Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 23, 2024 at 10:29 PM Post #140,716 of 154,563
Yeah, Big Bend is pretty darn awesome!
Feb 23, 2024 at 10:34 PM Post #140,717 of 154,563
There's no roast date, just best before date. It's still a commodity single origin beans. Because of that it costs a rather reasonable $10 USD / 340g. Most specialty coffee stores would price them at $20 or more (Sey Coffee for example sells a geisha single origin at $25 on average for 250g bag). I just showed one that sells 100% Kona Coffee from a Hawaiian farm for $50 USD for 225g (5x the price). Speaking of light roast coffee, this costco one is unbeatable in the price/taste ratio, but you do pay for quality roasting through a specialty coffee store against a high volume yield light roast profile.
Usually here in Oz, the best before on commercial beans is 1 year after the roast date. YMMV
Of course none of it matters either, we should all be lucky enough to have what we enjoy!
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Feb 23, 2024 at 10:37 PM Post #140,718 of 154,563
Yggy is a complex system with a complex power supply. It takes space/volume to package that. Yggy does not compete with compact sized products.
I'm reading this to mean that Schiit could extend the height of it's cases, so do a Bifrost-sized width but maybe double the height to make room for... whatever. I've heard comments from Jason of "no room for a choke" or whatnot, and it seems to me that there's plenty of real estate available if Schiit built up instead of out. At least I assume there could be. 🤷‍♂️
Feb 23, 2024 at 10:45 PM Post #140,719 of 154,563
What are you playing tonight?

I'm finishing a 10 year Henry McKenna BiB Single Barrel while playing Wagner's Rienzi via Magni Unity and Rekkr. This little setup is unbelievable, I think they're going be sending me a lot of packages this year. You could say I've got the Schiitz.
Now this is my kind of post. A helluva good dram and some great music. :thumbsup:
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:17 PM Post #140,720 of 154,563
My son gave us a new side by side Samsung and after warranty period the water dispenser still freezes up every month or so, after five repair trips. We have a washer and dryer I bought at an auction 30 years ago and other than minor repairs they still function to this day. Friends have been fortunate to get 5 years out of modern versions.
I'm convinced most things are designed and manufactured to fail just outside of their warranty period in order to encourage 'upgrading' and repeat sales. Slimy business practice, if you ask me. 💢

This makes companies like Schiit stand out like almost-unbelievable beacons of light.
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:17 PM Post #140,721 of 154,563
Now this is my kind of post. A helluva good dram and some great music. :thumbsup:
I went to an audio store that gave complimentary (strong!) drink to prospective customers. When I asked "Why?" they said it put people in a buying mood.

So, @sixergixer, what music do you play in the distillery to put the public in a buying mood? :wink:
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Feb 23, 2024 at 11:22 PM Post #140,722 of 154,563
Correct. But some LIKE IT that way. Let ‘em live… In my house, I drink it black. But I offer sugar, stevia, and other things in coloured packets, as well as cubes and demerara simple syrup (which I use at the bar). Each to their own.

Edit: I feel like I was doing the “I’m so great…” thing, and that wasn’t my intent. i just want people to enjoy their drinks, and whatever they want to put in or on them. Some of us like cardboard, after all!
And Carolans. Don’t forget the Carolans. :relaxed:
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:22 PM Post #140,723 of 154,563
Breakfast of the day: egg drop soup with Nespresso Aeroccino frother and my crappy latte art haha

I'm pretending to see a rabbit walking away from me instead of... something else.
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:28 PM Post #140,724 of 154,563
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:41 PM Post #140,725 of 154,563
So, @sixergixer, what music do you play in the distillery to put the public in a buying mood? :wink:
Well, since you ask .....
🤪🤣 🥃🥃🥃
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:49 PM Post #140,726 of 154,563
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:53 PM Post #140,727 of 154,563
The Breville machines with the 58mm (what's that for you US of A folks... 2 5/16"?) porta filter are pretty great machines in their price bracket. I've had the OG Breville Dual Boiler now for about 14 years, still banging along with a regular service to keep it going. I have the separate grinder.

Very true! In fact, I just pitched a 17 year old Bose speaker system I had connected to my computer because the pin from one of the RCA connectors for the speaker cable broke off inside the receptacle and I ended up just pushing it farther into the box. When I pulled the back plate off to see what would be involved in replacing that connector, I see that the circuit board is completely epoxied to the heatsink it was mounted to, with RTV around everything else. I understand immobilizing things because of vibration since the enclosure housed the subwoofer too, but that was ridiculous. I didn't want to spend the time Dremeling out the board from the epoxy and causing more damage in doing so. So, I ended up buying a new set of studio monitors and driving them with the pre-outs from my Jotunheim 2!

In the past I've pulled lease-return laptops and servers out of the recycle bin and dropped in some spare memory and they booted just fine. An SSD and 16Gb RAM later for the laptops, and spare harvested memory and drives for the server, and there's a perfectly working i7 laptop or multi-purpose server. One laptop is still running my HomeSense server, another is my general-purpose laptop for when I need one. I keep my new work laptop for strictly work purposes.

Far too many things are disposed of prematurely. The culture of replacing things when something fails is extremely wasteful, but the drive for recurring revenue, quarterly profits and "shareholder value/executive bonuses" are major drivers of this culture of waste, including the design of newer appliances and electronics that are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to repair.
My legion of cast off android phones, in self built cradles, serve as my many windowed cameras. Fed, by wifi to a cast off PC repurposed to chrome.
Feb 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM Post #140,728 of 154,563
Now this is my kind of post. A helluva good dram and some great music. :thumbsup:
It’s sort of a “kill the messenger thing,“ but I wanted to MURDER Minnick in 2019 when he announced it as best in show. I’d quietly been enjoying it for cheap, consistently for a LONG time. Now it’s unobtainium.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 12:06 AM Post #140,729 of 154,563
Lol! The Kenmore washer and dryer I have were my mom's and I got them from her when she sold the house I grew up in. She bought them new back around 1980. I had to replace the coupler between the washer motor's driveshaft and the drum a couple years ago, but otherwise, they're both still running fine.
Replaced the Samsung washer ($2300) with another Samsung washer ($1700), to go with the Samsung dryer. The first washer lasted 7 years. (Remember when washers lasted 15+ years?)

LG Fridge, ($2800), failed in the first year. Lowe's replaced with my choice (Samsung unit). Samsung failed in 6 years (with many problems beforehand).

Replaced with a Whirlpool fridge. Love it. No more Korean appliances for me.
Feb 24, 2024 at 12:14 AM Post #140,730 of 154,563
I went to an audio store that gave complimentary (strong!) drink to prospective customers. When I asked "Why?" they said it put people in a buying mood.

So, @sixergixer, what music do you play in the distillery to put the public in a buying mood? :wink:
Precisely because I have no control over it, it is usually a weird blend of pop country, pop indy, and... other pop stuff. I roll my eyes constantly.

Now, find your way out to the Blending House and you're as apt to find me blasting classical, jazz, prog-rock, Scandinavian black metal, doom/sludge, electronic, or even the rare hip-hop album as you are anything else. Just no country, and no reggae, and probably not much pop except for Caroline Polacheck because she is wonderfully weird, and she produces her own schiit.

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