Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread
Apr 12, 2024 at 7:40 AM Post #1,321 of 1,381
I bought 2 lyr+ with 6 differents tubes to make a 1:1 comparison with an RCA box that allowed me to switch from one amp to the other without sound cut. Disappointement was my findings so I sold them (still got one hanging around for sale). Maybe it's better to just buy it and enjoy it. Don't push the blind testing part too far if you like it ^^

Interesting, so many people talk about the dramatic difference with tube rolling which was not my observation with a tube amp, not Lyr +.

Your post is literally the only proper A/B comparison I have ever seen and it is very refreshing to read such candid feedback.
Apr 12, 2024 at 7:50 AM Post #1,322 of 1,381
You are not the first person in my life to make this comparison. Although I don't like the show very much, a lot of people feel I am Chidi.

As my mother once said though, the only reason I have to fret this much is because I'm broke. If I had money, I would just buy whatever I desired, and wouldn't have to think so critically about it. If it ends up being the wrong product, oh well, just resell it and buy something else. What's a $100 loss when you're making 350k a year?

The problem is, when you're broke, and have been saving for a purchase for LITERALLY SEVEN YEARS in this case, any mistake represents a massive setback. If I get the wrong amp, have to resell it, and take that loss, it presents a massive loss of time and work for me. So, sweating every detail.

Haha yeah, I know. People all said that headphones represent 85% of the audio, with music files representing 10%, and the source gear being the last 5%.

And seeing as I couldn't hear more than a 15-20% difference between the 6XX's and the HD800s, so 20% of 85%, it's very doubtful that I'll be able to hear a 10% difference in the 5% category that is source gear. Following this logic, it makes more sense to save money and buy the Jot 2. Or go even cheaper and just buy a JD's atom stack, which objectively measures better than anything from schiit.

The problem is I then read more threads and articles, and people use SUCH STRONG descriptors. They talk like such and such amp absolutely revolutionized their listening experience. That such and such DAC absolutely transformed their music. They make it sound like a 200% difference of a 100% category. I gotta remind myself that it's 5% of 5%.

Yeah. When two products can be compared to reveal a clear winner, I'm good to make a decision. The problem comes when products are almost the same in performance. When there's no CLEAR winner, the decision has to come down to secondary buying traits, like looks, build quality, colour, general "feel", etc. Stuff that arguably doesn't really matter, and which is very subjective. This makes it hard for me to make a decision and feel confident in it. Like you said, it's about flipping a coin. The flip reveals more than the coin does, as in the moment you flip it, you suddenly know which answer you're hoping for.

And for me, I know ahead of time that it's the Lyr. I've had my eyes set on a tube amp from schiit since the days of Valhalla 1. Problem is, I also am rational enough to have dissected that desire, and can admit freely that I don't actually have a REASON to want the lyr as much as I do. It's just a random whim, because I like how tubes look. That's it. I think tubes are neat, cause I'm young enough to have never seen one in person. There's no actual substantive backing for my desire. No actual REASON to want it. Especially considering that the novelty will wear off shortly after purchase. So is another X-hundred dollars really justified for such a flimsy reason?

Im just speaking rhetorically here, to give you all some insight to my psychosis, and why it's seemingly so difficult to make a decision. No clear winner means buying things based on a whim and personal preference. But how does one determine exactly how much money personal preference and whim deserve?

P.s. If anyone wants to tackle the subject, I am still curious as to why/how its worth giving up balanced output on the Jot 2 for tube sound on the Lyr. A lot of people claim balanced sound provides more detail and resolution and clarity, all the same things people claim certain tube amps offer, like the Lyr.

I have seen various posts from you but I haven’t followed your quest. Have you done many comparisons with various solid state amplifiers ?

If you have and you don’t hear any really obvious difference with reasonable volume matching you might be surprised how little difference tubes may make.

I bought a Woo WA6 to use exclusively with my HD600 but was really disappointed in that any difference was subtle at best even with expensive NOS tubes and not worth the expense and bother. I enjoyed them just as much on a Schiit Magni +.

I would get the headphones and a modest but decent amplifier and see how you get on. My experience is the headphones are the place to spend the money then just enjoy the music and don’t worry about whether that $150 tube might change your world because it probably won’t.
Apr 12, 2024 at 12:46 PM Post #1,323 of 1,381
If you have and you don’t hear any really obvious difference with reasonable volume matching you might be surprised how little difference tubes may make.

I bought a Woo WA6 to use exclusively with my HD600 but was really disappointed in that any difference was subtle at best even with expensive NOS tubes and not worth the expense and bother. I enjoyed them just as much on a Schiit Magni +.

I would get the headphones and a modest but decent amplifier and see how you get on. My experience is the headphones are the place to spend the money then just enjoy the music and don’t worry about whether that $150 tube might change your world because it probably won’t.
For most headphones I would agree with everything you said. But my experience is that the HD800S are truly special on tubes. I have the HD6XX and tubes make little difference to my ears. But I didn't even like my HD800S until I tried them off of a Schiit Vali 2+. They seemed to gain a significant expansion of spaciousness and bass weight. Same effect from my Lyr+ in tube mode. Now they're my favorite headphones to listen to.

Just replace "Magni+" with "Vali 3". 😉
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Apr 13, 2024 at 3:11 PM Post #1,324 of 1,381
For most headphones I would agree with everything you said. But my experience is that the HD800S are truly special on tubes. I have the HD6XX and tubes make little difference to my ears. But I didn't even like my HD800S until I tried them off of a Schiit Vali 2+. They seemed to gain a significant expansion of spaciousness and bass weight. Same effect from my Lyr+ in tube mode. Now they're my favorite headphones to listen to.

Just replace "Magni+" with "Vali 3". 😉

Interesting that you didn’t hear much difference with the 6XX, it seems many say the whole HD6…. series improve on tubes. That was not my observation in my limited comparison but I think I gave it a fair shot.
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Apr 14, 2024 at 8:14 AM Post #1,325 of 1,381
The Lyr+ isn't very "tubey"-sounding with a tube in, unlike, say, a Woo Audio amp. It's quite subtle, at least with the tubes I've tried.
Apr 14, 2024 at 10:45 AM Post #1,326 of 1,381
The Lyr+ isn't very "tubey"-sounding with a tube in, unlike, say, a Woo Audio amp. It's quite subtle, at least with the tubes I've tried.

Aaannd that's why the Valhalla 3 is big on my radar. :eyes:
Apr 14, 2024 at 3:44 PM Post #1,328 of 1,381
Is Valhalla 3 a real thing in development or are we just hoping it is? If it's real, I hope they put an xlr-4 connector on it, not necessarily meaning it is internally balanced, but so that I don't need adapters hanging off of the amp! :)
It's in development:

I linked this with the right timestamp, but it seems like the video embedder doesn't pick that up quite right. Start at 00:33:45.
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Apr 14, 2024 at 11:04 PM Post #1,330 of 1,381
The Lyr+ isn't very "tubey"-sounding with a tube in, unlike, say, a Woo Audio amp. It's quite subtle, at least with the tubes I've tried.

My frame of reference was a Woo WA6 with highly regarded NOS tubes in my response to a chap above. Even that didn't do anything for me on the HD600.

I seem to be in the minority there so I will leave that discussion alone :relaxed:
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May 18, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #1,332 of 1,381
I just tried the APOS Ray Tubes 6SN7 Select in the Lyr+. I reckon it's a pretty good match for something neutral-sounding, but nicer-sounding than solid-state mode:

May 18, 2024 at 5:13 AM Post #1,333 of 1,381

I just tried the APOS Ray Tubes 6SN7 Select in the Lyr+. I reckon it's a pretty good match for something neutral-sounding, but nicer-sounding than solid-state mode:

I’m still looking for a stand out tube for the Lyr+ that offers the best of what tubes have to offer. Any suggestions? So far I’ve tried the RCA gtb, psvane 181, electroharmonix with gold leads and apos ray select.
May 18, 2024 at 6:01 AM Post #1,334 of 1,381
@SunRa Fan

For a single, competent "utility" tube, try the Sylvania 6SN7GTB. They are still fairly affordable if you look around (e.g. "used, tested new" on eBay). I have yet to try a tube of the "Sylvania 6SN7" ilk that I did not like with the LYR+.

I have also enjoyed the JAN Philips 6SN7WGTA.

Better yet, get a 2x 6J5-to-1x 6SN7 adapter and run 2x Sylvania 6J5s. Not only more affordable, but sonically as good or better than most "top-tier" [and pricey] 6SN7 tubes that I have tried. Separation and soundstaging with the 2x 6J5 cannot be beaten IMHO.
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May 18, 2024 at 6:13 AM Post #1,335 of 1,381

. . . Gloves, please. :sweat::flag_jp::blush:
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