Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 21, 2023 at 6:53 PM Post #116,986 of 165,182
Late purchase Magni Piety just arrived.
No sticker on bottom with number as the previous one, which is 0613. No external ID except same back side information and Nitsch on the top.
The bottom case is slightly a different color. A touch less warmth to the grey.
Top appears to be the same.
Will connect and run a bit prior to any further report.
I never saw that there was a sticker on the bottom. Seems mine was #206 off the assembly line. :D
Apr 21, 2023 at 7:15 PM Post #116,987 of 165,182
Very good article on balanced, Jason!
Answered some questions I had.

Also a great review of Loki Max in May/June issue of Absolute Sound. The reviewer not only praised it many times and said everyone should have one, he went on about how we hear freqs and why we need to adjust the sound of our systems. Very informative.

But Jason, I gotta tell ya, that red full page ad is flying a hundred miles an hour over my head. I'm a simple guy, what is that ad all about?
Apr 21, 2023 at 7:26 PM Post #116,989 of 165,182
Did you request #0001? :wink:
Apr 21, 2023 at 8:16 PM Post #116,991 of 165,182
SchiitrMeet April
Syn and Atoms

Hey guys,

How can a non-standards-based surround processor be as good as the industry juggernaut, the standard, the one and only be-all and everything-is-us ATOMS?

Well, the short answer is that it can be better or worse, depending on your needs, expectations, system, preconceptions, indoctrination, etc, etc. In short, just like everything else in the world. You aren't gonna convince someone who loves scallops that filet is better, and vice-versa.

So we thought we'd do a blind listening between a real-deal Atoms system and Syn. At the Schiitr. Yeah, I know, Atoms will do like one billion channels, and we're limiting it to 5.1, but your spouse thanks us in advance. And yeah, I know, there's tons of other nervosa stuff you can do with an Atoms system, like assemble a cardboard stand for a measurement microphone that looks like a toy rocket you used to shoot off when you were 11, and create a DSP profile that will happily apply to all the nice analog input you run into the system (after it's converted by a $2 ADC, of course). But I'm cynical. Maybe Atoms will win. Maybe it will be unquestionably better. Who knows? It's not like we vet these things in advance.

So, if you're as crazy as I am, please join us at 6 PM PST on April 27 at the Schiitr in Newhall. Or you can watch a video about me talking about surround and stuff beforehand. Questions? Preferably on surround? Send them to Denise at

syn and atoms.jpg

SchiitrMeet April
Thursday, April 27, 2023

22508 Market Street
Newhall, CA 91321

Don't feel like seeing us in person? Can't make the trip from Scotland or Singapore? Please join us on Facebook or YouTube. Starts at 6. That's 18:00 for you fancy people who use 24-hour clocks, GMT-7. The video bit goes about 45 minutes.


All the best,
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 21, 2023 at 8:29 PM Post #116,992 of 165,182
Hi, anybody send in a Gungnir for an update latley? I sent it in with an expected arrival of 4/10. When you sign in they say when they get it, they email you. I asked for an update on 4/17. So far crickets. Is this typical, or should I get worried?
Apr 21, 2023 at 8:38 PM Post #116,993 of 165,182
Hi, anybody send in a Gungnir for an update latley? I sent it in with an expected arrival of 4/10. When you sign in they say when they get it, they email you. I asked for an update on 4/17. So far crickets. Is this typical, or should I get worried?
If you didn't get an immediate ticket response when emailing or, and the response isn't in your spam folder, email and let him know. We've been working out some internal spam issues.
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 21, 2023 at 9:15 PM Post #116,995 of 165,182
Also a great review of Loki Max in May/June issue of Absolute Sound. The reviewer not only praised it many times and said everyone should have one, he went on about how we hear freqs and why we need to adjust the sound of our systems. Very informative.
It was well written (as one would expect from Robert E. Greene), and quite complimentary of the design / price-performance ratio of Loki Max. Comparing it to the Cello Audio Palette EQ was... wow. Jason should be very proud of REG's recommendation. The last two paragraphs are total "money", and the comment: " automatic recommendation for every system" - no higher praise ever written in TAS, IMHO.

All I know is that I won't part with mine! It has transformed the way that I listen to the big system, and I love the fact that it converts the SE output of my phono preamp to a (real) balanced signal. What more can you ask for?

Loki Max Stack.jpeg
Apr 21, 2023 at 9:21 PM Post #116,996 of 165,182
I never saw that there was a sticker on the bottom. Seems mine was #206 off the assembly line. :D
Mine has a sticker and yours doesn't.... HA HA!

Piety SN Label.jpeg
Apr 21, 2023 at 9:34 PM Post #116,997 of 165,182
I beg to differ... 😏

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Apr 21, 2023 at 10:00 PM Post #116,999 of 165,182
If you didn't get an immediate ticket response when emailing or, and the response isn't in your spam folder, email and let him know. We've been working out some internal spam issues.
Thanks for immediate response. Nothing in my inbox or spam, so I forwarded info to Alex. I'm the original owner of my Gumby for 6.5 years. Love it.
Apr 21, 2023 at 10:04 PM Post #117,000 of 165,182
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