Sennheiser HD 650 = the emperor's clothes?
Feb 2, 2005 at 6:33 AM Post #91 of 230
To all of the people who might not believe the right setup is necesary for these senns, my experience is that even now that i've downgraded to just hd600s, i'm enjoying them just as much as i did with the 650s, cabled with ZU or Silver dragon, im just using an ohelback. It's not all about having the best headphone is what i've learned, it's about what sounds good together, and being satisfied. He can upgrade, and alternate all he wants (buy better or lesser senns) yet this combo just aint doing it for him.

I suppose my real point here is it's either the creek or the 650s, one of them has
got to go. The mobius buying decision i really discourage, the cable won't make his over all sound change, it would nearly enhance it.

I owned a used a mobius for a long time, that's my feeling.
Feb 2, 2005 at 6:46 AM Post #92 of 230
Can he demo his headphones out on a different amp ?

If he can, he should just do that and see if he likes the change, if not - as Aman says, its time for new headphones.

I have a Creek OBH-11SE and yes its fine for the low end grado line, pretty good for the MS-2s but I know that something is missing which Is why I have already decided I am going to buy a new amp.
The guy I got it off liked it with his 580's and said he was getting a better amp so I would say, it might be time to just move up a notch to a better amp.

He could even borrow someones headphones to demo them if he was trustable. I know that this goes on quite a bit.
Feb 2, 2005 at 6:51 AM Post #93 of 230

Originally Posted by Tim D
Alex's post makes perfect sense to me. And he knows what he is talking about...look at his profile (no this is not to say equipment = knowledge, but experience = knowledge). He just confirms what I've always heard, sound signature of a high impedance output. Hate to say it, but the Creek sounded 'ok' with the Grado because a melding of two bad qualities synergized into something 'ok'.

From his profile, I see Alex is an EE, so he must know what he is talking about, but I needed more clarification here, which you have graciously provided. I see what you and Alex mean: the rolled-off, slower, more tubey sound of high impedance outputs. But as you said, I feel that this is just two wrongs trying to make a right. It's just like people choosing a crappy veiled op-amp to compensate for a bright source and phones.


I happen to prefer Grados with much higher performing amps (better damping factor) which can control the drivers well enough so that it also is another way to keep Grados under control.

This is the only way to do it IMO. Low impedance cans should be driven by low impedance outputs.
Feb 2, 2005 at 7:06 AM Post #94 of 230

Originally Posted by e_dawg
From his profile, I see Alex is an EE, so he must know what he is talking about

I believe he's the one who designed OBH ?? If that's so, he must've known a lot better than us regarding that particular amp.
Feb 2, 2005 at 7:08 AM Post #95 of 230

Originally Posted by aerius
This is going between the Oehlbach Senn 580/6x0 cable and a cable made from Cat6 network cable. I'll let you go decide which one was better.

Aerius, any links or pics on this Cat cable ? Hope no braiding necessary. Do you think both wires superior to the stock cables ? Very interested to build diy one with recent plugs availability. Thanks much.
Feb 2, 2005 at 8:24 AM Post #96 of 230

Originally Posted by Enverxis
I have a Creek OBH-11SE and yes its fine for the low end grado line, pretty good for the MS-2s but I know that something is missing which Is why I have already decided I am going to buy a new amp.

As I've stated many times, OBH-11SE is a completely different amp from OBH-11. Apart of other differences (Class A, single-ended design) it features lower output impedance and would certanly work better with Sennheisers than OBH-11 (thought it is not a perfect combination). For Grados it is a very good amp (not only for cheapest one's - we've used mostly SR325 for it's developement) and will hold it's own against most op-amp based designs. So choose carefully and do a comparative listening before parting with OBH-11SE

Feb 2, 2005 at 8:24 AM Post #97 of 230

Originally Posted by Blitzula
Sounds like neither. IF your theory is that all cables sound the same, what difference does that make?

The theory isn't that all cables sound the same. The theory is that VERY expensive aftermarket cables are no better than the stock ones. I could wire my headphones with a taut string and two paper cups and compare it to a Zu cable, and announce grandly that the Zu cable was more "airy and open feeling", but what the heck would that prove?

Why would I want to send $200+ to a company that is already stacking the deck with their "tongue in cheek disclaimer"? It's up to them to convince me that their product will improve my stereo, not to convince me that if it doesn't there's something wrong with my equipment.

I was watching Penn & Teller's BS! last night and they did a piece on John Edwards, the TV psychic. They quoted him as saying "Just because people see me making misses, it doesn't mean that they're misses... the people I'm doing the reading for may just not know what their deceased loved one is referring to." Yeah, right...

It's BS when a TV psychic uses faulty logic like that, and it's the same when a company puts the exact same sort of comment in their "guarantee". It tells me loud and clear that their sales pitch is trying to sow seeds of doubt, not help me make an informed decision.

See ya
Feb 2, 2005 at 9:02 AM Post #98 of 230
tingj --

my HD650 was just like you described it for the first few days, better, few weeks of non-continuous break-in.
But eventually, it has had sort of a metamorphosis, really. So be exceedingly patient (this may sound strange to someone more used to dealing with speakers' response to burn-in, but be confident, that is).
Now I'm loving them and I'm blown away each time I put them on ...and they're hooked to a low-low-low-end Pioneer A-209R integrated.
Still, I have a longing for that HD595 I ordered, for a 'sound complement'.
Shouldn't you be happy still with the HD650's signature once it has fully come out, do give a try to the HD595 without any prejudice.
Feb 2, 2005 at 9:05 AM Post #99 of 230

Originally Posted by tingj
I just got these a couple of weeks ago, influenced in part by reviews on this site.

I am disappointed enough to contemplate returning them. I have run them 24 hrs/day for 2 weeks to break 'em in but still can't seem to warm up to their sound.

The problem? They are too soft (dark) in the high end and bloated in the bass. They lack "air" and "transparency". I would describe their sound as "euphonic". Easy to listen to, yes, but uninvolving. I expected more from the flagship Sennheisers. My last headphones were HD560s and I used them for 15 years and thought they were great.

Incidentally, I run them with a Meridian 508.24 CD player and Creek OBH-11 headphone amp. I have Meridian DSP-5000 and KEF 105/3S speakers as references -- and both of these speakers are rather soft in the treble themselves, so it isn't a matter of me being used to bright speakers.

What's wrong here? Can I expect the treble to brighten with further break-in? Please don't tell me I need $300 aftermarket headphone cables or a $1000 headphone amp because that just ain't happening.

Anyone in NYC want to trade headphones?


I bet you didn't expect so many replies!

I guess ultimately you may not like the HD 650's, but I don't know. Listen to them a lot and let them burn in a lot and things may change.
Feb 2, 2005 at 9:17 AM Post #100 of 230
I have a feeling you just dont like the HD650 sound but I suggest you try to get a better amp with a 30-day warranty (from headroom or Todd). If you still dont like the sound even with 'better' amplification, return the amp and sell your HD650.

While many others love the HD650, there will always be other people that wont like it. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone is different and everyone hears differently. Believe in what you hear, so you dont like it, ditch it.
Feb 2, 2005 at 9:50 AM Post #101 of 230

Originally Posted by antonik
As I've stated many times, OBH-11SE is a completely different amp from OBH-11. Apart of other differences (Class A, single-ended design) it features lower output impedance and would certanly work better with Sennheisers than OBH-11 (thought it is not a perfect combination). For Grados it is a very good amp (not only for cheapest one's - we've used mostly SR325 for it's developement) and will hold it's own against most op-amp based designs. So choose carefully and do a comparative listening before parting with OBH-11SE


I know this very well. I was trying to do a comparison - his amp is "lesser" than mine and I was saying If I am not fully satisfied with my OBH-11SE then i can understand why he isnt fully satisfied with his OBH-11 if that were to be the problem
Feb 2, 2005 at 3:43 PM Post #102 of 230
Wow, that was a lot of replies.

Well, I've decided to give the HD650s more time. I think I need more time to break-in my ears and brain. Psychoacoustics is a strange science. Once I get used to them, perhaps I may like them better.

I suppose a new head amp is probably in the works. There does not seem to be a consensus on a *reasonably priced* amp that matches well with the Senns. I gather I should be looking for an amp with LOW output impedance??? Or do I have it backwards?

Let me try this -- what is the best under-$500 head amp for the HD 650s? I'll try to get something used or off ebay. Any opinions of the cheapest offerings from Antique Sound Labs?? Would a CMoy op amp based design be an improvement over the OBH-11?

Thank you everyone who replied to my post. You are a bizarre (but fun) group of people.

Feb 2, 2005 at 4:29 PM Post #104 of 230

Originally Posted by tingj
I suppose a new head amp is probably in the works. There does not seem to be a consensus on a *reasonably priced* amp that matches well with the Senns. I gather I should be looking for an amp with LOW output impedance??? Or do I have it backwards?

If you buy an amp you can't return, make sure it works with other headphones you're interested in/own also. Otherwise I think you're taking a foolish risk given what people have told you, unless the money doesn't really matter.
Feb 2, 2005 at 4:37 PM Post #105 of 230

Originally Posted by tingj
Wow, that was a lot of replies.

what is the best under-$500 head amp for the HD 650s?Jess

There are countless threads dealing w/ this. If you do a search, you'll be busy for awhile.
I'd consider the Meier HA-1 MkII (available thru site sponsors) or Ray Samuels SR-71 new. A used Ray Samuels HR-2 might be a way to go if you can find one in your budget. That's what I use personally and I think it has great synergy w/ the HD-6XX cans.
But do a search. It's all out there.

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