Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Mar 25, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #16,442 of 46,600
  Who is Heartache Fetish...

Mar 26, 2014 at 1:05 PM Post #16,444 of 46,600
Here it is after a full week of listening.
LCD2.2 & HD650 Comparison:
The short version:
The LCD2 technically outperforms the HD650 in nearly all respects and would definitely be considered an upgrade in my books. The main reason that I would go back to the HD650 is for a more relaxed and comfortable background listening and movies & games.
Now for those who have the patience for my rambling… read on!
The LCD2 with the bamboo composite is a handsomely crafted work of art. The fit and finish is sturdy and just screams quality in all aspects, from the well finished bamboo, to the ‘oh so soft and luxurious’ lambskin pads. The HD650 has the utilitarian and lightweight design with plastic parts and the wonderful velour pads we love. Right away, it is evident that the LCD2 is MUCH heavier… nearly double in fact (490g vs. 260g). The clamp is actually less than a new HD650 and the lambskin pads are very plush, making it very easy on the side of the head. I have a HUGE head… so I had to max out the yoke rods on the LCD2 to get it to fit. Even then, I still had a problem because they were still a bit too short for my noggin resulting in a very uncomfortable pressure on the top of my head. There are two things that I found helpful. The headband is a padded metal band so it can be gently bent to suit your head shape, but also… Audeze has extended yoke rods available for $30. I did some gentle bending and got the extended yoke rods… they’re a breeze to install and it made a WORLD of difference. The weight is still there, but no uncomfortable pressure points now. Those who have a problem with clamp/pressure points/size/fit should strongly consider trying the extended yoke rods. Sadly, the weight will still be there. The HD650 (once you bend/adjust a bit) still wins out on comfort… at half the weight they simply disappear for longer sessions and although it wasn’t a problem for me, I would imagine the velour pads are more forgiving than the lambskin pads if you sweat easily.
Now for the good stuff… SOUND
Ortho vs. Dynamic:
The key difference right away between the two for me is the speed & decay of the sound. You can easily hear that the LCD2 is quicker and the fast decay results in a very clean sound that renders nearly everything with more realism, accuracy and detail. However, this is not to say that the slower sound of the HD650 isn’t enjoyable. It is just something to note as you move on reading through this comparison that this is a factor that really shapes how these two cans sound as a whole.
(Note: the frequency graph I’ve included here for my pair is a bit different without the treble roll off typically seen and it seems that in some of the more recent LCD2s there might be some sonic changes to the treble (link)... keep an eye on innerfidelity as Tyll presents his findings)
When I first fired up the LCD2, the first thing I immediately noticed was the greater sense of air. Right away I thought isn’t the LCD2 supposed to be dark and mellow? Why is it so much brighter than I expected? 
I was intrigued, because many other reviews always touted how they were dark and had a treble roll off which made it forgiving to listen to (like the HD650). Now, immediately as an HD650 fanboy, I was worried it might be fatiguing and have sibilance. After listening for a week now, I can safely say that overall it is not sibilant nor harsh… the treble shifts the tonal balance to a very neutral sound. It has just enough sparkle to bring out some more details and give a good sense of air without being fatiguing. Now, seeing as it is more revealing and resolving, the LCD2 is not as forgiving as the HD650 with poorly recorded/mastered tracks. The flaws, and consequently any sibilance, can stand out more… but this does not make the LCD2 harsh… just simply more honest with poor recordings in comparison to the HD650.
Both the LCD2 and HD650 are very, VERY smooth in the mids. The LCD2 has a more forward presentation, and in A/B comparisons it can be evident why individuals would label the HD650 with the infamous “veil”. Vocals are brought forth a bit more and the LCD2 has better timbral resolution, making the subtle vocal characteristics more apparent. The HD650 puts a bit more distance between you and the singer, giving a more “live” stage feel where one cannot hear as many minute details in the voice.
Mid-Bass: (yes… the HD650 demands that this be a separate category
Well, this is the one aspect where I will still say the HD650 reigns supreme in my books (taking the stand, the HD650 bows and thanks it’s family for their support). The famous (or infamous depending on your preference) mid-bass hump that is the epitome of lush, liquid, euphonic audio richness. Don’t get me wrong, the LCD2 is still superb here, giving a wonderfully smooth presentation that is quick, detailed and accurate with a very natural sound. Yes, it can be argued the HD650 is quite coloured here, but it is one that I simply adore. The LCD2, although more truthful and accurate here, cannot match it in terms of enjoyment in this “magic” range (particularly when HD650 is on Crack)… if the HD650 is a liar here… then lie to me more! The HD650 really takes advantage of this to give slow jazz and female vocals a honeyed sound that melts the tension off my shoulders any day.
The LCD2 wins. Hands down, no contest... (HD650 stares mournfully in envy
). The LCD2 extends deep with a visceral impact that at times seems to emanate from the darkest depths of the earth. It does it with such clean presentation that allows you to hear a plethora of texture and variation in the bass. The upright bass in Jen Chapin’s album “Revisions: Songs of Stevie Wonder” is brought forth with such character and tone that I was left dumbstruck with my jaw literally hanging open for the first minute
… followed by a ridiculous grin that I could not get rid of for a while
(my facial muscles are still aching).
Soundstage + Imaging:
Both cans have good soundstage on the Mjolnir. Going balanced provides benefits to both in this regard, but the HD650 responds more so, giving a deeper soundstage with more distance to the instruments. Large orchestral pieces make this very evident, giving a much more “audience-like” sound for the HD650, whereas the LCD2 puts you more in the area where the conductor is and gives more focused imaging for the instruments. Now, this is where it varies for me depending on my mood… if I want more intimate details I’d easily choose the LCD2, whereas if I wanted to experience the music more from the audience, then the HD650 is preferred. This factor makes me reach for the HD650 right away for movies and gaming because it favours a more natural experience for movies and a less aggressive sound for games.
In conclusion, as stated in the beginning, the LCD2 as a whole is the technically superior headphone and rightly fits as an upgrade for anyone who does enjoy a darker sound. Is it worth double the asking price of the HD650? Only YOU can answer that for yourself… law of diminishing returns, personal preference and finance, YMMV, blah blah blah, etc. (go audition a pair or attend a meet). For ME, this was definitely worth it. Audeze has earned a permanent place in my stable (you guys like how I mention the company not the model?
) but the HD650 is here to stay because it forever holds a special place in my heart for it’s beautiful euphonic sound.

Mar 26, 2014 at 2:04 PM Post #16,446 of 46,600
Very nice impressions!! Note that the newer version of the lcd2.2 with the newer/softer pads, has a shift towards a more clear/bright signature at the cost of some sub bass IMO. The older lcd2 were certainly more dark and offered more sub bass impact. 
The lcd2 was also just too heavy and uncomfortable for me. I had hoped that with the new line they would address the weight and comfort issue, but IMO they have not done so. I'm looking to hifiman to make this dream come true. 
Mar 26, 2014 at 2:45 PM Post #16,447 of 46,600
Awesome review joe bob thanks for posting your impressions. Unfortunately the weight is the only reason I decided to pass on the LCD-2

  Very nice impressions!! Note that the newer version of the lcd2.2 with the newer/softer pads, has a shift towards a more clear/bright signature at the cost of some sub bass IMO. The older lcd2 were certainly more dark and offered more sub bass impact. 
The lcd2 was also just too heavy and uncomfortable for me. I had hoped that with the new line they would address the weight and comfort issue, but IMO they have not done so. I'm looking to hifiman to make this dream come true. 

Yea... I don't think the weight will be an issue that can change given the nature of planar magnetics. But the extended yokes really do wonders for comfort. The HE-500 are unbearably uncomfortable for me... they were my ideal target for complimentary cans with the HD650 before, but the stiffness of the Hifiman pads and fit/clamp killed it for me. The LCD2 with extended yokes is not a problem at all though, if you have a chance to try those Matt be sure to do so.

Mar 26, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #16,449 of 46,600
Hi so I am homeless now and have barely any money to eat because I just spent it on my HD650 which I really hope I won't regret when it arrives or before I die from starvation. 
Anyway I also just bought a PB2 for my DX50, I am just wondering if anyone has a similar set up and would explain to me if it sounds great or not and why. :D 
Mar 26, 2014 at 5:15 PM Post #16,451 of 46,600
Question, what is the best amp for the HD 650 other than the bottlehead crack, because that is outside my budget. I currently have a schiits vali+ modi. Is there anything that imitates a crack amp but is cheaper?
Mar 26, 2014 at 5:27 PM Post #16,452 of 46,600
Use your Vali and save... for a Crack :)
Mar 26, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #16,453 of 46,600
  Hi so I am homeless now and have barely any money to eat because I just spent it on my HD650 which I really hope I won't regret when it arrives or before I die from starvation. 
Anyway I also just bought a PB2 for my DX50, I am just wondering if anyone has a similar set up and would explain to me if it sounds great or not and why. :D 

.....well at least your ears will still be warm.

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