Sennheiser HD 490 Pro Plus coming?
Jan 26, 2024 at 9:14 PM Post #122 of 596
All I'm gonna say right now is that this headphone might be on another level from all of the 6 series HPs. And more to the point this headphone might be able to replace my HD600 lol.

I absolutely love the build. They are feather light and feel as premium as plastics and spring steel can get.

I need to listen a good deal more to solidify my impressions/thoughts but damn.. this headphone is really good.
Jan 26, 2024 at 9:27 PM Post #123 of 596
Listening to Beethoven now w the velour pads. The way instruments exist in their own space is really quite a treat. 490 Pro is an intoxicating listen w classical. Resolution on these cans is very high. The staging is so good. Wow

My chain rn is Roon -> Tazzy -> V222

This staging (width and depth), and imaging is easily on another level than any 6 series headphone. Height is about the same. Width is a stand out on this HP.
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Jan 26, 2024 at 11:06 PM Post #124 of 596
You know the song Calm Like a Bomb from RATM?

That's what these headphones are. They look cute, compact, slick even. But man do these pack a wallop.

Listening to Tool, Fear Inoculum now. Chain is UAPP -> iBasso DCO4. These kick drums..

With the velour pads the response sounds W shaped.This isn't an overly warm sound at all. Very clear to my ears. There's a lot of detail coming through in the treble area, but the mids are there too. The mids don't feel pulled back, but right there w the treble to my ears. It's almost overwhelming at times, the amount of information I'm hearing in those ranges. I need more time to comment on the bass. I can say slam is quite fantastic on this set. Kick drums sound ridiculous.

I feel like Senn pulled off something serious here. This feels like the cutting edge for what a dynamic driver can do at this price point. In comparison to the 600, the 490 made it sound a bit rough and unrefined. I almost hate saying that but it is my initial impression. (Sigh) The imaging and sound stage really put this headphone at a very high level. Just pulls everything together into this wonderful sound picture that thrashes you in the face. That's all for now. Going to shut up before I start making even wilder statements 😆
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Jan 26, 2024 at 11:38 PM Post #126 of 596
Slightly behind HD600 is still far superior to most headphones on the market though. If EQ can get it closer to 600 while maintaining other technical advantages it could be a keeper.

yeah but then from equalspeace:

>In comparison to the 600, the 490 made it sound a bit rough and unrefined.

:frowning2: I was REALLY hoping for something to drop some cash on. Might have to wait for the 660S2 to go on sale again.
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Jan 26, 2024 at 11:43 PM Post #127 of 596
yeah but then from equalspeace:

>In comparison to the 600, the 490 made it sound a bit rough and unrefined.

:frowning2: I was REALLY hoping for something to drop some cash on. Might have to wait for the 660S2 to go on sale again.
Not saying that it isn't a problem, but the possibility of it being fixable with EQ is still there.

Another possibility is that it takes some time to get used to the sound signature of a new headphone. Maybe it will sound more natural after a while. Brain burn-in is real.
Jan 27, 2024 at 12:00 AM Post #130 of 596
yeah but then from equalspeace:

>In comparison to the 600, the 490 made it sound a bit rough and unrefined.

:frowning2: I was REALLY hoping for something to drop some cash on. Might have to wait for the 660S2 to go on sale again.

I mean... 660S2 never made me feel like this. This headphone is musical. It's giving me clarity + emotions. This HP assaults the senses. It legit reminds me of my experience first hearing the HE500.
Jan 27, 2024 at 12:27 AM Post #131 of 596
yeah but then from equalspeace:

>In comparison to the 600, the 490 made it sound a bit rough and unrefined.

:frowning2: I was REALLY hoping for something to drop some cash on. Might have to wait for the 660S2 to go on sale again.
It's not like 600 is a refined cans to begin with and 490 is worse than 600? That's a hard pass for me

Not saying that it isn't a problem, but the possibility of it being fixable with EQ is still there.

Another possibility is that it takes some time to get used to the sound signature of a new headphone. Maybe it will sound more natural after a while. Brain burn-in is real.
You can't fix lack of refinement with EQ; this is a driver quality issue not tuning.
Jan 27, 2024 at 2:30 AM Post #133 of 596
No mentioned that he explained that Sennheiser offered to fly him to Germany to get a sneak peak of the headphone before the public release? That sums up what I believe Youtube reviewers don't seem to understand. They tell us they get free product, that they get international paid travel, but that the vendor has no conditions about the content of their review.

RIGHT! If Josh V. Said he thought the 490's were garbage he would never get any more free stuff, or be treated like a VIP from Sennheiser. Outrageous in my mind. Beware my friends, be very aware!

Not singling out Josh, as I like him. Seems like a nice guy. I'm talking about Youtube reviewers in general. This is just a single, recent example.

Absolutely. Many are in manufacturers pockets, it's their living and to an extent I get it but it sure doesn't make it easy to make an informed opinion prior to purchase.

Even so, does it matter? Even between respected reviewers opinions vary wildly. All one can do is find someone who has the same HP's as you and who roughly agrees with your own likes.

There's only one certain way to ascertain if a product is to ones liking, buy it.
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Jan 27, 2024 at 3:17 AM Post #134 of 596
From what I've been hearing it's def not worse than the 600 and also not worse than your fav the NDH30.
If this will be confirmed by the majority of users/listeners (not commercial reviewers) then we are in front of another revelation. And this because the NDH 30 surpassed the HD-6## range and practically everything under € 1000 too easily (and some more expensive headphones) for resolution, timbre accuracy/richness, naturalness, neutrality.
As a matter of fact we do wish for Sennheiser (pro or consumer) to accomplish a hard task: to improve on the NDH 30 sound (or even just equal it) with something in the form/shape of the beautiful HD- 490 Pro or the form of the HD-6## series. Is this already happening? I doubt it, considering that the high frequency behaviour of the HD 490 Pro may be troublesome, but I really wish I am wrong!

Moreover, what's this 0,2% for nominal THD at 1 kHz/100 dB? Sennheiser has produced headphones with much lower nominal THD (0,05% and lower). Do they mean something with this high value which usually accompanies cheaper headphones? Are they trying not to harm sales of other products (sister Neumann or the 6## series), or did they adapt a more strict and realistic measurement?
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Jan 27, 2024 at 7:10 AM Post #135 of 596
I've had these for a couple of days now and I must say that I really enjoy them.
Owning many of the headphones in the HD6.. line this one is a nice supplement to those. So far I have mostly used the velour pads.

Design / Build:
I like the design. Especially the concave grill. Very lightweight and extremely comfortable.
The headband adjustment mechanism feels very nice, much better than on the HD6.. line.
The plastic might feel a little thinner than the HD6.. line (probably to make it so lightweight), but the headphones feel very sturdy and there is no rattling when shaking these.
The plastic has a rougher surface compared to the HD6.. line. Not sure if they tried to imitate metal / powder coating with it, but smooth plastic might have felt slightly better to the touch. Although this gives the headphones a nice "matt" look. Cable is "ok".

Listening on the RME ADI-2 DAC fs and Chord Mojo 2 I have been enjoying these.
Compared to my other Sennheiser headphones I really feel that the bigger / wider soundstage is what sets these apart from the HD6.. line.
Sounds very nice with good detail and precision on placement of objects and sounds. No Arya by any means, but nonetheless very nice. Bass has good slam and is precise.

Overall a good impression so far.
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