Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jul 1, 2020 at 3:44 PM Post #43,471 of 46,600
yes, the 650/6xx sound extremely realistic because of the body of the notes and timbre it can produce. also, the level of micro detailing is v strong despite there not being an overwhelming treble. the 650/6xx is just a special headphone

I picked up a 6xx a few months back and was blown away, specially in the vocal department. Really surprised me how much I liked them, super intimate but great.
Jul 1, 2020 at 10:17 PM Post #43,473 of 46,600
I just tried the HD6XX out of an iPhone XS Max using the Apple headphone adapter. It sounds pretty good, much better than I would've expected. :flushed:

I now know another way I can listen when the power goes out.
Just earlier today I was telling people that you really don't need an OTL or massive amounts of voltage for the HD 650 to sound great. I was using it out of my '14 MacBook Air and it sounded "a lot better than it had a right to."
Annoyingly, though, there are people that see 300Ω and get up on their soapbox to tell the world how much power these headphones "need." It's simply not true.
Jul 1, 2020 at 10:18 PM Post #43,474 of 46,600
Just earlier today I was telling people that you really don't need an OTL or massive amounts of voltage for the HD 650 to sound great. I was using it out of my '14 MacBook Air and it sounded "a lot better than it had a right to."
Annoyingly, though, there are people that see 300Ω and get up on their soapbox to tell the world how much power these headphones "need." It's simply not true.
I use the USB-C dongle that came with my phone, at max volume they are loud enough for me to turn the volume down.
Jul 1, 2020 at 10:23 PM Post #43,475 of 46,600
I use the USB-C dongle that came with my phone, at max volume they are loud enough for me to turn the volume down.
On my MacBook the volume is loud enough at a little higher than half that I have to turn it down. I can't remember exactly, but I think of my Samsung S9 that I can run them at about 75%. They're not like IEMs, or something, but they're not crazy power hungry by any means.
Jul 1, 2020 at 10:25 PM Post #43,476 of 46,600
On my MacBook the volume is loud enough at a little higher than half that I have to turn it down. I can't remember exactly, but I think of my Samsung S9 that I can run them at about 75%. They're not like IEMs, or something, but they're not crazy power hungry by any means.
Well, I have to say that I also use them with my amp, but they are my indoor-chores headphones, so I listen to music around the house with them.
Jul 1, 2020 at 10:36 PM Post #43,477 of 46,600
Well, I have to say that I also use them with my amp, but they are my indoor-chores headphones, so I listen to music around the house with them.
Oh yeah, I'm not saying that they can't sound better, but people like to espouse nonsense about how they're not worth it if you don't have a powerful amp for them. Or, almost as bad, when people say they're "not they're best" without an OTL. It drives me nuts! It's like saying you can't drive fast unless you have an F1 car.
As has been said 7,494,320,865 times before, the HD 650 scale beautifully. That, to me, makes them a great starter headphone because you can use them if you don't have anything more than a moderately decent phone or laptop, and then take them to the next level with an amp when you have the money and desire
Jul 2, 2020 at 12:43 AM Post #43,478 of 46,600
Just earlier today I was telling people that you really don't need an OTL or massive amounts of voltage for the HD 650 to sound great. I was using it out of my '14 MacBook Air and it sounded "a lot better than it had a right to."
Annoyingly, though, there are people that see 300Ω and get up on their soapbox to tell the world how much power these headphones "need." It's simply not true.

i listen to my 6xx out of my 2015 Macbook air all the time. sounds fantastic
Jul 2, 2020 at 2:49 AM Post #43,479 of 46,600
The power requirements for the HD6 series have always been way more important over paper than via human ears. I think most of this stems from folks with some electrical engineering skills who also happen to own a spectrogram and an oscilloscope. They see how much the voltage swings in the bass and naturally deduce that you need X amount of juice in order to get these things to sing...properly.
Now there is definitely some truth to that...from a scientific viewpoint, sure....but we are also dealing with human beings and our ears are about the easiest to trick. I’ve been to a lot of different blindtests and I can tell you that most people cannot tell the difference between a dedicated powerful headphone amplifier and a mere iPad...especially when they can’t see when what is playing:)
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Jul 2, 2020 at 4:42 AM Post #43,481 of 46,600
The power requirements for the HD6 series have always been way more important over paper than via human ears. I think most of this stems from folks with some electrical engineering skills who also happen to own a spectrogram and an oscilloscope. They see how much the voltage swings in the bass and naturally deduce that you need X amount of juice in order to get these things to sing...properly.
Now there is definitely some truth to that...from a scientific viewpoint, sure....but we are also dealing with human beings and our ears are about the easiest to trick. I’ve been to a lot of different blindtests and I can tell you that most people cannot tell the difference between a dedicated powerful headphone amplifier and a mere iPad...especially when they can’t see when what is playing:)
Did you listen to the BHC?
Jul 2, 2020 at 4:53 AM Post #43,482 of 46,600
Did you listen to the BHC?
I’ve listened to the BHC with and without speedball many times, yes:)
I see why many dig this combo as the output impedance of the Crack serves the Sennie with an impedance hump in the bass and as a result becomes warmer/more romantic sounding. I like the over-all warmth to an extent but I really dislike the extra amount of distortions ultimately making the bass loose and slightly smeared. Then again I never reach out for a Sennie 6 series can if I’m in the mood for say a FSOL album or an Autechre one where the low basement notes actually feel like an integral part to the music...nahh then I merely pop on the old HE500. For just about everything else, I’ll gladly take the Sennheiser:)
Jul 2, 2020 at 6:16 AM Post #43,483 of 46,600
Just earlier today I was telling people that you really don't need an OTL or massive amounts of voltage for the HD 650 to sound great. I was using it out of my '14 MacBook Air and it sounded "a lot better than it had a right to."
Annoyingly, though, there are people that see 300Ω and get up on their soapbox to tell the world how much power these headphones "need." It's simply not true.
Thanks for the info.I have just bought(awaiting arrival) the mdrop 58x as they are 150ohm and allegedly easier to drive than the 650.I have only ever used the px 100s so these will be my first pair of decent headphones.They will be going straight into an i phone 6s and an msi leopard pro lappy.I was really torn between both headphones and may try the 650 in due course
Jul 2, 2020 at 9:22 AM Post #43,484 of 46,600
I’ve listened to the BHC with and without speedball many times, yes:)
I see why many dig this combo as the output impedance of the Crack serves the Sennie with an impedance hump in the bass and as a result becomes warmer/more romantic sounding. I like the over-all warmth to an extent but I really dislike the extra amount of distortions ultimately making the bass loose and slightly smeared. Then again I never reach out for a Sennie 6 series can if I’m in the mood for say a FSOL album or an Autechre one where the low basement notes actually feel like an integral part to the music...nahh then I merely pop on the old HE500. For just about everything else, I’ll gladly take the Sennheiser:)
I believe the BHC does more than give a "hump" in the upper bass, it also smakes the attack and decay sound more realistic. I attribute that to the high voltage it can reach. It does sound a bit colored though.
Jul 2, 2020 at 9:40 AM Post #43,485 of 46,600
On my MacBook the volume is loud enough at a little higher than half that I have to turn it down. I can't remember exactly, but I think of my Samsung S9 that I can run them at about 75%. They're not like IEMs, or something, but they're not crazy power hungry by any means.
This is true. For my Windows 10 laptop, I don't need more than 40% volume for them to sound as loud as I ever want.

And they sound great out of it as well. Not as refined as my Mojo, but certainly good enough.

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