Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 13, 2023 at 9:05 AM Post #132,856 of 154,968
Back "on topic", if you'd be so kind, could you please explain why iOS app sandboxing allegedly results in files not being easily accesible to the user?
Because users can't be trusted. I'm not saying that flippantly; that's a very common driver for some constraint (or "feature", if you prefer).

To use an analogy, if you have a dog with a hotspot, you can do one of two things. Try to train him not to lick and chew the hotspot, which requires a lot of your time, or just stick his head in a cone for a few days or weeks, where he's the one doing time. Companies are pretty much always going to use the second approach.
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Dec 13, 2023 at 9:18 AM Post #132,857 of 154,968
Maybe they just know their market.
How Apple customers see themselves:


Perhaps the view from the Apple Store is a bit different:

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Dec 13, 2023 at 9:38 AM Post #132,859 of 154,968
Hey all, a quick update on my recent surgery.
Had to have a Thymoma removed and today visited with the surgeon to find out he was able to remove with clear margin the tumor that was sitting in the thymus gland above the pericardium. (sitting on the heart basically). Pathology has confirmed it was malignant but at this stage looks to be a clear success with the surgical intervention, just requiring some regular follow ups now to ensure no re-occurrence. Fingers crossed!

To celebrate the good outcome I decided to get me some new desktop speakers -
And a pizza oven finally! Neapolitan Pizzas here we come. -
Great news!!!

Love the speakers and the pizza oven. :ok_hand:
Dec 13, 2023 at 9:48 AM Post #132,861 of 154,968
People keep asking me for my thoughts on Yggdrasil+ GS2, so here are my thoughts on the Yggy GS2 vs BF2/64 on my rig (speaker setup) with my ears and my music.

VERY initial impressions (after 5 hours of warm-up):

Yggy GS2 is more holographic and definitely has more air around instruments. Soundstage a teeny bit less wide than BF2/64 -- at least for now as it is opening up with time. Yggy GS2 soundstage is definitely deeper front-to-back placing instruments and vocalists in a 3D-like space. Bass seems to have a bit more slam, but it may just be more controlled. Highs are definitely airy and more 'pure' sounding with no trace of etch or harshness. Definitely more texture and timbre such that I could tell that what I previously thought was a metal glockenspiel was actually a vibraphone with wooden tone bars. I know this because I could actually hear the wood 'texture/tonality' underneath the note when struck. Never noticed that before on BF2/64. Live performances just sound more 'live'. I'm hearing deeper into the music and picking out things I never knew was there in tunes I've heard many, many times.

Sure, Yggy GS2 is 2x more expensive than BF2/64. Is it 2x better sounding than BF2/64? Probably not. But it is better -- revealing nuances, air, texture, and details I had not noticed previously. At this stage of the game it's all about subtleties and nuances and how much you value them, I guess. Yggy GS2 is not humiliating BF2/64, it's just a bit better in many areas and all these areas matter to me. It's a lot of little things all adding up to make this a DAC that is worth keeping over the BF2/64 -- at least for me.

** Yggy's role will be as the DAC in my speaker setup, but I'll test it with headphones this weekend.
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Dec 13, 2023 at 10:12 AM Post #132,862 of 154,968
How Apple customers see themselves:


Perhaps the view from the Apple Store is a bit different:


Baaaaaa! ...errrr... I mean "Bah!"

Apple's strength is its ecosystem and they way their devices work seamlessly together as one. Yeah, there are issues - flaky Bluetooth being my main annoyance.

But, I can run Midnight Commander - with mouse support - in Terminal (and I just noticed a /.android folder. Interesting.)!

Dec 13, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #132,864 of 154,968
Thankyou for explaining your viewpoint, I highly appreciate that. But I really don't understand why app sandboxing would necessitate a file system that isn't easily parsed by a human. Each app getting it's own folder and no access to the rest of the filesystem should not preclude that. And I don't understand why there would be any limits on what the system file manager could do with those files. The only inconvenience that logically results from sandboxing, AFAICT, is that there cannot be a third party file manager.

Then again, I'm not sure I could live with that inconvenience... maybe if the system file manager had a powerful two-pane detailed list power user mode. (Ghost Commander is the first thing I install on Android. It's a mind-blowingly good one.)

Back "on topic", if you'd be so kind, could you please explain why iOS app sandboxing allegedly results in files not being easily accesible to the user?
I find it pretty disrespectful to demand details using loaded words like “allegedly“, after a professional developer has just explained things to you.

Why in the first place does it matter under which path a podcast app saves its data? It’s transient and ephemeral, more like a cache.
Dec 13, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #132,865 of 154,968
I find it pretty disrespectful to demand details using loaded words like “allegedly“, after a professional developer has just explained things to you.

I’m sure no disrespect was intended.
Certainly none was perceived by me.

I just haven’t responded yet because I don’t really have the time right now. Maybe later this week.
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Dec 13, 2023 at 11:18 AM Post #132,866 of 154,968
People keep asking me for my thoughts on GS2, so here are my thoughts on Yggy GS2 vs BF2/64 on my rig (speaker setup) with my ears and my music.

VERY initial impressions (after 5 hours of warm-up):

Yggy GS2 is more holographic and definitely has more air around instruments. Soundstage a teeny bit less wide than BF2/64 -- at least for now as it is opening up with time. Yggy GS2 soundstage is definitely deeper front-to-back. Bass seems to have a bit more slam, but it may just be more controlled. Highs are definitely airy and more 'pure' sounding with no trace of etch or harshness. Definitely more texture and timbre, such that I could tell that what I thought was a metal glockenspiel was actually a Vibrahpone with wooden tone bars. I know this because I could actually hear the wood 'texture/tonality' underneath the note when struck. Never noticed that before on BF2/64. Live performances just sound more 'live'.

I'm hearing deeper into the music and picking out things I never knew was there in tunes I've heard many, many times. Sure, it's 2x more expensive than BF2/64, but is it 2x better sounding than BF2/64? Probably not. But it is better -- revealing nuances, air, texture and details I had not noticed. At this stage of the game, it's subtleties and nuances and how much you value them, I guess. Yggy GS2 is not humiliating BF2/64, it's just a bit better in many areas and all these areas matter to me. It's a lot of little things all adding up to make this a DAC that is worth keeping over the BF2/64 -- at least for me.

** Yggy's role will be as the DAC in my speaker setup, but I'll test it with headphones this weekend.
Nice description, glad you like it! I just had the same experience moving from an integrated amp to separates. I liked the integrated just fine, but the separates bring out more, and once you start to recognize it, it becomes a clear, if not gigantic, difference. A bit like cleaning a window that you hadn't realized was a slightly dirty.
Dec 13, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #132,867 of 154,968
Hey all, a quick update on my recent surgery.
Had to have a Thymoma removed and today visited with the surgeon to find out he was able to remove with clear margin the tumor that was sitting in the thymus gland above the pericardium. (sitting on the heart basically). Pathology has confirmed it was malignant but at this stage looks to be a clear success with the surgical intervention, just requiring some regular follow ups now to ensure no re-occurrence. Fingers crossed!

To celebrate the good outcome I decided to get me some new desktop speakers -
And a pizza oven finally! Neapolitan Pizzas here we come. -
Congratulations and best wishes moving forward

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