Searching for new music.
Dec 26, 2012 at 1:42 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6

Tjj226 Angel

1000+ Head-Fier
Oct 20, 2012
I am not sure this is the right place to post this, but here goes nothing....
I am a creature of habit. BIG TIME. This includes music. For the last 2 years my music library has been pretty much nothing but the led zeppelin discography. I really don't care for many things in this world, but when I do, I tend to not stray to far from that path. The issue is that with music in particular, there is only so many times that you can hear the same song over again, before you need a change of scenery so to say. 
That is where you guys come in. I would like some help searching for some new music, and maybe this can be turned into a picky persons music thread. 
Some might ask why I am asking for help when there are already a couple hundred threads on different music. Well, have you ever heard the expression, you got to pay your dues to play the blues? I feel like that is indicative of all music. The music I normally listen to is from the counter culture where there was a lot of police brutality, blood shed (vietnam war), and general malice in the world. Music became more of a tool of self expression to artists rather than a pay check from a record company, and it really comes through in the music. (That of course is NOT implying that all music of that era was that special). 
Today however, the most popular music seems to be so soulless (like dubstep). It doesn't have the same spark as the rolling stones or led zeppelin and stretching all the way back to something like the 1812 overture.

Hopefully some of you can understand what I mean, and maybe some of your feel the same way. I would like to find something new, and I have been searching for the past couple months, but I haven't really found anything. I know something like what I am talking about is a matter of personal taste, but I would love to hear some of your input anyways.  
Dec 27, 2012 at 6:47 AM Post #2 of 6
Okay, I'll make an attempt and suggest a couple of records. I'm mainly making these suggestions based on your fourth paragraph where you state, "The music I normally listen to is from the counter culture where there was a lot of police brutality, blood shed (vietnam war), and general malice in the world. Music became more of a tool of self expression to artists rather than a pay check from a record company, and it really comes through in the music."
To me it sounds like you are talking about the late '60s / early '70s. It also sounds like you've already found a lot of the music from that era like the Stones. Since you are looking for something new, I won't point out any of the obvious classic rock choices from that era along the lines of The Who, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Doors, etc. etc.
Here are my two selections:

Rather than reinvent the wheel, I'll just post a review found here:
"While mostly accurate, dismissing Never Mind the Bollocks as merely a series of loud, ragged midtempo rockers with a harsh, grating vocalist and not much melody would be a terrible error. Already anthemic songs are rendered positively transcendent by Johnny Rotten's rabid, foaming delivery. His bitterly sarcastic attacks on pretentious affectation and the very foundations of British society were all carried out in the most confrontational, impolite manner possible. Most imitators of the Pistols' angry nihilism missed the point: underneath the shock tactics and theatrical negativity were social critiques carefully designed for maximum impact. Never Mind the Bollocks perfectly articulated the frustration, rage, and dissatisfaction of the British working class with the establishment, a spirit quick to translate itself to strictly rock & roll terms. the Pistols paved the way for countless other bands to make similarly rebellious statements, but arguably none were as daring or effective. It's easy to see how the band's roaring energy, overwhelmingly snotty attitude, and Rotten's furious ranting sparked a musical revolution, and those qualities haven't diminished one bit over time. Never Mind the Bollocks is simply one of the greatest, most inspiring rock records of all time."
My second selection is this:

Here's a review found here:
"Between 1979 and 1984, Linton Kwesi Johnson unleashed four seminal albums on the Island label --Forces of VictoryBass CultureLKJ in Dub, and Making History. This compilation draws crucial tracks from all four sets, as well songs off 12" singles. 1979's Forces and 1980's Bass are heavily represented, with their superb companion dubs appearing immediately after the vocal tracks. During these years Johnson's sound evolved, shifting from militant roots through an experimental period and finally toward a jazzier style, and with the set arranged in chronological order, listeners are able to note this musical transformation for themselves. Of course, there was a sizeable shift in sound between Johnson's debut album Dread Beat an' Blood and Forces with the inclusion of brass and fuller musical arrangements. Dread was one of the most militant albums ever to land on British shop shelves. Forces was equally radical, but Johnson's poems were now laced with irony and humor. "Fite dem Back" is so over the top one couldn't help but laugh, yet the words are so anthemic you're forced to shout along with its rousing refrain. "Independant Intavenshan" is as sarcastic as it is scathing. Even the album's masterpiece, "Sonny's Lettah (Anti-Sus Poem)," makes use of black humor to drive home its message, with the fight scene taking on a Tarantino-esque quality. There again, "It Noh Funny" isn't, while the ominous "Time Come" again predicts the riots that will sweep the nation in 1981, with Johnson's Cassandra-like warnings going unheeded. Bass continues down a similar thematic roads, but wanders along musical byways as well, from the Western-flavored "Street 66," to the joyous reggae of the aptly titled "Reggae fi Peach," through the almost Two Tone-esque "Di Black Petty Booshwah," and onto the jazzy lushness of "Loraine." That latter number is a perfect parody of a love song, the title track and "Reggae Sounds" are superb expostulations of the power of music, "Street" is a Western gunfight brought to an inner-city flat, "Booshwa" scathingly condemns that class, while "Inglan Is a B*tch" vividly describes the typical working-class hero the bourgeois where stepping on on their way up. "Peach" is an impassioned eulogy to Blair Peach, killed by the police during a protest at Southall Town Hall this same year. Two more tributes are included on this compilation, both from the History set. With "Reggae fi Radni," Johnson attempts to come to grips with the mysterious car bombing that killed the Guyanan author/activist Walter Rodney. "Reggae fi Dada" is a eulogy to the poet's late father, wherein the poet turns his scathing pen on Jamaica. Meanwhile, Johnson's prophesies have come to pass, and he celebrates with "Di Great Insohreckshan," a jubilant look at the Brixton riot. But History's centerpiece is "New Crass Massahkah," the event that helped sparked the riots that swept England that year. Johnson's vivid description of this tragic fire powerfully conjure up this event, and so raw were people's emotions at the time that much of the piece is spoken word, with the band brought in only to create the atmosphere of the party where the fire took place itself. With this stunning piece, the compilation is brought to a close. All of these albums were masterpieces, and to have much of the best of them compiled onto two CDs is a welcome event. Excellent sleeve notes complete this stellar package, and this compilation can not be too highly recommended."
Well, there you have it. There are two selections with a militant anti-establishment message and plenty of thought-provoking material. Whether you'll end up liking these selections, I can't say. But without a doubt, these artists had something to say that went far beyond the realms of ordinary pop music.
Dec 27, 2012 at 6:23 PM Post #3 of 6
Thank you for the reply. I already like the sex pistols, but the Kewsi Johnson album is a new one. I have it downloading. The music didn't have to be from the 70s, I just want music that has that same type of spirit to it. 
Dec 27, 2012 at 7:00 PM Post #4 of 6
No problem. I hope you find something interesting you haven't heard with the Linton Kwesi Johnson stuff. 

Dec 27, 2012 at 7:18 PM Post #5 of 6
Usually when people ask me for music that's *about* something, or a reaction to something, or protests something, there are four 'outsider' genres that I point them to: punk, hip-hop, jazz, and black metal. Of course, over the course of time, each of these genres have had artists who have 'sold-out' and who are just performing for that pay-check, but each genre I think had its roots in important (or at least interesting) cultural movements, and each genre continues to evolve in truly fascinating, forward-thinking ways. I'm not sure if you have any interest in hip-hop or black metal (two genres that can be pretty difficult to get into), but insofar as quality jazz and punk are concerned, there's a lot out there that may interest you, if you're not familiar with it already.
Here's some punk albums you may want to look into (from a wide variety of sub genres):
...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead: Source Tags & Codes
At the Drive-In:Relationship of Command
Bad Brains: Bad Brains
The Clash: London Calling
Converge: Jane Doe
Cursive: The Ugly Organ
Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
The Dismemberment Plan: Emergency & I
The Fall: This Nation's Saving Grace
Fugazi: The Argument
Isis: Oceanic
Manic Street Preachers: The Holy Bible
Mission of Burma: Signals, Calls, and Marches
The Modern Lovers: The Modern Lovers
Modest Mouse: The Lonesome Crowded West
Naked City: Naked City
Neurosis: Through Sliver in Blood
Pere Ubu: The Modern Dance
The Pogues: If I Should Fall From Grace With God
Refused: The Shape of Punk to Come
The Replacements: Let It Be
Slint: Spiderland
Sonic Youth: Sister
The Stooges: Fun House
Talking Heads: Remain in Light
Television: Marquee Moon
Unwound: Leaves Turn Inside You
The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground & Nico
Violent Femmes: Violent Femmes
Weezer: Pinkerton
Wire: Chairs Missing
Jazz (Again from a wide variety of subgenres, including some albums that are sort of inspired by jazz, if not necessarily jazz themselves):
Fiona Apple: The Idler Wheel...
Bohren & Der Club of Gore: Black Earth
John Coltrane: A Love Supreme
Julee Cruise: Floating into the Night
Miles Davis: Kind of Blue
Eric Dolphy: Out to Lunch
Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto: Getz/Gilberto
Herbie Hancock: Head Hunters
Fela Kuti: Expensive ****
Yusef Lateef: Eastern Sounds
Charles Mingus: The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
Anais Mitchell: Hadestown
Naked City: Naked City (yep, this belongs on both lists!)
Paul Simon: Graceland
Talk Talk: Laughing Stock
Tom Waits: Swordfishtrombones
Frank Zappa: Hot Rats
Obviously there's no guaranteeing that you'd like any of the above, but if you're game, pick out a few things that sound interesting, queue them up online, and see what happens. Maybe you'll hate it, but maybe you'll find something worth looking into further. Good luck!
Dec 27, 2012 at 11:09 PM Post #6 of 6
Angel, do you have a account?? If not, I would suggest you get one, then add some of your favorite artists. Then it will generate a list of 1000's of other similar artist based off of music genre.

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