Schiit Modius discussion - $199 balanced AK4493 DAC
Jan 3, 2022 at 3:00 PM Post #871 of 941
I'm a CD spinner and use an Audiolab 6000CDT transport and coax cable to whatever DAC I feel like using for the day. I used my Modius yesterday after it sat idle for a while. I'd forgotten what a great DAC it is. Really a steal at $200.
Agreed for $200 it is a steal. In my reference home setup (which is packed up now that I moved) I had two r2r DACS that I used with a Proceed CDD CD Transport. A Proceed DAP and a Mark Levinson 360. A few months back before I tried the SPDIF iPurifier 2 with the Modius I tried the two r2r DACs in place of the Modius. What I found was yes the older multi thousand dollar r2r DACs sounded better but not by a large margin. Modius with the ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2 sounds way better than direct SPDIF or USB to the Modius, like a totally different DAC actually. Audio memory is not that reliable but I would bet that I would prefer the Modius and ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2 combo over the above mentioned r2r DACS alone.
Jan 3, 2022 at 4:21 PM Post #872 of 941
Agreed for $200 it is a steal. In my reference home setup (which is packed up now that I moved) I had two r2r DACS that I used with a Proceed CDD CD Transport. A Proceed DAP and a Mark Levinson 360. A few months back before I tried the SPDIF iPurifier 2 with the Modius I tried the two r2r DACs in place of the Modius. What I found was yes the older multi thousand dollar r2r DACs sounded better but not by a large margin. Modius with the ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2 sounds way better than direct SPDIF or USB to the Modius, like a totally different DAC actually. Audio memory is not that reliable but I would bet that I would prefer the Modius and ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2 combo over the above mentioned r2r DACS alone.
Good deal. I still like my little Modi multibit too. Another bargain at $250.
Jan 4, 2022 at 9:45 AM Post #873 of 941
The SPDIF iPurifier 2 addresses the shortcomings of the PC motherboard.

Exactly. DACs have to work on a signal provided to them and in that sense they rely on transports and PC motherboards aren't ideal for this task :)
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Jan 13, 2022 at 2:23 PM Post #875 of 941
Ifi iPower X 5v arrived from Amazon three days ago. Plan was to try with Modius and if it did nothing, try it in place of a ifi iPower (v1) that came with a ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2 that I use in my setup. The short version is yes the ifi iPower X with the Schiit Modius in my setup was a sonic improvement over the SMPS that came with the Modius. Never got to try the iPower X with the ifi SPDIF iPurifier 2. The sonic performance gain was more resolution across the entire frequency band, more of a holographic sound stage presentation, timbre improvement.

I mentioned a "more of a holographic sound stage presentation". What I mean by this, is instead of a flatter left to right there is not only more depth but there is space. Lower frequencies like sub bass is more like my JL Audio sub in my home theater, not coming from anywhere specifically like left or right. This is so hard to verbally describe. Let me put it like this, while listening to a EDM fast trance set at a rave, sounds and feels like you are at the the rave, instead of listening to a reproduction coming from the left and right side of your head. Cannot place where the speakers are located you are there in the middle of the venue. Now I mention this because this got my attention because generally chip based DACS like the AKM 4493 are usually a more left to right sound stage with some depth. So far every chip based DAC I have listened to has this left to right sound stage. R2R DACs usually have more depth and space.

Also let me mention, the iPower X has a burn-in period. When I first installed the iPower X my system sounded really bad. Only because I knew the Furutech Nano Liquid (contact enhancer I use on all my connections) has a 24-48 hour burn-in period that I left it in my setup to see how it will change over time. The burn-in for the Furutech contact enhancer is obvious sonically but would not deteriorate sonics like what I was hearing. I listened for about 5 hours straight that day, movies and music. Took about 2 hours for the changing to start and approx. 40 hours of continues power draw through the iPower X to sound the way it does now. Maybe more changes to come, will have to wait and see. I ran pink noise through my setup 24/7 when I was not listening to ensure there was power draw through the iPower X.

One last thought on the Modius. For $200 I think it is a very good sounding, crazy value DAC. When I look at a Bifrost 2 (which I have only heard once in a different setup) I can see why it costs $700. I also see why many would say it is a step up in performance from a Modius. Aside the chip differences the power supply and input implementation (like the USB Galvanic isolation) play a huge role in performance. After adding the SPDIF iPurifier 2 (which has galvanic isolation) and iPower X it transformed the Modius performance.

In Summary... I paid $99 + tax for the ifi iPower X 5v from Amazon, which is 1/2 the price of a Modius. Is it worth the cost when considering the cost of the Modius? I do not think there is a simple answer to this question. I think if someone has a resolving enough setup and wants to improve the performance on the cheap, then yes definitely try a iPower X with the Modius. For me it was worth every cent.


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Jan 13, 2022 at 7:27 PM Post #876 of 941
I've observed intermittent static/fuzz/noise on rare occasion, but enough to notice it. This happens with both SE and XLR connected amps and headphones.

Has anyone ever used a clip-on ferrite filter on the USB cable that connects the Modius to the PC to assist with signal quality?
Sounds like it could be RFI, EMI or cell phone radiation. Could also be noise from the USB.

The USB cable was never designed with much consideration for audio. It is the filthiest connection, it carries data and power in the same cable and transfers a ton of noise from the PC which is also a fountain of noise fueled by noise generating components, ie cpu, gpu, motherboard, psu as well as a dirty power source.

Ferrite clip ons work but its like sticking your finger into a hole in the Hoover Dam.

Try the ifi devices, they are really good with cleaning up noise, maybe an isilencer or idefender will help. They worked really well in my system to reduce noise that I was not aware was even there.
Jan 14, 2022 at 1:06 AM Post #877 of 941
The short version is yes the ifi iPower X with the Schiit Modius in my setup was a sonic improvement over the SMPS that came with the Modius.
So your "hear" something that Schitt states clearly and openly on their website doesn't makes any difference... Guess whatever you need to tell yourself to justify spending unnecessary money on something way too expensive and useless.

Well, I’m gonna get me a fancy-shmantzy linear power supply, what do you think about that?

We think you’re a little strange, because the output of that fancy power supply is going into a switcher, anyway. But if it makes you happy, we’re not going to stop you. Nor will we try to sell you such a power supply.
Jan 14, 2022 at 1:19 AM Post #878 of 941
So your "hear" something that Schitt states clearly and openly on their website doesn't makes any difference... Guess whatever you need to tell yourself to justify spending unnecessary money on something way too expensive and useless.
You can believe whatever you like. I am only sharing, if you think I am making this all up just ignore what I shared. LOL why delude myself, I could just return it to Amazon? I am 100% sure the iPower X powering the Modius in my system sonically improves my system vs the stock SMPS that comes with the Modius. It is not a "maybe" there is a difference, the improvement is in many areas like I stated.
Jan 14, 2022 at 2:04 AM Post #879 of 941
So your "hear" something that Schitt states clearly and openly on their website doesn't makes any difference... Guess whatever you need to tell yourself to justify spending unnecessary money on something way too expensive and useless.
Lol guess you'll believe anything schiit says. Yeah schitt also states that the Jotunheim 2 can rival $2k me which one. Perhaps they were referring to a $2k amp in 1975.

This is valuable information he's providing here, giving everyone info on how it affects the dac. Ifi devices are legit, if you want to be proven wrong and improve your system go test it out. If you have an amazon prime account its risk free.

As far as it being "worth" the price, thats completely subjective. The sound improvement is not.
Jan 14, 2022 at 10:33 AM Post #880 of 941
I did the PSU test again; Schiit SMPS vs. iFi iPower2 5V, using familiar 16/44 FLAC files from my NAS, Dell Inspiron 7000, Belkin USB 3.0 cable, iFi iPurifier2, Modius, Hafler HA14 headphone amp via Yorkville Studio One XLR interconnects, Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro headphones. No difference. Don't waste your money on a PSU upgrade for the Modius IMO, as advised by Schiit. The iPurifier2 USB did provide a noticeable improvement in the high frequency performance, so my recommendation if you want to upgrade the Modius would be an iPurifier3 (needs a USB B to Micro USB adapter).

PS. The first time I did the PSU test, I used the Schiit USB cable and no iPurifier.
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Jan 14, 2022 at 12:20 PM Post #881 of 941
I did the PSU test again; Schiit SMPS vs. iFi iPower2 5V, using familiar 16/44 FLAC files from my NAS, Dell Inspiron 7000, Belkin USB 3.0 cable, iFi iPurifier2, Modius, Hafler HA14 headphone amp via Yorkville Studio One XLR interconnects, Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro headphones. No difference. Don't waste your money on a PSU upgrade for the Modius IMO, as advised by Schiit. The iPurifier2 USB did provide a noticeable improvement in the high frequency performance, so my recommendation if you want to upgrade the Modius would be an iPurifier3.

PS. The first time I did the PSU test, I used the Schiit USB cable and no iPurifier.
Perhaps you have a very noisy power source and that basic model dc ps isnt enough to filter out enough tomake a difference, or vice versa and could be your power source is very clean. Or it could be you don't have a trained ear to be able to notice noise being reduced. Just conjecture and trying not to exclude any possibilities, dont take offense.

Why dont you ask cdacosta what gear hes using?
Jan 14, 2022 at 12:38 PM Post #882 of 941
Perhaps you have a very noisy power source and that basic model dc ps isnt enough to filter out enough tomake a difference, or vice versa and could be your power source is very clean. Or it could be you don't have a trained ear to be able to notice noise being reduced. Just conjecture and trying not to exclude any possibilities, dont take offense.
I use a linear power supply with my router and an iPower X on my switch. The network gear is plugged into a Furman PST-8. The desktop system is fed from a Monster HTS-2000 power conditioner. I use quite a few tweaks in this desktop system, including an iDefender, iPurifier2, iPower 5V, Nobsound USB to USB Isolator, Schiit Eitr and various cables, all of which I've used with several DAC's. I can readily hear the improvements when there are any, and there have been with most of this gear, however power upgrades are not a viable improvement on the Modius, I assume because it is running through an internal switcher.
Why dont you ask cdacosta what gear hes using?
I did, in a previous post. He did not reply except to say that he is using coax, which IME is quite inferior to USB on the Modius unless many tweaks are applied.
Jan 14, 2022 at 1:43 PM Post #883 of 941
I use a linear power supply with my router and an iPower X on my switch. The network gear is plugged into a Furman PST-8. The desktop system is fed from a Monster HTS-2000 power conditioner. I use quite a few tweaks in this desktop system, including an iDefender, iPurifier2, iPower 5V, Nobsound USB to USB Isolator, Schiit Eitr and various cables, all of which I've used with several DAC's. I can readily hear the improvements when there are any, and there have been with most of this gear, however power upgrades are not a viable improvement on the Modius, I assume because it is running through an internal switcher.

I did, in a previous post. He did not reply except to say that he is using coax, which IME is quite inferior to USB on the Modius unless many tweaks are applied.

The modius is a wired use device, there wouldnt be much if any benefit from that router and switch connected ps for the modius. Music streaming would reap the benefits from where those ps are connected.

And no offense but i would not ever use that furman pst8 or any monster brand device in my audio system. I would say those are not "audiophile" grade, but that's just my opinion since im not going to waste the time to order it off amazon, open it up and show you the cheap 20 cent caps in it.

I use quite a few tweaks myself like the isilencer, idefender, igalvanic, ipurifier, as well as a furutech plc, emi and vibration absorbtion products and high quality cables.

Lets just say that the level of gear he has does not make any sense for the modius. That's why i say hes providing valuable info.

If all things are equal like bit and sample rate, you are wrong coax is superior just for the simple fact that it doesn't carry as much noise and interference from power that the USB carries. But the fact of the matter is that coax is limited to 24/192. And if you're comparing 32/368 or dsd upsampling, thats subjective and a matter of preference but i prefer it over coax.
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Jan 15, 2022 at 12:35 PM Post #884 of 941
The modius is a wired use device, there wouldnt be much if any benefit from that router and switch connected ps for the modius. Music streaming would reap the benefits from where those ps are connected.
I stream files from my NAS. The chain is NAS -> switch -> router ->wi-fi to the laptop. The power supply upgrades in the network absolutely do improve the final sound. In fact this chain sounds better than the same files stored in the hard drive of my laptop.
And no offense but i would not ever use that furman pst8 or any monster brand device in my audio system. I would say those are not "audiophile" grade, but that's just my opinion since im not going to waste the time to order it off amazon, open it up and show you the cheap 20 cent caps in it.
The HTS-2000 is not a typical Monster product. It was designed by Richard Marsh, a respected audio expert, under contract for Monster. It improves the sound of any line level equipment I've used it with, but is not suitable for power amps.

Furman is the leading designer of power conditioning for the pro market. The PST-8 incorporates sophisticated technology for line level components and definitely cleans up the sound. Unless you've tried it, I agree, it's just your opinion.
I use quite a few tweaks myself like the isilencer, idefender, igalvanic, ipurifier, as well as a furutech plc, emi and vibration absorbtion products and high quality cables.

Lets just say that the level of gear he has does not make any sense for the modius. That's why i say hes providing valuable info.
I tested the iPower2, which is an update of the base model iPower. The iPower X does sound better than an iPower. It's possible it provides some improvement., but I doubt it for two reasons:
1. Power is routed through the Modius' internal switcher.
2. I could hear no difference in these two scenarios:
- Modius SMPS vs. iPower connected to the Modius
- iPower connected to an iDefender for USB power, no power supply connected directly to the DAC. In this case, I was able to instantly A-B by disconnected the iPower cable from the iDefender. The sound did not change. So either the iPower and Modius wall wart sound exactly the same (unlikely), or Schiit is right, and a PSU upgrade is not worthwhile.

If all things are equal like bit and sample rate, you are wrong coax is superior just for the simple fact that it doesn't carry as much noise and interference from power that the USB carries. But the fact of the matter is that coax is limited to 24/192. And if you're comparing 32/368 or dsd upsampling, thats subjective and a matter of preference but i prefer it over coax.
I compared the Modius connected via USB to my laptop vs. coax from my Eitr. The coax was awful, no contest. I was able to improve the Eitr a lot with a bunch of tweaks (iDefender, iPower, USB Isolator, iPurifier2).

USB is superior technology to coax, because S/PDIF has the clock signal embedded. With SPDIF, there are always two clocks, source and DAC, which can never synchronize perfectly. With their Unison USB design, Schiit finally got it right. The designer has now revised his opinion and admits that USB is superior to SPDIF. There's an explanation from Barrows of Sonore here, on why USB is best:
Jan 15, 2022 at 1:59 PM Post #885 of 941
I stream files from my NAS. The chain is NAS -> switch -> router ->wi-fi to the laptop. The power supply upgrades in the network absolutely do improve the final sound. In fact this chain sounds better than the same files stored in the hard drive of my laptop.

The HTS-2000 is not a typical Monster product. It was designed by Richard Marsh, a respected audio expert, under contract for Monster. It improves the sound of any line level equipment I've used it with, but is not suitable for power amps.

Furman is the leading designer of power conditioning for the pro market. The PST-8 incorporates sophisticated technology for line level components and definitely cleans up the sound. Unless you've tried it, I agree, it's just your opinion.

I tested the iPower2, which is an update of the base model iPower. The iPower X does sound better than an iPower. It's possible it provides some improvement., but I doubt it for two reasons:
1. Power is routed through the Modius' internal switcher.
2. I could hear no difference in these two scenarios:
- Modius SMPS vs. iPower connected to the Modius
- iPower connected to an iDefender for USB power, no power supply connected directly to the DAC. In this case, I was able to instantly A-B by disconnected the iPower cable from the iDefender. The sound did not change. So either the iPower and Modius wall wart sound exactly the same (unlikely), or Schiit is right, and a PSU upgrade is not worthwhile.

I compared the Modius connected via USB to my laptop vs. coax from my Eitr. The coax was awful, no contest. I was able to improve the Eitr a lot with a bunch of tweaks (iDefender, iPower, USB Isolator, iPurifier2).

USB is superior technology to coax, because S/PDIF has the clock signal embedded. With SPDIF, there are always two clocks, source and DAC, which can never synchronize perfectly. With their Unison USB design, Schiit finally got it right. The designer has now revised his opinion and admits that USB is superior to SPDIF. There's an explanation from Barrows of Sonore here, on why USB is best:
Never heard of Richard Marsh, but I'm familiar with Monster products...

I see you've copied and pasted the advertising quotes that these companies present. Maybe instead of blindly believing marketing materials, you should open up your device and see whats in there.

I have a Furutech etp 80 and that would be considered an entry level plc. That furman plc is an overpriced "budget" power strip. Unfortunately, power filtering is not cheap if you understand the cost of parts to make one, you would never buy a $130 plc. Same logic as when you see a $5000 new car for sale, probably not going to be as good as that $20k new car regardless of what the advertising and marketing says.

That is link is forum post from 2013, that is an opinion. Completely a matter of preference. And really, it depends on your setup, if using spdif with a ddc, I would say the spdif is superior. You're also ignoring the fact that usb was never designed with audio as a priority, because it carries both data and power in the same cable, it adds alot of noise into the signal. This is not a team usb vs team spdif competition, I prefer usb myself but there are disadvantages and advantages to both. To say one is better than the other is only opinion and depends heavily on what gear you have.

In any case I think we're deviating from the topic here, cdacosta has gear thats much higher level than what you have and he's stating he hears a signficant difference. Going back to why you don't hear a difference is possibly that your power source is too dirty to notice the difference or some other reason. Or maybe you are not familiar with what noise reduction sounds like, it takes some practice and critical listening to notice this. The best way to understand this, is to play music and low volume white noise at the same time, then turn the white noise on and off during the music.

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