hrs.
If you prefer Meze 99 to HD6XX maybe HD6XX is not for you and this is fine.

I have both Meze 99 classic and Neo and as closed headphones I would not personally put them anywhere near my 6 series. Not even my 4XX not even my koss 30.

Maybe try 58X with the Assessory pads the bass is insane and you might find them much better than 6XX especially when using a dongle. Also use a balanced cable.
May 21, 2023 at 6:57 AM Post #45,888 of 46,600

Custom cans Mod sucessful!
I also painted the headband brown and it looked totally like S€!t 😅!
So i orderd green, and give it one more shot!
May 23, 2023 at 11:45 PM Post #45,891 of 46,600
Anyone else think the imaging on the 6XX is fine and not as terrible as some people would lead you to believe.

I’m having trouble noticing any imaging differences between the 660s and 6XX.

I know what imaging is too, it’s the ability to accurately pinpoint sounds in space.

I’ve heard people say the 6XX is like a 3 blob presentation, but I’m not hearing it that way.
May 24, 2023 at 1:47 AM Post #45,892 of 46,600
Anyone else think the imaging on the 6XX is fine and not as terrible as some people would lead you to believe.

I’m having trouble noticing any imaging differences between the 660s and 6XX.

I know what imaging is too, it’s the ability to accurately pinpoint sounds in space.

I’ve heard people say the 6XX is like a 3 blob presentation, but I’m not hearing it that way.
I switched to ZMF pads and I’m now enjoying an extended 5 blob presntation. 😁
May 24, 2023 at 2:14 AM Post #45,893 of 46,600
Anyone else think the imaging on the 6XX is fine and not as terrible as some people would lead you to believe.

I’m having trouble noticing any imaging differences between the 660s and 6XX.

I know what imaging is too, it’s the ability to accurately pinpoint sounds in space.

I’ve heard people say the 6XX is like a 3 blob presentation, but I’m not hearing it that way.
In my opinion the HD650 is better in the imaging. The HD660 sounds very direct, this in my opinion does not help to perceive fine details immediately, placed in a certain point of the scene of a certain instrument. The HD650 is more immediate at revealing the smallest details in the sound stage. Very evident was when I listened to a new track on HD650 and HD660, immediately I had more information in the HD650. When I knew what I wanted to hear, I changed headphones and the HD660 revealed it to me.
May 24, 2023 at 2:26 AM Post #45,894 of 46,600
In my opinion the HD650 is better in the imaging. The HD660 sounds very direct, this in my opinion does not help to perceive fine details immediately, placed in a certain point of the scene of a certain instrument. The HD650 is more immediate at revealing the smallest details in the sound stage. Very evident was when I listened to a new track on HD650 and HD660, immediately I had more information in the HD650. When I knew what I wanted to hear, I changed headphones and the HD660 revealed it to me.
I have both the HD 650 and HD 660 S on hand and the HD 650 images better imho. The HD 650 without a doubt resolves more detail and nuance than the HD 660S. It’s also smoother and more effortless in its presentation. The HD 660S sounds strained and somewhat rough in comparison to the HD 650 and this hurts it’s nuance and detail retrieval.

The HD 660S2 fares better in comparison, but its bass fatigues my ears, so can’t properly compare them. I have had some iffy luck with some HD 650’s and HD 6XX’s bothering me in the past, whether due to the system and/or unit variance not sure. For whatever reason I have zero issues with this one and I definitely get the HD 650’s legendary status now.
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May 24, 2023 at 7:01 AM Post #45,895 of 46,600
I have both the HD 650 and HD 660 S on hand and the HD 650 images better imho. The HD 650 without a doubt resolves more detail and nuance than the HD 660S. It’s also smoother and more effortless in its presentation. The HD 660S sounds strained and somewhat rough in comparison to the HD 650 and this hurts it’s nuance and detail retrieval.

The HD 660S2 fares better in comparison, but its bass fatigues my ears, so can’t properly compare them. I have had some iffy luck with some HD 650’s and HD 6XX’s bothering me in the past, whether due to the system and/or unit variance not sure. For whatever reason I have zero issues with this one and I definitely get the HD 650’s legendary status now.
For what we have just said, I absolutely avoid any kind of invasive modification in my HD650.
May 24, 2023 at 1:04 PM Post #45,896 of 46,600
Interesting take guys. I know it’s just one person’s opinion, but Crincle said: 6XX/650: “The legendary neutral reference. ‘Veiled’ with a warm tilt (in comparison to HD600), and pretty terrible at imaging.”

Then said 660s: “An even darker HD6X0. A comparatively muffled mess just barely propped up by its decent resolving ability.”

Having both headphones, I couldn’t disagree with him more. The 660s don’t sound darker than the 6XX, they both sound about the same, except the 660s shifts it’s tone slightly up towards the treble whereas the 6XX shifts it’s tone slightly down toward the upper midrange.
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May 24, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #45,897 of 46,600
I have had some iffy luck with some HD 650’s and HD 6XX’s bothering me in the past, whether due to the system and/or unit variance not sure. For whatever reason I have zero issues with this one and I definitely get the HD 650’s legendary status now.
Maybe your hearing has changed over the years?
I have always felt that the HD650 can be pretty shouty and fatiguing in the high mids, around 4K, but this is no longer the case. The NightHawks, the most unfatiguing pair of headphones of all time became pretty fatiguing in the highs over the years and now I have to EQ them to sound good.
May 24, 2023 at 1:26 PM Post #45,898 of 46,600
Maybe your hearing has changed over the years?
I have always felt that the HD650 can be pretty shouty and fatiguing in the high mids, around 4K, but this is no longer the case. The NightHawks, the most unfatiguing pair of headphones of all time became pretty fatiguing in the highs over the years and now I have to EQ them to sound good.
It's possible, could be the system too. My preferences changing could be a factor too. I do know they slightly changed the pads a few years ago too, this is my first time hearing the HD 650 in a while and also the first time trying a new production after the face lift and pad change. While not a big change, the subtle change may influence how I perceive their sound. It's like how old and new HD 660S's sound different to me (confirmed by directly comparing them). Old HD 660S's fatigued the crap out of me, the new ones don't, but at the same time the new ones lost a fun factor the old ones had.

I've personally let go of the Nighthawk because I found them fatiguing in the treble. The T1.3 took the place of the Nighthawk for me and imho never had fatigue issues with them despite owning them for a couple years now.w
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May 24, 2023 at 2:22 PM Post #45,899 of 46,600

Hey Guys,

Here is the result of the 6xx mod and i am very happy with the result.
I think green was the right choice, looks 500% better than brown😅!
I also gave the grills a new dark grey paint just for freshen up the hole look.
I cant say to much about the sound because i have not listend to the end result with pads, copper weight mod and balanced cable. but i will report soon.
That was a fun project and i think the 6xx is the perfect headphone for moding, it is extrem easy to disassemble and there are a ton of parts online.
May 24, 2023 at 2:25 PM Post #45,900 of 46,600
Hey Guys,

Here is the result of the 6xx mod and i am very happy with the result.
I think green was the right choice, looks 500% better than brown😅!
I also gave the grills a new dark grey paint just for freshen up the hole look.
I cant say to much about the sound because i have not listend to the end result with pads, copper weight mod and balanced cable. but i will report soon.
That was a fun project and i think the 6xx is the perfect headphone for moding, it is extrem easy to disassemble and there are a ton of parts online.
That green with dark grills and the copper CC ring looks awesome! Nice looking cable and headphones stand, to boot.

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