Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:28 PM Post #136,891 of 155,166
I had a client once, a large Swiss/German aerospace supplier, who supplied all kinds of different parts and assemblies for all kinds of different manufacturers, including both, Boeing and Airbus. I wish I could (publicly) retell the stories they told me about the sometimes stark contrast in engineering philosophies between Boeing and Airbus. But I'd rather not, for legal reasons… 🤣

Lack of redundancy isn't an issue with either company. At least not as far as I'm aware of.

Let's just say that one of them likes to solve all kinds of problems (real ones, potential ones, imagined ones) by throwing ever more technology at it, while the other prefers to solve certain things by relying on proven physics and reduction in complexity.

Both approaches have their benefits and downsides, obviously. But personally, after having heard those stories, I generally feel safer while traveling in products made by one of them, slightly less so in products made by the other.

That's the engineering side of things, mind you. Manufacturing, though, that's an entirely different story…
I enjoy listening to my brother complain and cuss out the drawings he is dealing with as a tool and die engineer for the aerospace plastics. His company supplies both Airbus and Boeing planes (along with Embraer and ...) and he very quickly found which OEM's drawings he prefers.
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:30 PM Post #136,893 of 155,166
I am reminded though someone on here asked me about making them a breadboard when I was super busy, so if that person will speak up I will see what I can do next week when my shop is not like a walk in freezer.
Ooooh. Pick me, pick me ....


* I all seriousness though, someone else closer geographically. Shipping to Oz would be a lot, but worse it would have to go through quarantine and fumigation/irradiation due to the bio-security requirements here (more cost, and they might wreck it)

EDIT : How do you post a GIF that works?
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Jan 19, 2024 at 7:31 PM Post #136,895 of 155,166
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:32 PM Post #136,896 of 155,166
I am on the mend. You would be surprised as to how many young nurses commented in how healthy [except for cardiac maladies] I am for my age. Of course, I did unleash my weird sense of humor on most of them.
Get well! At your age all the nurses are young, no?
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:35 PM Post #136,897 of 155,166
Elon Musk sold about $40B in Tesla stock in 2022, nearly all of which would have been subject to taxation. So between that and other income he was likely to have made, it's not a stretch to believe his tax bills came to about that much, and maybe more if you include state taxes.
Right but the 11B claim was made in 2021, iirc.
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #136,900 of 155,166
What amp(s) were you using on your Duetta Siggies before Schiit *existed*? (curious). Glad to hear that mono Vidar’s can do the trick though, as my Classe’ DR9 won’t last forever (it’s now 34 years old)…
Just another data point or two! I've had my dual Vidars since Sept 2019. Initially they were driving B&W 605S2s. Then in March 2020 I received my Magnepan LRSs and gave the B&Ws to my daughter when they got their house. Some months later I also got a pair of KEF LS50 Metas with a KC62 Sub. I alternate both sets of speakers and use the sub with each set for different flavors. With both of those speakers I've only managed to put one Vidar into protection and that was only because I was intentionally pushing them (with fingers in my ears). The OG Vidars have no problem driving those speakers. Nearly 4 years of bliss. Now I wouldn't turn down a set of Tyrs but retiring in mid-2020, traveling, moving my parents out of their home of almost a half-century, and with a 2 year old granddaughter, we thought starting her college fund was a priority! Good luck in your decision! Also, I have no experience with Vidar 2 and how it handles low impedance excursions but have not heard anyone mention much of a difference...

I can easily move the Maggies out when I want as they are only like 22 lbs before stands. My Cambridge transport has since been replace by a silver URD. That ancient small flatscreen is no longer either.

Steve Gordon HiFi - Audiophiliac 31- LRS-4659.jpg
Steve Gordon HiFi - Audiophiliac 31- LS50 Meta-4662.jpg
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:47 PM Post #136,901 of 155,166
Ooooh. Pick me, pick me ....

* I all seriousness though, someone else closer geographically. Shipping to Oz would be a lot, but worse it would have to go through quarantine and fumigation/irradiation due to the bio-security requirements here (more cost, and they might wreck it)

EDIT : How do you post a GIF that works?
I will get back to you with choices.🤪
Jan 19, 2024 at 7:59 PM Post #136,903 of 155,166
Thank you very much. I hope to recover to my baseline snarkiness and usual indifference within a few days. This process may be expedited by the application of a catalyst of highly rated Melz 1578 and similar NOS devices by the likes of certain generous individuals that will remain anonymous.
We wouldn't want you any other way. :slight_smile:
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:02 PM Post #136,904 of 155,166
I enjoy listening to my brother complain and cuss out the drawings he is dealing with as a tool and die engineer for the aerospace plastics. His company supplies both Airbus and Boeing planes (along with Embraer and ...) and he very quickly found which OEM's drawings he prefers.

I enjoy listening to my brother complain and cuss out the drawings he is dealing with as a tool and die engineer for the aerospace plastics. His company supplies both Airbus and Boeing planes (along with Embraer and ...) and he very quickly found which OEM's drawings he prefers.
As a former (& proud) engineer @ Boeing for 40 years, let me guess...Embraer? I have to say, they are a sharp company.
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:02 PM Post #136,905 of 155,166

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