Oct 11, 2010 at 5:12 AM Post #61 of 72
Kinda of impression...I was listening to all of my portable cans, and while I liked the KSC-35's .. overall in 3D/soundstage, the HA-FX66s were the best, although the atrio M5s were the bassy-ist (on my iAudio 7)
Oct 14, 2010 at 3:47 AM Post #63 of 72
For those who haven't noticed yet, I posted my pics of the Front Panel Express tour here: http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/516673/factory-tour-front-panel-express
One more thing I want to add about the meet is some advice to meet newbies: please don't take headphones (or other piece of gear) from a table and then leave it somewhere else without the owner's permission. If I hadn't already known the serial number of my Audeze LCD-2, I would've lost it for sure at this meet because it was not at my table when I was packing up. There were enough LCD-2s at the meet that I would've otherwise had no idea which one was mine.
Also I wanted to post this pic from my side-trip over to Microsoft and their Visitor Center store.


BTW: Are you in any pics?  I really wanted to introduce myself to you since you came all the way up from Cali.  And I'm sure we've bumped into each other on the DIY forum!

Don't think anyone took a pic that included me. And as Equus mentioned I flew in from Colorado. I almost never read the DIY forum, so you might be thinking of someone else. I think I know who you were though, I kinda recall seeing pics of you at previous meets.
Oct 14, 2010 at 5:28 PM Post #64 of 72
Did you hook up with a HF'er working at MS, Steve? I held a mini-meet at MS many years ago so I know there are a few us at MS.
Edit: post #3500 woot!
Oct 15, 2010 at 4:23 PM Post #65 of 72
I tried the LCD-2 with the Crack. As Doc B will tell you, this is inadvisable. I'd like to hear the LCD-2 with the Sex amp, though. So far the best sound here from the LCD-2 is on the Elekit switched to medium impedance. Very nice. The Crack is a fine complement to the HD650.
Oct 16, 2010 at 12:54 AM Post #66 of 72
Apologies for posting this late.
This was easily one of the best meets I've attended. 
I want to first of all take the opportunity to thank Front panel Express (Heather, Paul et al) for hosting us in their wonderful facility.
Thanks to the sponsors Bottlehead, Kosmic, ALO, Audez'e for making this meet all that it was. 
Alex, its always a pleasure to see you and wicked awesome of you to make it to the meet. Likewise to Steve (ASR). Disregarding our disagreements, I know one thing we have in common..we both love this hobby of ours and look forward to going to meets (i'm never gonna catch up with you on the latter, you are too awesome there :P ). It was a pleasure to spend some time with you after the meet. Hope to see you again soon ..err friend?? 

For me this meet was all about just that..meeting people rather than listening to gear. I was especially not going to miss it when Smeggy confirmed he was going to make it there. Dude..you are everything i imagined you to be..except British..lol that took me by surprise for sure, but did explain a lot of things about you. Love you man..and your work with the thunderpants. You have taken it to heights few can even begin to imagine and by the looks of it, still pushing the envelope with those err 75$ headphones with all the constant experiments. I was truly humbled by when I heard your latest TPs compared to the TPs I had tuned. The finish too just keeps getting better and better. Wish we had spent more time after the meet. Good luck with everything my dear friend. You are too nice a guy and Gil's brother is sure to be a happy camper with his new leatherpants

Josh, thanks for setting up a smashing system around the Ayon and the Balancing Act. One of the cleanest sounding and looking systems I have heard. 
Wharfarat, it was a pleasure speaking to you sir. 
It was great to see Griffin (Seamaster) walk away with the ALO cabled LCD-2..a better person that it could have gone to I cannot think of. And it was terribly nice of you to put up your HD650s on the raffle and was even better when Gil won it.
Gil, you are the anchor for these Seattle meets. Your zeal and passion in organizing this shin dig was a joy to behold. Look forward to seeing you again soon my brother.
Ethan, bro, thanks for graciously hosting me at your place for the night and for letting me have some one on one time with the stacker again
Lastly, Ken Ball from ALO audio, dude..all I can say is, I so glad to have you as a friend. Thanks for driving us up there and back. 
Some pics I snapped..
Ken the zen meister driving us to to the meet.

Josh (Kingstyles) evaluates the Cavalli Audio Liquid Gold

Equus = Ethan

Griffin's WA22 on his Meridian CD player..Curbfeeler in the back ground.

How you doin'? 
 You want to know about my thunderpants???

Gary (Smeggy) et moi

Oct 17, 2010 at 11:30 PM Post #68 of 72
Had to see all the pix again. Great meet, it was a blur to me. Running back and forth all meet long. Will do it all again over and over. Great to be a head-fier!
Oct 19, 2010 at 8:56 PM Post #69 of 72
Did you hook up with a HF'er working at MS, Steve? I held a mini-meet at MS many years ago so I know there are a few us at MS.

Nope, don't know anyone who works at Microsoft. I went there because I'm a computer nerd and thought it would be an interesting visit.
Likewise to Steve (ASR). Disregarding our disagreements, I know one thing we have in common..we both love this hobby of ours and look forward to going to meets (i'm never gonna catch up with you on the latter, you are too awesome there :P ). It was a pleasure to spend some time with you after the meet. Hope to see you again soon ..err friend?? 

Was good to see you too Sachu, despite our differences.
Certainly wouldn't discount the chance of running into you again at some point, even if it's never in Portland....
Oct 19, 2010 at 9:12 PM Post #70 of 72

Was good to see you too Sachu, despite our differences.
Certainly wouldn't discount the chance of running into you again at some point, even if it's never in Portland....

Aaah indeed buddy...wish it wasn't so about Portland ( what can you do eh..  
)..would've been brilliant to have you there. 
Oct 20, 2010 at 6:50 PM Post #71 of 72
Hi! I know this is pretty late after the meet...but I just realized that I left four tubes (packed into a clear ziplock/tuperwear type container) on the table accidentally at the end of the meet. I'm 98% sure since I checked the car, house, and everywhere I could think of, and I remember not stacking them on top of all the boxes because I couldn't carry it all at once. wondering if anyone remembers seeing them? I called Front Panel Express today and the folks there hadn't seen them. Thanks!  -Joe
Nov 20, 2010 at 11:35 AM Post #72 of 72
Big Poppa is already making plans for the next meet:

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