Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 21, 2024 at 4:59 PM Post #144,421 of 165,153
Finnegan meet "Little Man" sons cat...
That's Little Man looking at Finnegan saying: "You do WHAT again with tubes?!?!?"
Mar 21, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #144,424 of 165,153
Mar 21, 2024 at 5:52 PM Post #144,426 of 165,153
Some of you were kind enough to enquire after me during my 3-month absence from Head-Fi and were kind enough to welcome me back upon my return. I have recovered enough to share with you what I have learned during my adventures.

1. The fruit of the Paw Paw Tree is considered a delicacy but contains a neurotoxin that can cause Nausea and Vomiting in susceptible individuals. The episodes can be severe and can last over 17 hours. It is important to rehydrate between episodes of nausea and vomiting with World Health Organization Oral Rehydration Fluid or you will be forced to the hospital for IV fluids. It is important to watch for lack of urine output. Once the vomiting stops, jaundice can set in, luckily this only lasts a few days. Even in nonsusceptible people, heavy consumption of the fruit can lead to early Parkinson's Disease.

2. Influenza and food poisoning together can present with symptoms similar to Norovirus, leading to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.

3. Influenza can flare asthma.

4. Doctors make the worst patients.

5. Self treatment of asthma and inappropriate avoidance of systemic steroids can lead to high intrathoracic pressure, causing decrease in cardiac output. This can lead to your spouse finding you passed out on the floor.

6. Subsequently awaking in the hospital with your spouse threatening you with certain death.

7. Self Loathing, when you realize that the low cardiac out led to mild rhabdomyolysis.

8. Systemic steroids can interfere with your sleep and make you lose muscle mass.

9. Recovery requires rest. A lot of it. 10 hours a night plus a 2 hour nap for about 2 weeks followed by 10 hours of sleep per night for 3 weeks

Hopefully everyone(me) will have learned something from all this.

Glad you are on the recovery road, and glad you are back with us!
Mar 21, 2024 at 5:52 PM Post #144,427 of 165,153
I mean, come on. How did they expect you to know; your gauges didn't work!

I am in my early fourties. I've been driving cars for close to 25 years. I have one speeding ticket. 29kph in a 25kph zone, which is one kph above the x+3kph threshold below which they can't really write you a ticket. That was about 22 or 23 years ago. I'm still angry about it. F'ing Germans… 😒

And no, I don't drive like a grandma; grandmas drive like I do. 😏

Uh, maybe you do. I got my first speeding ticket in my first year of driving and have proudly received another on average of every 2 years. I must finally be slowing down at 72 because I haven't got a ticket in almost 4 years now. I'll have to work to resolve that oversight!
Mar 21, 2024 at 6:26 PM Post #144,428 of 165,153
7 shelves. The base shelf 1" brass for stability. Rekker, Rekker, Modi, Loki, Sys, Magni, Vali. Monoblock and choice of SS or valve.

But that's just me... ,:wink:
lol not exactly the build I had in mind.
Mar 21, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #144,429 of 165,153
It looks great @Paladin79 ! Thanks so much! I am looking forward to the next piece for my father. LPs will be ordered for you and I will PM you the tracking.
Mar 21, 2024 at 6:33 PM Post #144,431 of 165,153
It looks great @Paladin79 ! Thanks so much! I am looking forward to the next piece for my father. LPs will be ordered for you and I will PM you the tracking.
I am glad you received it and look forward to the LP’s. 🤪
Mar 21, 2024 at 6:47 PM Post #144,433 of 165,153
You Schiit condo is morphing into a Schiit housing project----an we know how that goes.
I believe @bcowen only needs five shelves, his should be simple and elegant.🤪

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