Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 12, 2023 at 8:41 PM Post #113,041 of 155,209
Foreigners... It doesn't get warm in TX until June. What you experienced was the dead of winter here.
haha. I did say "warm" rather than hot, to me it was great weather.
Same as back home we can get some very hot days, 40-45C (104-113F) in the summer, but the circa 30-35C (86-95F) days are just perfect.

That view might beat out the Hard 8's view of planes taking off and landing at DFW...
Agree with that. Awesome location and view.

Wasn't "Last of the Mohicans" filmed around that area?
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Mar 12, 2023 at 9:07 PM Post #113,042 of 155,209
Every time I think I have my subwoofers set up properly on my main system I do a final check using music by this guy, and then have to revisit the adjustments lol.

This is the single best article on subwoofer set up that I’ve read. Very straightforward, and no need to master REW. The section on using a 100Hz warble tone to set sub volume instead of pink noise really speeds the whole process up. I saved a PDF copy of this article in case it disappears from the web.
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Mar 12, 2023 at 9:28 PM Post #113,044 of 155,209
Interesting thought. But I do believe the contempt and disdain between the moneyed classes and those less well off were mostly rooted in this very prevalent pattern:
1. The well-informed has disdain and contempt for the ignorant.
2. The well-informed fails to differentiate between the ignorant and the uninformed, and behaves rather badly towards both. (Presumably they are uninformed about this here pattern.)
3. The uninformed develop, especially as a group, disdain and contempt and most importantly the this-comes-from-you-people-so-it-must-be-false-mentality that really creates a vicious cycle. The well-informed, even those who avoid contributing to the first two parts of this problematic pattern, get rather angry with those who react to facts with claims of falseness. Really really aggravated by those who react to truthful and correct explanations with claims of lies and subterfuge... or claims that the well-informed are fools in some way or another.

Before the internet, on the whole, we were all much more uninformed about many more aspects of professions or parts of society or parts of the world other than our own. The above problematic pattern was rampant in much larger scale. Today, we are much more in communication with each other and overall we get much more informed by the day.

Now think back to before literacy. I mean, those who read a lot end up well-informed about many things that those who don't will be uninformed about, that's still true today. When only the wealthy can afford books and tuition, what do you expect? And I'm quite sure that nobility in general were very uninformed about what it entailed to be a merchant or a farmer, this goes both ways.

The internet will probably go down as the most important invention in the history of humanity. Communication, information, it breaks down the segregation and the problems. It creates understanding. Slowly, but it is happening. I have hope that eventually, I'm talking tens of generations into the future, it will actually unite us all. I have hope for humanity! Just not in our lifetimes. Nor for the grandchildren of the currently newborn. But, you know, eventually.

(I wrote this after reading what I cited without reading any further posts, but if I've been ninja'd on this... how?)
I agree that the internet is a complete game changer for humanity. We’re still dealing with growing pains that come with this kind of evolutionary change. Some may argue it’s too much too fast or feel threatened by how small their personal world is becoming. My hope is that sharing all of this knowledge will bring about a better understanding of our world and lead to the kind of changes that continue to improve our lives.

I also have a fear. That those in power will take advantage of the knowledge to beat down the masses. Cambridge Analytica took a big step in learning personality profiles and collected a massive database of humanity. And what did it learn? That a portion of any society can be manipulated by fear. Fear of change. Fear of “them”. Fear of the other. The opiate of the masses. I only hope the other portion can learn how to counteract it.
Mar 12, 2023 at 9:29 PM Post #113,045 of 155,209
I knew that was coming. Took a little longer than I anticipated, however. * :D

* I figured you or Bill would not let this pass, but then again, Bill typically naps around this time.
I think Bill also napped through my 'Shiny Sheff' link as well
Mar 12, 2023 at 9:37 PM Post #113,046 of 155,209
I knew that was coming. Took a little longer than I anticipated, however. * :D

* I figured you or Bill would not let this pass, but then again, Bill typically naps around this time.
I was busy playing with my turtle. 🤣

Mar 12, 2023 at 9:39 PM Post #113,048 of 155,209
I think Bill also napped through my 'Shiny Sheff' link as well
I'll admit I had to read the article to see where the stainless came into play. Hadn't ever heard of Shiny Sheff before, so thanks for posting the link!
Mar 12, 2023 at 9:49 PM Post #113,049 of 155,209
Mar 12, 2023 at 10:01 PM Post #113,050 of 155,209
Mar 12, 2023 at 10:14 PM Post #113,052 of 155,209
I have Sennheiser HD650 and will say that the Valhalla 2 pairs nicely, they basically stay attached. Other high impedance headphones will also sound great, such as Beyerdynamic 250 & 600 ohm. Tube choice adds creativity.
Do not have Lyr +. Have other options. Right now: Gungnir -> single ended -> Jotunhein OG -> balanced -> Focal Eelgia. Nice. Not so much from the Valhalla 2.
The Lyr + should provide huge versatility, both in headphone choice and amp flexibility.
Both; is the correct answer :wink:

Welcome to head-fi. Sorry about your wallet.

Yes to the Lagavulan 16 & chocolates.
Thank you , sir
While Valhalla 2 has a number of benefits from its OTL configuration, it has one unusual trait for an OTL: low output impedance. It is 5.7 ohms in low-gain mode and 19.0 ohms in high-gain mode. For more typical OTLs such as Bottlehead Crack and Woo WA3, the output impedance ~ 120 to 150 ohms. In this respect, the way in which Valhalla 2 ‘controls’ the 300-ohm Sennheiser HD600 drivers more resembles that of a low impedance solid-state amplifier. EDIT: This could be an element which prompts users to perceive Valhalla 2 as being ‘not very tubey’.
And 'tubiness' would be nice.

If I were you I'd order both and eat the restocking fee on the one you like less - you're out 30 bucks but you'll have your answer. Lyr is versatile but it may not be the sound you prefer. For hearing a variety of amps, local meets, a canjam, or dealers with listening bars are good options. Maybe have bbq with @Cliffh93 in the mountains, wish I lived closer!
I'm in California, you're just a short train trip away :beerchug:
So far can't put together time to drive down to the LA area. Getting one of each has crossed my mind....

Thanks all for your replies
Mar 12, 2023 at 10:24 PM Post #113,053 of 155,209
This is the single best article on subwoofer set up that I’ve read. Very straightforward, and no need to master REW. The section on using a 100Hz warble tone to set sub volume instead of pink noise really speeds the whole process up. I saved a PDF copy of this article in case it disappears from the web.
That's good for single subwoofer integration etc.

Multiple subwoofers is both more challenging and somewhat position independent.

Commercially available via AudioKinesis SWARM system.

I've used Geddes method quite successfully (and quite time-consuming!).
Mar 12, 2023 at 10:36 PM Post #113,054 of 155,209

(I wrote this after reading what I cited without reading any further posts, but if I've been ninja'd on this... how?)
Sad thing is, and your commentary touches on this a bit, is that the philosophers between Descartes, Locke and later (early 1800s?) covered some (most? all?) of this. I'm waiting for the finale as depicted in The Machine by John W. Campbell.

Or, one can just watch the show Lost and learn it all :)

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