Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:41 PM Post #1,171 of 1,381
Hmmm, nah, SS mode isn't a match for my Linlai E-6SN7. I thought maybe it might be punchier or something, but nope. The Linlai tube actually has better low-end control, tighter and better sub extension. SS mode has a more forward midrange but less separation, less depth, dirtier treble, inferior imaging.

Oh well. Worth investigating.
Jan 20, 2024 at 5:37 PM Post #1,173 of 1,381
LYR+|2x Sylvania6J5 . . . SMSL D400EX . . . Audeze MM-500 w/NeoTech 4x 22AWG UPOCC solid core silver headphone cable . . .
. . . REALLY nice!
The LYR+ complements the MM-500 very well, lending a welcome sense of musical restraint and curvaceous tonality to the MM-500's exacting clarity and resolution..
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Jan 20, 2024 at 6:04 PM Post #1,174 of 1,381
Same here.
I use the LYR+ pretty much exclusively for hybrid use, preferentially with 2x 6J5 or 1x 6922.
SS duties are reserved for the SMSL SP400 or Lake People RS-08.
How about Lyr 3 (not +) with 2 x 6J5 ...? [That was my favourite Lyr configuration.]
Jan 21, 2024 at 1:09 AM Post #1,176 of 1,381
Just swapped out the LYR+ for the LYR 3, keeping everything else in the equipment chain exactly the same.
Seems like a more efficient/effective power delivery from the LYR 3, with both the HEDDphone One and the MM-500.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 12:00 on the volume dial for the MM-500 [18ohms/100dB]; with the LYR 3, Low gain and about 10:00 on the volume dial.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 2:15 on the volume dial for the HEDDphone One [42ohms/87dB; with the LYR 3, High gain and about 11:00 on the volume dial.
The LYR 3 seems to have a lot better grip on the drivers as well. Everything [on both headphones] sounds weightier, more spry, more expansive and more dynamic.
The LYR 3 also sounds more natural and with a more musical pulse with the aforementioned headphones.
. . . am a bit puzzle, to be honest [both the 3 and the + are rated at 4.0W into 50ohms/6.0W into 32ohms].
Are you saying that because the power should be pretty much equal between each amp you'd expect the same volume positions for same or similar outputs to headphones?

If so, don't forget the Lyr 3 has a regular vol pot and the Lyr+ has stepped relays which, going by the reviews (mine is yet to arrive in the post), only really kicks in with volume at 12 or beyond. So although they have pretty much equal power, the points at which the volume kicks in are completely different and not to be compared. The Lyr 3, which I owned, has a much more linear volume. So yeah, basically the dial positions will be waay different for each amp... if that's what you meant? (if it's not what you meant, apologies, it's late/early and i've been on the rum!)
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Jan 24, 2024 at 10:34 AM Post #1,177 of 1,381
Just re-tubed with a [Mil-Spec] Sylvania 6DJ8. I enjoy the LYR+ quite a bit, at times best, fitted with a 6922 tube type: the Schiit bringing to my ears a delicacy, refinement and subtle/complex/more replete tonality [reminiscent of the Hagerman Tuba].

Over the last week or so, the LYR+ has proven itself more-then-competent with the HEDDphone One.

The Schiit LYR+: a powerful, capable, versatile and [preeminently] musical headphone amplifier.
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Jan 24, 2024 at 1:59 PM Post #1,178 of 1,381
I am planning to try a Lyr+ with a Modhouse Tungsten and was wondering if it's possible to get any additional volume/headroom by connecting a pre-amp to my Lyr+ where the pre-amp would be feeding he sginal into my Lyr+. Anyone have any experience using the Lyr+ with a pre-amp to give it more power? Is this even safe to do? I am thinking about hooking up a Violetric V281 to it and running it as the preamp to the Lyr+..
Jan 24, 2024 at 2:16 PM Post #1,179 of 1,381
I am planning to try a Lyr+ with a Modhouse Tungsten and was wondering if it's possible to get any additional volume/headroom by connecting a pre-amp to my Lyr+ where the pre-amp would be feeding he sginal into my Lyr+. Anyone have any experience using the Lyr+ with a pre-amp to give it more power? Is this even safe to do? I am thinking about hooking up a Violetric V281 to it and running it as the preamp to the Lyr+..
Not sure about the answer to your pre amp query, but i'm guesstimating the Lyr+ will be putting out around 1.3-1.5W minimum (possibly going as high as 1.8W, if the scales from 450mW@600ohm to 900mW@300ohm are quite linear) into the tungsten @150ish ohm (Double Sided is different impedance to Single, as i'm sure you know - i've gone somewhere between them both). Won't that be enough?

Appreciated they are hard to drive, but 1.5W-ish is still a fair amount of power. No idea of the current requirements/output of either ends, though. If it's 1.5W-ish with substantial current, i would have thought it'd be fine

That said, this is all guesstimation and i certainly am no expert on this matter
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Jan 24, 2024 at 2:27 PM Post #1,180 of 1,381
Not sure about the answer to your pre amp query, but i'm guesstimating the Lyr+ will be putting out around 1.3-1.5W minimum (possibly going as high as 1.8W, if the scales from 450mW@600ohm to 900mW@300ohm are quite linear) into the tungsten @150ish ohm (Double Sided is different impedance to Single, as i'm sure you know - i've gone somewhere between them both). Won't that be enough?

Appreciated they are hard to drive, but 1.5W-ish is still a fair amount of power. No idea of the current requirements/output of either ends, though. If it's 1.5W-ish with substantial current, i would have thought it'd be fine

That said, this is all guesstimation and i certainly am no expert on this matter
I've seen someone comment that they maxed out volume on the Lyr+ with a tungsten and it just didn't have enough head-room. Now.. I'm not sure if that's normal or if there was something weird at play.. but I am thinking ahead. In general, I should probably wait on ordering a V281 and see if I'm happy with the Lyr and EF400 combo that I have right now but I'm just trying to come up with ideas on how I could increase volume to my Lyr so I don't run into a head-room problem. I really love this amp and would like very much to see how it pairs with the Tungsten. You would think that 1.5W+ would be enough but the Tungsten is has such a low sensitivity to it that I just don't know if that will be enough.
Jan 24, 2024 at 2:38 PM Post #1,181 of 1,381
I've seen someone comment that they maxed out volume on the Lyr+ with a tungsten and it just didn't have enough head-room. Now.. I'm not sure if that's normal or if there was something weird at play.. but I am thinking ahead. In general, I should probably wait on ordering a V281 and see if I'm happy with the Lyr and EF400 combo that I have right now but I'm just trying to come up with ideas on how I could increase volume to my Lyr so I don't run into a head-room problem. I really love this amp and would like very much to see how it pairs with the Tungsten. You would think that 1.5W+ would be enough but the Tungsten is has such a low sensitivity to it that I just don't know if that will be enough.
Wait for the tungsten to arrive if can, like you say, and see if all is well. Alternatively, and providing someone responds here that Lyr+ will scale up a bit with pre amp, the V281 is calling you - even i can hear it. Buy it, you know you wanna haha
Jan 24, 2024 at 3:03 PM Post #1,182 of 1,381
If the Tungsten is as hard or harder to drive than the susvara, you might max out the LYR+ like I did with the Sus. I'm mainly using my own collection on VLC at 100% and that might be the problem. Some services like Deezer output at higher volume than my hard drive collection, so you might not run into that problem with those. Let us know !
Jan 24, 2024 at 3:43 PM Post #1,183 of 1,381
If the Tungsten is as hard or harder to drive than the susvara, you might max out the LYR+ like I did with the Sus. I'm mainly using my own collection on VLC at 100% and that might be the problem. Some services like Deezer output at higher volume than my hard drive collection, so you might not run into that problem with those. Let us know !
It's harder to drive than Sus. They have similar sensitivity levels but the Sus is set @64ohms vs @150-155 for the Tungsten so it's trickier to get enough juice to it. If the Lyr+ maxes out w/Sus then it will definitely max on Tungsten due to how power/voltage scales. It really does sound like I will need a V281 to drive this thing or I'll have to settle on my EF400 amp section. Looks like the V281 will be on order soon lol.
Jan 24, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #1,184 of 1,381
Not sure why people keep saying they max the Lyr+ out on Sus. That is not my experience. With volume set to around 2 o’clock for a normal listening level, I get satisfying soundstage, detail, clarity, and - at least for me - sufficient bass. Bass slam is probably the only part I can imagine easily bettered. Vol at around 3 is about as loud as I’d want, and past 3 is too much/hearing destroying level. Yet, I’ve not heard any distortion creep in at either level.

That said, I’ve not experienced amps like Envy, WA23 etc. so I don’t doubt at all there’s more to be had at higher tiers/price levels. When I followed that path on my main system, I definitely saw that in action. But that’s also not to say that a very satisfying experience can’t be had with the Lyr/Sus. It can.
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