Sennheiser HD600/580 replacement cable comparison/impressions (Dial-up warning)
Nov 4, 2003 at 11:00 PM Post #17 of 93
Another nice review Tubes! AS usual, I'm always impressed, not only by the review itself, but also by the amount of time and work you and other reviewers put in. Much appreciated!
Nov 5, 2003 at 2:01 PM Post #18 of 93

Your review is excellent, and it pushed me over the edge. I am going to try out the Silver Dragon as per your experiences with these cables. I'd try the Zu cable, but I don't hear a midrange veil and don't want to damage the headphone.

I currently use the cardas. I think it has excellent imaging and detail compared to the stock cable.

I use the M-Path dimarzio interconnect and a MOH(R) which is basically the same as a max amp with my hd600s. I listen on SACD with the NS500V.

Nov 5, 2003 at 9:18 PM Post #19 of 93
I decided to go for the Mobius because of its bass performance!

I am worried about the midrange forewardness, but perhaps some more break in would aleviate it. If not I just return it.

The mobiui(sp?)are using new connectors, so Im guessing that problem about the fit will be fixed.

Ill post some short thoughts after I get my 650s and the cable(next week sometime). Nothing real long or in depth, just some basic impressions.

Nov 6, 2003 at 10:47 PM Post #20 of 93
I phoned Zu today and they said that Mobius was designed with regard to the electrical characteristics of the HD600 as impedance and not developed by voicing to this specific model.
I will get one next week for my HD650.
Nov 11, 2003 at 4:52 PM Post #22 of 93
I talked to Zu Cable and they explained that there had been a problem but the plug size is changed so they should fit all models now. The first version did not fit all headphones because of changes of the headphone specification or variation around the specification in production. I have ordered the Mobius!
Nov 11, 2003 at 6:38 PM Post #23 of 93
Anders, please tell us what you think of the cable when you recieve it, it seems very good...

Do you think that the Moon Audio Silver Dragon would perhaps suit me better than the Mobius? (I'm a true detail-freak, but I still want good bass-performance =))

Edit: I'm using a Harmony Design headphone amplifier, a very neutral solid-state amplifier, and I almost only listen to piano music. I'm looking for a new source too, and it will probably be a new NAD CD-player (521 BEE / 542) or the Philips 963SA...
Nov 11, 2003 at 8:55 PM Post #24 of 93
I have really no idea as I only have experience of the Clou cable. I don't think one can go wrong with any of the other cables and all will be a clear improvement in relation to the stock cable, but some may suite better to ones equipment and taste.
I need an upgrade cable and had to make a choice based on my interpretation of the reviews etc. and what I believe will suite me best. If I had a possibility to test all cables, the choice might have been different. So it is essentially a decision based upon incomplete information and so we often have to go
Nov 12, 2003 at 2:27 AM Post #25 of 93
Thanks for the response Anders. I second you giving us the low down once you audition the Zu.
Nov 12, 2003 at 3:04 AM Post #26 of 93
I will take some time. Mobius should be manufacted and shipped this week, then take a trip over the Atlantic before I can burn-in and listen. Could go faster if you guys collect for overnight express!
Nov 16, 2003 at 11:20 AM Post #27 of 93
I can give some comparisons between the Zu and equinox cables with the HD650.
First off with the equinox I could hear(or not hear I guess) a lack of upper freq. compared to the HD600. With the Zu this is not so much the case. The phones seem to fill out the upper end much better with the Zu cable compared to the equinox. The sound with the Zu is IMO a much cleaner, tighter, clearer, and more focused sound than with the equinox. This is with both headphones. I love the bass on the equinox with the HD650, and to me it is a much more powerful sound than with the Zu cable.(although the bass is not lacking and go's as deep with the Zu)
The bass is much more forward and seems louder on every recording with the equinox on the HD650. I'm thinking since I don't have many hours with the Zu yet(50-60) it will increase bass a little. If it stays just like it is I'll be happy though.
I've talked to Adam at Zu and he says the fit problem is worked out. If you get a pr. that don't fit, They are the BEST co. I've delt with as far as customer service go's. Mine didn't fit and he sent me another pr. They fit the HD600's but were VERY tight with the HD650. I used a metal emery board and they are in there now, and easy to switch back and forth.
One strange point about the two cables is with the HD600 the bass seems a little better with the Zu. Just the opposite of the HD650. Overall I much prefer the sound of the Zu over the equinox with the 650. It keeps the better bass than the 600 and gives back much of the upper freq. that at first I thought was missing. The Zu lets mucho detail through with always sounding musical. I prefer both cables over the Cardas with the 600. Hope this helps some.
Nov 16, 2003 at 6:59 PM Post #29 of 93
Earl, I think you will be happier with the equinox or one of the other cables over the Zu. The Zu seems to bring the treble a little more into the picture than the equinox with the HD650. IMO the treble sounds about the same with both cables on the HD600, except cleaner and more focus on the 600's. Let me burn it in awhile longer and if you are considering buying one I'll let you try mine for awhile first.
Nov 16, 2003 at 11:13 PM Post #30 of 93
I concur with Toms findings.

The bass is more tangible with the stock cable right now than with the mobius. Im not happy at all. I bought this cable on the pretense that it would have the best bass of all the aftermarket cables. Ill give it a few days to improve, im at around 70 hours right now. Im not too happy at this point....

They might have to re-engineer the cables specifically for the 650.

These should have very powerful bass considering the stock 650 is comparable to the 600 with cardas.

This what I get for selling the r10s. Nothing but headache.

TUBES! 650 details PLEASE! Im probably gonna order another cable. Equinox or silver moon! Id lover to hear your comparisons, as Im sure everybody else would!! I didnt expect a quality to be OPPOSITE. Different sure, but not a 180.

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