Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread
Jan 16, 2024 at 7:23 PM Post #1,156 of 1,381
I think I remember you from the HEDDphone thread. It's too bad you don't still have that, it would be interesting to see how your findings with the Lyr+ compare to mine.
Did pick up another HEDDphone One(!) and am currently [and very much] enjoying it with the LYR+.
Am running the LYR+ with a Philips JAN 6SN7WGTA. Have adapters, more 6SN7, 6J5 and 6922 tubes on hand, too.
Jan 16, 2024 at 7:37 PM Post #1,157 of 1,381
Did pick up another HEDDphone One(!) and am currently [and very much] enjoying it with the LYR+.
Am running the LYR+ with a Philips JAN 6SN7WGTA. Have adapters, more 6SN7, 6J5 and 6922 tubes on hand, too.
Tubes 'n tunes: all you need! 😀
Jan 16, 2024 at 8:04 PM Post #1,158 of 1,381
Did pick up another HEDDphone One(!) and am currently [and very much] enjoying it with the LYR+.
Am running the LYR+ with a Philips JAN 6SN7WGTA. Have adapters, more 6SN7, 6J5 and 6922 tubes on hand, too.

Yeah it does well with the Lyr+. It doesn't especially benefit from it compared to my SS amp (Corda Classic w/Sparkos Labs stuff inside) so I usually just save my tube and run it off the Classic, but it's not a bad match by any means. The Arya Stealth shows much more of a difference, with the Lyr+ having a notable improvement in stage depth and separation.
Jan 18, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #1,160 of 1,381
After comparing the Psvane 6SN7-SE Tennis Ball to the Linlai E-6SN7 Globe-Balloon, I’ve decided to stick with the Psvane solely due to the brighter tuning of my headphones. The Psvane is a warmer sounding, mid range and low end emphasized tube. The Linlai is definitely more impressive for the space and air it provides. If I had warmer headphones I would definitely stick with the Linlai. I’ve put it up for sale in the Classifieds section if anyone here is interested.
Jan 18, 2024 at 4:46 PM Post #1,162 of 1,381
Jan 18, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #1,163 of 1,381
@Deyan will custom-make a quality 2x 6J5-to-6SN7 adapter with a base/stem long enough to reach the [recessed] LYR+ socket.

Otherwise, the cheap(er) route would be:

>a socket saver/extender:

>coupled with the adapter:|enc:AQAIAAABgHD%2FO%2BVoFoPPIoZ2g0kOZxWd85mWuIHekSp3qag7zFfwObZeQoitzE%2FDCfcejfO%2BzOLmzZmy11RrgWpA56KM9DpasK%2BGtGYwCFvgaK6ijP5AqShEUhT8f2oX6hvndJ3G0oWH8DD1DlBWseQltpxcSDW2Uu52NrseaxeINpsrDP6vx7ny%2BkPKauMa3yeSanWiijNhI6ogkeoF28YN9scAqsfkr4TEWZrvEXwvWz6W6GhlM6234Pz04cXInLNdMoX%2F0xXErR36KqD8yz3CcPSckFky3b7X1luiN1kJrct%2BmKOkHVs2yWe1GHxSRGltYidOQ4ioS9YEvjFe0deJMIFWBoKpoQSCVN9CVKZM1Y%2BbCUJe3yB7Wiqe%2BZ%2BHfraMbmY7dN0ZNLG5uAKbb4OMidY8F8EVHV%2Fi5iz9B3gHv1UK%2B5%2BWKNt21bc0azEPpwzxi21py6GDYRbW8DJ8qL%2BlgclAeGw0NQWB8mGvV0A6Xy3VCo1aQtiEn28X1dX5phJvr%2FXYvQ%3D%3D|ampid:pL_CLK|clp:4429486
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Jan 18, 2024 at 6:57 PM Post #1,164 of 1,381
Am quite enjoying the HEDDphone One/LYR+ pairing this evening.

Maybe these Sylvania 6J5s are finally breaking in(?).

D400EX PCM Filter set at "Super Slow" and Sound Colour set at "3".

Really good recordings/transfers help, too!

Fun(ny), this hobby . . . :hugging:
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Jan 19, 2024 at 3:20 PM Post #1,165 of 1,381
Just swapped out the LYR+ for the LYR 3, keeping everything else in the equipment chain exactly the same.
Seems like a more efficient/effective power delivery from the LYR 3, with both the HEDDphone One and the MM-500.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 12:00 on the volume dial for the MM-500 [18ohms/100dB]; with the LYR 3, Low gain and about 10:00 on the volume dial.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 2:15 on the volume dial for the HEDDphone One [42ohms/87dB; with the LYR 3, High gain and about 11:00 on the volume dial.
The LYR 3 seems to have a lot better grip on the drivers as well. Everything [on both headphones] sounds weightier, more spry, more expansive and more dynamic.
The LYR 3 also sounds more natural and with a more musical pulse with the aforementioned headphones.
. . . am a bit puzzle, to be honest [both the 3 and the + are rated at 4.0W into 50ohms/6.0W into 32ohms].
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Jan 19, 2024 at 3:54 PM Post #1,166 of 1,381
Yeah it does well with the Lyr+. It doesn't especially benefit from it compared to my SS amp (Corda Classic w/Sparkos Labs stuff inside) so I usually just save my tube and run it off the Classic, but it's not a bad match by any means. The Arya Stealth shows much more of a difference, with the Lyr+ having a notable improvement in stage depth and separation.
Just swapped in the LYR 3 and the HEDDphone One are a substantially different [and substantially better-sounding] beast! Alive, punchy, expansive, dynamic . . .
. . . .still trying to figure out why(???) . . . but I'll take it! :blush:
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Jan 19, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #1,167 of 1,381
Just swapped out the LYR+ for the LYR 3, keeping everything else in the equipment chain exactly the same.
Seems like a more efficient/effective power delivery from the LYR 3, with both the HEDDphone One and the MM-500.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 12:00 on the volume dial for the MM-500 [18ohms/100dB]; with the LYR 3, Low gain and about 10:00 on the volume dial.
With the LYR+, High gain and about 2:15 on the volume dial for the HEDDphone One [42ohms/87dB; with the LYR 3, High gain and about 11:00 on the volume dial.
The LYR 3 seems to have a lot better grip on the drivers as well. Everything [on both headphones] sounds weightier, more spry, more expansive and more dynamic.
The LYR 3 also sounds more natural and with a more musical pulse with the aforementioned headphones.
. . . am a bit puzzle, to be honest [both the 3 and the + are rated at 4.0W into 50ohms/6.0W into 32ohms].
Something seems off with the lyr+ in high at the same volume my more power hungry dca e3 are very loud. I have to turn them down a bit.
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:04 PM Post #1,168 of 1,381
Volume-matched, the LYR+ does sound excellent: transparent, detailed, resolving, but simply buttoned down compared with the more raw and unexpurgated LYR 3.
I guess I just hadn't listened to the 3 in a while--and this was, I think, the first time with the D400EX as well. Coupled with the HEDDphone, the differences in presentation between the LYRs came into the most dramatic relief ever for me.
Ironically, this was going to be my "farewell listen" with the LYR 3 before [re]posting them for sale.
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Jan 19, 2024 at 8:15 PM Post #1,169 of 1,381
I think I'll try the HEDDphone on the Lyr+ in SS mode tonight just to see what happens.

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